My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 126

It should have been waiting for too long, and my mouth was a little tired, even a little dry... Liu Yiqiu made a sound again, and it was a very violent, very unhappy cough: "Cough, cough! !"

Of course, this acting... well... also very good.

In Xu Mo's eyes, except for her eyes are always closed, her acting skills have completely collapsed.

Xu Mo couldn't see what she was waiting for.Teacher Liu, your image is completely... but it seems to have long been... Xu Mo was entangled. He really wanted to pay for what he said, and there was no other way. He stretched out his hand, gently with the softest back of his hand. The part of it gently wiped on her long-awaited fragrance lips.


Liu Yiqiu's stiff body suddenly weakened, and he was immersed in a world where he didn't know if it was agitation... or another emotion.

The first kiss of nearly thirty years was finally sent out!

It turned out to be kissing, that's it?

Just when she wanted to feel the first kiss quietly... All of a sudden, the body that was softened by the "kissing" lost her balance, and her raised head instantly hit the headboard with a "bang", the boss's sound directly broke the room. The tranquility of the house.

With this "bang", even Xu Mo felt a little painful.

"Hiss...!" Liu Yiqiu almost yelled out when she touched her head. The severe pain made her really unbearable. The cry of pain had reached the throat, which was an instinctive reaction.But when I thought that I was "asleep"

Her strong will is reflected in this, she swallowed the cry of pain abruptly into her stomach, even though her head was in tears where she touched, she still endured it in order not to expose her acting skills.

Xu Mo watched her wonderful expression change while feeling funny and mentality. With such a loud voice, she could actually endure it... and seeing the tears oozing out from the corner of her eyes, she felt distressed.

Forget it, anyway, your acting skills are so bad, let me play with you.

Xu Mo was very contrived, as if talking to himself: "Mr. Liu, I like your... hair. Your black and beautiful hair is so beautiful."

With that said, her big hand stroked her hair, and gently stroked the area she had just touched, which slightly relieved her pain.

"Hhhhhhhhhhhh..." Liu Yiqiu was so cute that he would continue to pretend to be in pain, and Xu Mo looked helplessly and wanted to laugh, quietly doing the movements in his hands, gently stroking.

It lasted for a few minutes, the painful sleep sound of "hissing" never came out again, Xu Mo finally left her head and put her on the pillow.

I didn't have so many other thoughts in my heart. It was quite happy to watch her pretending to be asleep like this. At least I found another cute thing about her.

And Liu Yiqiu... She doesn't want to open her eyes all the time, but she can't!Including the place where she was touched by being tenderly held and touched, she couldn't see what the scene was like. She could only use her own combination of love movies and literature to replenish her brain, which made her more and more shy. , And think of the wonderful feeling of the "first kiss" just now...If Xu Mo were not here now, she would definitely grab the quilt and cover her face with the quilt on the bed, shouting with her calves, venting wantonly...

Liu Yiqiu's heart of a girl was thus ruthlessly deceived by Xu Mo, and her first kiss... was given to the back of Xu Mo's hand.

Author's message:

PS: Some students said that Xu's role was a little broken and suddenly fell in love with Teacher Liu or something.You don’t have to take it seriously~ So here is a special explanation, and I will emphasize it again.The protagonist hasn't reached that level of love for Teacher Liu, and now he has a pure affection. This time he took the initiative, but with a teasing mentality, the words "like you" are also very hot.The two are adult men and women, and they have no scruples about student relations, so there is not much entanglement between men and women, and Xu classmates do not have too much entanglement. They should take action, but it is almost like this before the time has come~ If you have any questions, continue to ask.

Chapter 155 Happy Birthday

This head doesn’t hurt anymore, but Xu Mo went to his spouse Liu Yiqiu just now in order not to be so obvious, and said "I like" This sentence made Liu Yiqiu, who continued to play his acting skills, very uncomfortable and very entangled. Suffering.

What exactly does Xu Mo mean by this sentence?Didn’t you finish saying that you liked me before?Actually like my hair?Does he like me or not?Why would he kiss me if he doesn't like it?

Because of Xu Mo's words, her mind is now full of doubts, and her heart is even more uncomfortable. She can't wait to get up and break the deadlock right away, and violently pull Xu Mo's collar to ask the answer angrily.

But no!If you let him know that he was pretending to be sleeping, he would really want to dig a hole and miss him for a lifetime.

Xu Mo was staring at Liu Yiqiu's trembling eyelids like this. It was really interesting...

