My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 119

Finally, she gave Xu Mo a meaningful look again: "So, teacher, I like you. But, can I also like Zhizhi, and let me continue to like her by the way?"

Xu Mo took a deep breath and thought: Concubine, your illness is getting worse.

Author's message:

PS: I'm sorry, it's useless to explain more, just look at the next update speed to make up for it, everyone believe me.

Chapter 145 may also be very emotional

Xu Mo really couldn't answer. Even if he did, it would be an answer that was almost ambiguous as Fang Zhizhi.

The two are worthy of Lily, and the level of understanding is simply embarrassing. Let alone today’s two confessions, Concubine Chen can probably guess that Fang Zhizhi said she liked Xu Mo, although Xu Mo I didn’t realize the meaning of the phrase “please be with my concubine” on the set before, but now I understand, it turns out that Fang Zhizhi is too gentle, and I see that Concubine Chen likes herself, so I want to be generous To her?This……

Although the two of them are in a tacit understanding, from what Chen Fei'er said, she doesn't know that Fang Zhizhi has also confessed. She doesn't know that Fang Zhizhi also likes herself?

Xu Mo thought about it carefully, yes... She didn't know, otherwise, she wouldn't have brought a Fang Zhizhi at the end.

When the thoughts are messed up into a pot of porridge, it is easy to think crooked. At first, I was just thinking about how to answer the girl's request. This kind of request, which is literally and ideologically absurd, can't be agreed at all. If it is really agreed, wouldn't it... …

Xu Monao supplemented the picture. Isn't this a double flight?But what's more exciting is that Lily Shuangfei, which seems to be good...

No, no, these two are real students.

I really want to put aside these moral things to consider the true thoughts in his heart. Xu Mo doesn’t have much to do except occasionally as a male with some small evil thoughts about them, but he likes them very much in his heart. , This kind of love may slightly exceed the teacher-student relationship, but it has not reached the step of crossing into a couple.

It wasn't for any other reason, but he had never thought about it.I never thought that these two Lily had such an irresistible feeling towards themselves.

But because they both confessed to themselves, it may not be so simple for Xu Mo to remain pure in his heart. It may become more and more in the future... Maybe it will happen someday...

Maybe... Maybe...

Xu Mo is a little worried. They are just ordinary adolescent girls compared to the others. There will be a lot of impulsive psychology and choices during adolescence, and there will often be many regrets in the future. I am afraid that this is just for them. Impulsively, after the end of puberty and college, this relationship may suddenly change.

Not only hurt others, but also hurt yourself.

I finally made up my mind and opened my mouth slightly to speak: "I..."

Concubine Chen on the side actually looked at Xu Mo all the time and looked at Xu Mo's silence and embarrassment. No one knew what the girl was thinking.

She rushed into Xu Mo's arms swiftly, blocked Xu Mo's mouth with her sweet cherry lips, and swallowed the words that were about to be spoken into her belly and held back.

Of course, the green kiss was just a faint stamp and left in a hurry, but it was enough for Xu Mo to take the words back into his belly and stare at the laughing Concubine Chen blankly.

A teasing expression and a bright smile: "I don't want to listen to the teacher's answer now. No matter what the answer is, I don't want to know it for the time being. Huhu, just say everything, it’s more comfortable. Maybe, I also have the courage to make things clear with Zhizhi. Don’t be embarrassed, teacher. There is still a lot of time. I will ask you the day I want an answer. Now this way... That’s it."

At the end of the conversation, she comfortably took Xu Mo's hand, gently pillowed it, and closed her eyes slightly, as if she was asleep.

Xu Mo felt that he was wrong, and Concubine Chen was not careless or insensible.

She is too emotional.

My heart fell a little bit, and I didn't feel so entangled. Looking at her lovely sleeping face, I could not help but use the other hand to caress her little face.

I silently said in my heart: If this happens in the future, I will give you a suitable answer at the right time.

It’s good now.

The atmosphere was pretty good, but this girl didn't know if it was just to embarrass Xu Mo, and the good atmosphere was destroyed by her.

She didn't fall asleep, and grinned and rubbed Xu Mo's big hand a few times: "Hey hey... Teacher Xu, don't touch my face, it's so itchy..."

