My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 128

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmoh pants, dadah, oh take it?"

Although I can’t understand what I said, this sweet and refreshing childish voice is like a little angel sent from heaven when faced with a GAY who loves to wear a pink apron, so Xu Mo immediately focused Put it all up.

Just by listening to the voice, I felt like a cute and adorable young girl, the kind of sweet childlike voice that hadn't developed at all. When I saw it, it really was.

However, it was more surprising than imagined. Xu Mo was standing next to a young girl about six or seven years old. The sweet voice came from her throat.The appearance is also very cute and cute. It makes people want to take the initiative to lift and hug, and it is much more delicate than expected.However, the most distinctive feature is her red hair. She has long hair that is waist-long and a little longer at a young age, and her eyes are dazzling because of the different pupils. Her left eye is golden and her right eye is blue.Dressed in service... Xu Mo can't say what it is, but it often appears in anime, Lolita?And I don't know why, from the exposed shoulder to the left arm, there is a thick bandage.

Although cute and cute, it reminds people of COSPLAY for the first time. In Japan, this is a very normal thing. You can get used to it when you see more. But such a small child, alone, still dressed up like this , It's a bit strange.

So much so that the little pink apron and big cock burning boss who had been teasing Xu Mo came out of the stall, squatting in front of the cosplay girl, and said kindly: "Kawai..." or something, and then again Ask in Japanese how to be alone, family members or something.

However, this cute little girl didn't hear it at all, or did she not understand?She just said a few words from time to time: "Cut the endurance rate, cut the ears." What.

I didn't understand a word. The strange thing was that Xu Mo was wearing the translator given by Lemon, but he didn't actually translate what the young girl was saying.

The boss, obviously, was also at a loss.

The young girl spoke in an unknown language, stretched out her index finger and pointed to the big cock burning on the stall... The boss understood, but didn’t know how to answer, so she said: "OK, OK" and took a stick to the young girl in front of the booth. The oversized big cock was stuffed into her hand, almost bigger than her head, the small hand almost couldn't hold it firmly, and the white salad almost smeared her face.

It seems that the boss’s guess was right. The young girl was obviously very happy after getting the big dick, she said a bunch of unknown languages ​​that she didn’t understand, smiled happily, there was a kind of healing magic power... Xu Mo who was watching was almost cured...

However, if such a small child is here alone, wouldn't he be separated from his family?Xu Mo still wanted to try to see if the translator could recognize what she was saying. He was a little worried about the child, so he readjusted the translator a bit and squatted in front of the young girl and asked, "Little sister, where is your mother?"

The Mengmengda young girl seems to have been focusing on the big cock burning and did not notice Xu Mo. Now Xu Mo squatted in front of her and she found out, but it may be because of the big difference in body shape, she was still stunned for a moment , Holding the big cock and slightly opening his mouth, the pair of different pupils kept looking at Xu Mo.

I thought it was the child who was afraid of birth and was a little frightened. I was thinking of teasing her to get closer. The young girl suddenly jumped into Xu Mo's arms: "Dad!"

The immature little hands didn't know where the strength came from, and they firmly grasped Xu Mo's shoulder, and didn't let go...

That dad yelled so terribly...

Then you can understand without a translator, a word that the whole world understands: Dad

The special standards from the mouths of young girls are particularly cordial and touching.

Let passers-by have a feeling of seeing a father and daughter who have been separated for many years.

"Sorry... So you are a father and a daughter... You have daughters... Hey, next door♂ boy, although I like you very much, I am not willing to be the one who breaks up other people’s families. Your daughter is so cute. This big dick represents my thoughts about you, give it to you, yes, I..."

Boss, you seem to have misunderstood something!Wait, your thoughts are terrible!

Xu Mo's translator is all normal, and the terrible speech of the boss's big cock burned into his ears. Xu Mo was held tightly by the young girl, and he dared not let the terrible boss continue to talk about the goosebumps. , Directly carrying the young girl in his arms and ran away...