I thought that this kind of time would last for a while, because Liu Yiqiu was so dead to save face, and he would definitely have to "sleep deeply" for a period of time to "naturally wake up."

In this way, watching her with her eyes closed at close range by the bed also brought some convenience to Xu Mo.

Such a beautiful scenery can be enjoyed indoors, and it is like traveling thousands of miles away.

But, who knows...

In Liu Yiqiu's confused mind, these problems were all resolved in an instant...No, it's better to say that at this instant, it seems that nothing matters anymore, and the acting skills that have persisted for a long time seem to have been abandoned, and deceived. The corpse suddenly jumped up from lying quietly. It turned out that because of this scene, Liu Yiqiu's combed hair turned into a disheveled look.Xu Mo was so scared that she thought she was electrocuted at that moment.

Before Xu Mo could speak, Liu Yiqiu directly changed into the pattern she had imagined just now. He pulled Xu Mo by the neckline and asked murderously, "What time is it now!?"

This is too fast, isn't it? Although thinking like this in my heart, the action in his hand is to quickly take out the phone and help Liu Yiqiu check the time.

"Three thirty in the afternoon..." As soon as Xu Mo finished speaking, Liu Yiqiu couldn't wait to grab the phone abruptly. He saw it several times with his own eyes, and after confirming it, he jumped on the bed anxiously and shouted: "It's over. This point, I can't keep up...!"

So she was in a hurry for time?

Xu Mo was speechless now, and he had never expected such a strange development of gaffes. He didn't dare to take the initiative to mention to her the matter of pretending to sleep just now, otherwise it would be embarrassing to break it all at once.

Seeing her anxious look, she actually left her most important face and exploded. There must be something anxious to go?

"Hurry up and put your shoes on now, I'll go out!" Xu Mo also pushed open the door as quickly as possible. When Liu Yiqiu made such a fuss, he himself seemed uncontrollable and anxious, although he didn't know. What exactly is she going to do.

Xu Mo went to find lemons.

Xu Mo didn't know what he was thinking in his heart for the first time looking for lemon at this kind of time. Maybe this loli had already given herself a very reliable feeling invisibly, she was an almighty genius loli.

Of course, Xu Mo, who was satisfied with Lemon in the morning, now makes a little request, which is very reasonable, isn't it?Xu Mo came to Lemon's room confidently. Lori was like a lamp god. Xu Mo told her her wish: "Uh, Lemon, do you have any props like any door?"


"A time machine is fine too, is there?"

"Xu Mo, are you mentally disabled!?"

...Dola Lemon's sense of substitution is too strong, Xu Mo doesn't know if he is too anxious or really asks her for these two things. In short, as the world's top genius, she should have a way?

"Oh, yes, I am very anxious to go to a place in the shortest possible time, very anxious, right away, the kind of taxi that can't keep up!"

Lemon's expression felt like two words were written next to it: indifference.

He drove Xu Mo out without saying a word, and then said through the door: "You go to the hotel rooftop and wait. The helicopter will come within a minute. From now on, don't bother me with this kind of thing. I don't have any door. I am not. Doraemon!"

Whoops, I almost forgot, she is still a super local tyrant.Strong!Invincible!Convinced!

It should be almost the same with a helicopter.

Xu Mo hurriedly returned to Liu Yiqiu's room again. She had already put on high heels and was running staggeringly. In order to seize the time, Xu Mo pulled her for a while, feeling that she was still dragging her to the hotel. On the roof...

If in normal times, no matter what kind of feelings Liu Yiqiu has for him, he would say that he was bloody, and he would definitely not be so embarrassed to be held by himself like this.But the place she was anxious to go to did not know what magic power was. Now in order to speed up, she held Xu Mo without saying a word, and urged in her mouth from time to time: "Hurry up...Hurry up!"

In front of her, she didn't dare to do anything lightly, even if she used her strengthened body to pull her to the top of the building with all her strength, she was panting with exhaustion.Fortunately, the mighty and domineering helicopter was on standby on the top of the hotel. The two directly boarded the plane. Liu Yiqiu reported the address to the pilot and asked how long it would take to arrive. After confirming the time, one was hanging. His heart finally let go.

"After arriving, there are still five minutes left..."

The two can finally relax and sit on the plane for a while...

After calming down and no longer being squeezed by time, Liu Yiqiu finally became sober.Thinking of just now... I suddenly felt discouraged and extremely embarrassed, I don't know where to speak first.

Xu Mo simply pretended not to ask, otherwise the helicopter space itself was so small that he really didn't know where to hide.

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