She seemed to remember something, and turned around specially, but she could hear her forced smile from her tone: "Teacher was kissed by me just now and didn't resist. How does it feel?"

Seeing Xu Mo's black face, she was extremely happy.

After a while, maybe he was really tired and fell asleep deeply.

The great Teacher Xu covered her with a quilt and then left the room.

The problem with Lily has not been resolved, on the contrary, the problem has become more serious...Anyway, it may not be resolved during this period of time in Japan, so I will continue to observe it when I return home.

After Xu Mo walked out of the room, he sat on the sofa in the corridor and Ge You lay, feeling his body hollowed out.

Physically, more mentally, it feels like being hollowed out.

After taking a look at time, there might be some surplus, Xu Mo said to himself like a mockery: "Well, there is still some time, just wander here for half an hour before looking for the next one. Don't jump at this time. Someone is out of trouble, such as lemons...Oh."

Xu Mo was a little scared of this loli. Every time she took the initiative to find something to herself, it was something that was difficult to tell and could not describe. The key was that she would be hollowed out and exhausted every time.

However, after falling asleep dimly for about three minutes, I heard an exclamation: "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" The soundproofed rooms of luxury hotels couldn't resist the screams reaching their ears. Feeling that his eardrum was about to be pierced, Xu Mo just saw Zhou Gong's 13-year-old granddaughter who was telling her how to peel a banana, and he was shocked by this scream.

The screaming sound is very familiar. Xu Mo woke up hazily, and took out his uncomfortable ears...Lemon?

Is this the voice of lemon?

Lori, an invincible genius in all aspects, actually made such a decibel scream. She has always been very calm and calm. What happened to make her gaffe?

As her teacher, Xu Mo is really afraid of something big, even if it's not something big, he has to go and see it, right?

To go to Lemon's room, you have to walk through a long U-shaped aisle, and you know how loud she just made.

When he came to the door, there seemed to be no abnormal noise. Just about to knock on the door, as if Lemon knew he was standing in front of the door, he opened the door as quickly as possible and pulled Xu Mo in.

Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six

When I entered the room, I found out that Lemon used a bath towel to surround her small body, and her hair was wet. If you look at it seriously, it seems that there is still a little unwashed bubbles, obviously she should have been taking a bath just now. Then he put on the towel and came out in a panic.

If it is a mature woman with big buttocks who just came out of the bath and wrapped in a bath towel, she can also show a very attractive body curve, but as a thirteen-year-old illegal loli, there is no curve at all. The one-size bath towels have covered everything from the neck down to the bottom of the feet.

But when I just came out of the bath, my skin was flushed with hot water, and it was quite cute, giving Loli a bonus.

She was also panicked. She lost her former calm and calmness. She was panting when she saw Xu Mo, but she could understand her meaning from her eyes: I am looking for you!

"This is...what's wrong? A cockroach or a mouse?" Xu Mo could only think that these two things might cause the girl to scream so much that he didn't even take a shower.It took a long time for the lemon to come back to his senses. The long eyelashes became darker and more obvious because of the effect of water, and the beautiful and moving eyes were displayed vividly.

It seemed that she was really shocked, and she was still trembling even now when she was pulling Xu Mo.

She gave Xu Mo a fierce daily expression and glared at him: "Huh... Am I like the kind of person who is afraid of cockroaches and mice? I have been with nuclear ions, chloroethanol, and diallyl diacid all the year round. , Cyanide, arsenide, nuclear power molecules... these things stay together, cockroaches and mice see me only to escape!"

Lemon has always been a very personal child. Because she is too genius, no one can guess her thoughts thoroughly. Xu Mo was a little surprised when she said a bunch of things that seemed very dangerous even though she didn't understand. , Couldn't help but stepped back two steps and pulled a little distance from Lori.

"I can't do any harm to human beings!" She obviously felt unstable, and called Xu Mo back.

"Oh oh oh." Xu Mo stopped joking, and quickly sat back.

"What's wrong with you lemon?"

Her body trembled from time to time, and she didn't know if it was because of anger or excitement.

"I have a hair growing there." Lemon's small delicate face said seriously.

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