My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 110


Chapter 134 I guessed the plot

Turn this ice and fire.All the profound meanings of Jiuzhongtian were taught to the genius lemon. You will learn it once, and how to say it, at least Xu Mo feels that she has done perfect and impeccable, and she will definitely have endless potential in the future... Just the first contact, just put it All the characteristics of this ice and fire and the unique refreshing point of this profound meaning are incisively inspired.

In the last repetition, her warm little mouth kept sucking, and her little tongue kept licking, the lollipop finally couldn't stand it, melted into hot milk, and slid into the lemon's mouth full to be accepted by her. .

"Hmm..." Lemon felt a little bit choked, resisting his cough, grabbed a special container from his side, rushed to the bathroom, and came out after a while. It seems that the research materials she needs have been Carefully put it away.

Xu Mo feels comfortable on her own, but Lori... is still a little... how to say?Generally, girls who do this kind of thing, even if they take the initiative, are somewhat shy or ambiguous, right?But the lemon was still the same. He glanced at Xu Mo calmly and said, "What are you doing? Why are you staring at me all the time."

Xu Mo quickly shook his head to deny.

"I'm leaving. Tomorrow I will write a 30,000-character Ice Fire. Jiuzhongtian will give it to me, and I will study and use it." She packed her things, and moved her little feet wrapped in white silk stockings to leave the room.

This may be the first time a student assigns homework to the teacher.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, her eyes seemed to specifically not want to sweep Xu Mo's body, but deliberately stared at other places, and said casually: "Next time, try Desert Storm or Crystal Love it."

I don't know why, although the tone has not changed, it is so calm as water, but the more I speak, the lower the voice.

Xu Mo, who was now distracted under the bed, couldn't hear clearly, and was stunned: "Huh? What?"

Seeing Xu Mo's reaction, Lemon suddenly became angry again, and walked away with little feet without looking back, "Just forget it."

But as soon as she walked to the door, she heard a knock on the door again, and Ye Wange's faint voice came: "Teacher, are you asleep?"

Okay, the plot should be like this. Xu Mo will no longer feel surprised and panicked. It is almost a waste of Xu Mo. Rather, it would be strange if the plot is not like this now.

Lemon's reaction speed is extremely fast, like an agile kitten, it quickly got into the bottom of the black hole, and it seems that it has already figured out the distribution of several people under the bed, so fast to get in, there is no harm. They bumped into each other.

Moreover, I saw a few people hidden under the bed, and did not give any surprised reaction, that is, looked at everyone lightly, nodded, and continued to play with the bottle of mysterious liquid in my hand, as if showing off to others. Child with toys.

Xu Mo helplessly opened the door to Ye Diele and let her enter the room.

Even if Xu Mo is a pig, after experiencing all the twists and turns, he even guessed the plot clearly.

Actively stepped forward and pressed the unprepared Ye Elegy onto the soft big bed, making Ye Elegy a little panicked for a while.

"Ah...? Teacher? How..."

"Elegy, did you come to me for double repair?"

Seeing that Xu Mo suddenly guessed what he was coming from, Ye Elegy, who had just been close to Xu Mo, was a little bit shy, as if being exposed, concealed: "Yes...Yes...Teacher, in the method of double cultivation. Isn't it written, after entering the third stage, do you need to carry out a double repair every month?"

In fact, the elegy is only because of an invisible connection with Xu Mo.When I was resting in the room, I suddenly missed her teacher Xu, desperately wishing to see each other, and then kissed, let the teacher look at herself more and touch her little face for a while. Pain yourself... Yeah, of course, if the teacher needs that, of course I don’t mind...

It's a pity that Xu Mo has already guessed the plot, and just as a collective live performance with no pictures is about to be staged, the door is knocked again.

Xu Mo's mood is a kind of relief.

Finally, this is finally the last one!

I know it's you, Liu Yiqiu!

And, when I look back now, the elegy will get under the bed, and then it will explode again!

Sure enough, even the dazed Ye Elegy knew that this kind of thing had to hide under the bed, and she had already slipped in lightly. This was indeed a woman's natural skill.

She doesn't have the ability to open, and she can't see anything in the dark just like ordinary people. When she drills, she is very difficult to abuse. She always feels that there is something in front of her. When she touches her, she is a soft and hot thing.

"Ye Elegy, you little bitch, why are you scratching my chest!?" This was Nan Bing's voice.

Surprised by this sound, Ye Elegy also subconsciously allowed himself to see clearly around in the dark night... Then, seeing four pairs of eyes staring at him in a daze, they each had their own feelings, beyond words.

Before she had time to ask, she was covered by Nan Bing's mouth: "Don't say anything, I want to see, how many foxes are there..."

After opening the door, it was obvious that the person who came was the last player-Liu Yiqiu, Teacher Liu.

Liu Yiqiu glanced suspiciously at Xu Mo, then looked at the room, and walked into the room, muttering to herself: "It takes so long to open the door, and I don't know what it is hiding. I am not a teacher at all. Consciousness."

Because Liu Yiqiu is a very rigid and serious person, as a teacher, she is also different from a student. If she blends in again, it will be a big trouble. Now Xu Mo just wants to find a reason, pretending to be sleepy, and sitting on her. In front of him: "Ms. Liu... Let's talk about it tomorrow, I just fell asleep."

Let's go!move!Go back to the house quickly!A bunch of students under the bed are staring at it!

Liu Yiqiu didn't know that there was someone under the bed. He only heard Xu Mo's tone that he wanted to blast her away. His face changed at that time. Is he really so insignificant in his eyes?At least...At least his figure thinks it's okay, so there is no charm of a woman?

She obviously misunderstood her, her cold eyes hit Xu Mo's body, her eyes condensed, and she waved a slender leg and wanted to kick Xu Mo unpleasantly, but one accidentally kicked Xu Mo by the bed. The chair, the shoes are a bit kicked off, sit down to pick it up...

This location!

Xu Mo quickly grabbed her from the squatting ground and grabbed her into his arms, and quickly grabbed Liu Yiqiu's waist with one hand, making her unable to move.

That position is too dangerous!Even though the bed is really big, it has now hidden five people and it's full!If she really squatted down to pick up shoes just now, everything under the bed would be exposed.

Xu Mo hugged tightly due to excessive force.His hot chest was tightly against a pair of giants at this moment.The feeling of squeezing breasts and breasts made Liu Yiqiu a little uncomfortable...but what she cares about right now is not this, but Xu Mo's sudden movement.

At that moment, Xu Mo's serious eyes (actually panicked but not nervous) made her feel like a domineering president.

Drunk in it.

He... What is this kid suddenly holding me for?

It’s too close, not just the chest, but the face is very close, Xu Mo’s beautiful facial features are close at hand, the man’s breath feels very clearly, and his lips seem to be...

This this……

Teacher Liu, who has read a lot of girl novels recently, feels that his brain is about to burn out, and the segments of various novels have jumped out.

Is this just about kissing me?

How to do how to do?

How should I react, what should I do?

Push him away?But... he wants to kiss me!I haven't been kissed by a man, and this kid again...

Does he like me?Is this a confession?

If you push him away, will he dislike me?

If I don't push him away, does it mean that I am a casual woman, and he doesn't know how to cherish it?

Liu Yiqiu feels that this is the biggest problem in his life, and his eyes are all circles.

In the end, even she closed her eyes and dared not look...

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