My Stubborn Mistress

394 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: What Game Is This?

Back to their hiding place, Charles has returned and now preparing Quinn's and Madison's attire to act like Carlisle and Marivella if necessary.

Not that long, Gen Isagawa arrived but to only pass an important message from Carlisle, and to give a letter for Marivella.

Placing the letter on the table, he explained to the three men seated around the table.

"This is the letter from Captain Carlisle for Miss Chen. The captain was deeply sad he cannot come for a talk in person."

He does witness how his brave and fearless captain shed tears after realizing; that he has to part from his love.

"Where are they?" Gen queried after he did not see the Marivella and Madison.

"Marivella left home today and Madison accompanied her," Levi responded to his question.

"Is she coming back? The Captain, they assigned him to lead the battle in the Northwest borders. But it is not only about the war, but also, to rescue Miss Isabella Bennett. What we should do now? What about our plans?"

To rescue Lady Isabella?

Quinn and Levi look at each other. They have not anticipated this to happen, most especially to Levi's part who read the two books.

"This is an important event of history, that is why Carlisle has to leave for the war. We must not stop him, " he voices out his thoughts.

"According to the book, this is the time Carlisle will rescue Isabella Bennett, and so we must not meddle to this battle, as it was written in the history," he added.

But he could also perceive that there is a change since a prince from Korea appeared. Now, how they will take place of their plans?

Madison, she must know the situation. They have another matter they must deal with. It will be a tough decision for them all.

"So then, if we impose, the result of the captain's effort will only lead to a greater war? With this, it takes a longer time before he will see Miss Chen again? But, can we just allow Marivella and Carlisle separate like this?" Gen queried.

"This is necessary, as I understood, they have to separate from each other so then, Carlisle will marry Isabella once Marivella is gone. After then, the Newfound Land expedition!"

"You are correct, Charles. But our primary problem, we cannot hide Marivella by ourselves, the time comes, and we would go back to our real-time."

"We cannot watch her for a longer time, this is a problem when we go back to the future, brother Quinn."

They never look at this matter. They only think about stopping Marivella to sail to Korea, but they never think after.

"Master Quinn! I have an idea!"

"Go ahead, Gen."

"Lisa?" Quinn and Levi said at once. Gazing at Gen, they could see that he was blushing. Now it intrigued them to meet this girl.

In the middle of their conversation, a horse's footsteps approaching and then the horse whinnying upon its stopped.

Gen came to the door to find out who was it. He rushes back to inform them.

"Nothing to worry, it was just Miss Carlene who returned!"

"Is she alone? Where is Marivella?"

Outside, Madison quickly jumps off the horse the moment it stopped. She then rushes inside and calls out Quinn.


"Madison? What happens?"

Quinn asked when he noticed that she came back alone. Meeting her in the hallway, Madison wearing a troubled face.

"Papa, the prince took her! He will sail back to Korea tonight!"

"What do you mean, Madison? This can't be! First, Carlisle sent to the war, and now Marivella? What do we do, brother Quinn?"

"It means, them to separate ways at this time of their lives..."

"How could you say that, Papa? She's in danger! That man is from the future, like us!"

"What did you say?"

"Yes. If I hadn't seen his wristwatch, I would not have a conclusion that he is not from this era."

"No way, brother Quinn! Is this mean, that truly, it is one of Cassie's cousins?"

"Wait a minute, Levi. Are you saying, that they could travel time too? Like mama and me?"

"It sounded, more like it."

"Then we must create a new plan."

"But how we could do that? Captain Carlisle cannot help us now, but only us."

"What? Why?" Madison noticed that Carlisle wasn't here, but only Gen Isagawa.

Gen retold Madison about what he'd share to Quinn, Charles, and Levi.

"So this is that time around. Then, we must take place the plan without him."

"But we still need more people to work with, those we could trust at this confidential matter."

"Charles, what can you suggest?" asked Quinn of his opinion. "Do you know someone we could ask for?"

"Hmm… I could trust him. That's it! I know one!"

"And I know someone too!"

"That's good, Gen. If the Prince will sail tonight, then we must rescue Isabella before they could sail further from the port."

"Let us kidnap her tonight from the ship and take her away from here. We must hide Marivella, away from that man somewhere he cannot find her."

Madison attempt to focus on listening to a discussion. However, her mind was occupied with other things...

'If Captain Carlisle left to rescue Lady Isabella, then this will leads to their marriage?' Madison concluded inside her head. She is a little confused but trying to understand and weigh things. From here on, is the separate ways of her parents?

Then, how about the child Marivella carrying right now? Could she even get the answer? She's afraid now, to go back to the present life without unveiling this truth.

* * *

That day, they finalized their new plans. Charles and Gen left to fetch the people they believe could help with their plans.

After an hour and a half, Charles returned with a tall, bulky man. He introduced him to Levi and Quinn, who was like seeing a ghost. It is someone they knew in the future. Meisha!

"Aleksi, I want you to meet my good friends, Henry and Edward." Charles introduces them to each other.

"Wow. My eyes must play on me," Levi mumbles and Quinn elbowed him.

"How are you?" Quinn stretched his hand, and Perrie took it.

"I am good. Please to meet you, Monsieur." Politely, Aleksi or Meisha bowed.

That Russian accent. Quinn smirked under his fake beards. It is Meisha, no doubts.

"Just call me, Henry. There is no need for a formality."

Meisha smiled then accept sit to the chair that offers him. A woman places a mug of coffee to the table in front of him. He thanked her, but the eyes did not leave her.

Charles and Levi cough at once, pretending they were clearing their throats. Madison rolled her eyes, and Quinn shook his head. These men are overreacting.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude, but she seems familiar to me," Meisha explained.

"Have you seen her at the Korean port?" asked Madison.

Nodding, Meisha replied. "Yes, I saw a woman boarding the Korean ship. I was just curious. You have the same eyes, at first look. But I realized, your eye color is different."

"Good, that you remember her."

"I often see her around. She also helps us out before when my mother is ill."

"Great! She is the one we will kidnap tonight."

"Pardon?" Meisha baffled to this idea he hears at the moment. "Kidnap?" he burst out after his brain has done processing the information inside his head.

"We have to rescue her before they could sail out tonight."

"Kidnap? Rescue? What really is?" Confused, written on his face, twitching his forehead, he tilted his head on the side.

"I don't understand."

"We have to kidnap Marivella to save her from execution."

"What execution?" curious he is, but he needs an explanation.

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