My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 89 Paris 1

"Listen, I want you to go to this place, Cassie," Lydia pointing out the address she wrote on that piece of paper. "Don't forget to buy everything on that list."

Lydia shoves another piece of paper to her hand. She is 12 years old by then and just arrived in this foreign land a few months ago. She has no idea how to get there but her uncle Martin brought her in that store twice already.

"Remember, if you won't go, you will sleep alone tonight." Mimie threatened her, she is two years older than her.

Cassie looks up to the sky, the clouds are forming, and loomed to rain sooner. She wore two layers of clothing to protect her from the cold weather of this country.

She rode the bus that has the same written its name on the paper she is holding. She recognized it was the same bus she and her uncle Martin ride before. She tried to remember the streets, and the place they have stopped but looked like she was lost now.

Cassie gathers some courage to talk to the bus driver, and she showed him the address.

"Oh, we already passed that street," the bus driver said with his French accent. "You have to walk now."

The bus driver stops the bus. He opens the door and said, "I'll drop you here, then just walk back to that street, okay?"

Cassie just nodded and thanked him. She sighed watching the bus now leaving. Alright, she will just have to walk back. She tried to look for that street but it's been an hour have passed and she could still not find it. Now the sky is getting darker.

She sits on the sidewalk. She observes the crowd and tries to listen if someone speaks her language or at least, just an English speaker. She looks around where has many café stores on that Avenue. She studied what kind of people they are, she found a family, and the wife is talking over her phone speaking English. A hope shone on her face.

She waited for her until she finishes talking on the phone before she approaches her.

"Excuse me. Can I ask if where is this place?" Cassie showed the address.

"Oh. Have you lost?" she asked.

She nodded. The lady speaks to her husband who was a French.

"My husband said he will make a map for you. From this road, you will go left in that corner." The lady pointed somewhere.

Cassie listens to the lady's instructions. She thanked them after, then left immediately. Now rain showers began pouring from the sky.

She began running when she bumped into someone. She looks up at the man and he was like frozen. He looks very shocked and like seeing a ghost or something. But she was in a hurry so she ignores him.

She resumes walking and run sometimes… finally, she found the pastry store, and it was located in a secluded corner from the main street. Still, the store attracts a lot of patrons just coming to buy, because it was the best in the city.

Mimie supposed to accompany her, but she was telling her mom that she doesn't feel well and Lydia believes it. She was now going back to the street she comes from but she was lost again. She tried to take another street when the rain pours heavily.

She runs and took shelter, waiting for the rain to calm. Then, another two children join her in. She observed them carefully and noticed, the older boy is shivering.

Cassie took off her coat and gives it to the boy. He was surprised but accepts it and said thank you in French. She somehow understands that already.

But when she began finding that street where has a bus station, two French teenagers blocked her way. If not because of that man, probably they have taken the sweets and the money.

She was happy, the owner is so kind, he gave her a 50% discount as he knew his uncle, plus he also gives her another bread for free.

When she arrives back to their apartment, her aunt Lydia warned her not to tell Martin about this evening because Lydia has been spoken by her uncle to never let her wander outside.

Yet, her aunt Lydia still sending her out to shop in the nearby stores which she doesn't mind anymore because she has a chance to wander around the lovers' city.

She kept a few bucks every time she was sent out to. People somehow are fond of her, giving discounts even the receipts showing the regular prices. So she keeps the money instead.

After she saves up enough, she bought a map showing every corner of Paris and a booklet about France. She began studying every street and tourist spots of the city, but only the closest she could wander for a while.

She often passing that street where a group of kids hanging around and they were practicing skateboarding and biking stunts. She was actually amazed by those. And today, someone caught her peeking.

"Hey!" a boy call out her.

She immediately leaves that corner but the boy follows her. He's talking to her but she doesn't understand him.

"Wait! You're not speaking French?" he asked in English. She paused and turn around, then she nodded.

"Alright. You've been passing this place since a few days ago. You want to try?"

She gives him a confused expression.

"The skateboarding, if you like to play."

She shook her head.

"Are you mute?"

"Am not!"

"Oh my gosh! You're a girl!?" he burst out.

"Of course I am…"

"Why you cut your hair that way!?" he looks very shocked.

Cassie doesn't know either. She turns around and marched away from him.

"Wait up! I am Levi! What is your name?"

She looks up at him and stares at the hand he is stretching towards her.

"Young Master!"

"Oh, Shit! My bodyguards notice I wasn't home!" he laughs then run away.

"I'll get your name, tomorrow!" he shouted at her.

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