This is not kidnapping, nor crime, it has nothing to do with young girls!

I just want to get rid of that terrible big cock boss!

Xu Mo really disappeared in an instant, and he did not hesitate to use a little "power" to escape quickly.

When I came to a deserted area, I stopped. I didn't run too far, just...

The horrified expression on his face had not yet eased, and he lowered his head to see...ah...he was cured.

The cute little girl, holding a big big cock in one hand, and holding her collar tightly in the other. Seeing herself watching her, she said even more lovely sweetly: "Dad~"

Author's message:

PS: Collect young girls' names, foreign names~ (The young girls have a lot of interesting settings! Not only that, but there are many more! Her story officially begins... Please look forward to...)

Chapter 158 You are a pervert

I really don't know where to start complaining. The cute little girl just threw herself in her arms like this, looking at herself with innocent eyes, ah, it's really healing and cute.If it wasn't for the explosive, thick and big cock in her hand, Xu Mo would definitely think so.

Hearing her yelled at herself again in this immature childlike voice: "Dad~" After that, Xu Mo almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood. He was a little bit injured by lightning and a little bit cute...

That's really a very strange feeling.

Obviously I don't want it very much, but I think it's great.

The young girl doesn't seem to look like a yellow person from the outside. Although she is wearing a costume of COSPLAY, she can tell a little...a closer look, this hair seems to be real?The young girl was in Xu Mo's arms, and Xu Mo could observe her carefully by lowering his head.The red hair is connected to the scalp intact, not a wig.


And those rare pair of different pupils are probably true too. Xu Mo thinks that no frantic parents would let a five or six-year-old child wear contact lenses at such a young age. Judging from the piercing eyes, it doesn’t matter. Like wearing cosmetic contact lenses.

Moreover, she said something that couldn't be translated by the translator provided by Lemon. Where did she come from?But anyway, the word Dad... understands it.

Just unable to communicate, why does this kid call his father?

Although I think the young girl is cute and cute, but the maddening things like abduction and trafficking can not be done. If the parents of this child can't find it, it would be more anxious. It is impossible for such a small child to be alone. You have to find her parents.

The chance of contact with such a small child is wrong. Although he likes children, Xu Mo is not good at approaching and communicating. He slightly awkwardly moves towards her, and unconsciously touches her tender face... …It feels so good.

I tried to use words again and cooperate with some physical movements to ask her about her family. The young girl seemed to understand, because she was serious and really answered with that sweet voice, but it was all those Xu Mohe The messy language that the translator doesn't understand: "Gu Si Quanjia, Quan Jiazhalie."

"Hudun Yequan Jia Lie's horn music."

Ah... I really don't understand a single sentence. It's really annoying because of language barriers.

The only thing she can understand is the phrase she calls herself'Dad'.And it must be a person, because she would only say that when she looked at her.

Although there is no progress in the communication, but fortunately, I don’t know why the young girl is so close to herself, almost to the extent that she must touch her and not let go. It doesn’t seem like she is acting like a baby, just holding her clothes and face with her little hands. Leaning quietly like this, from time to time he said a few words that he didn't understand, and of course, he would call Dad.

Xu Mo had no choice but to bite the bullet and became a godfather for the time being. Who told him to accidentally take it away in front of the big cock burning stall just now... Since she was lost in the meeting place, so should her family Came to participate in this event.Xu Mo hugged her to the service desk and consulted. People said that they had never heard of anyone missing a child. He also helped to use the microphone to ask several times at the scene, but still no whereabouts.

And the child kept sticking to his arms to make him hold it like this, and kept calling his father, shouting this intimacy. As a result, the staff at the service desk looked at Xu Mo with trash eyes. Obviously they were What a misunderstanding, it's really hard...

Let me explain... Xu Mo smiled bitterly, helpless.

Things are not like this!

I'm not her father!I helped her find her father!

Unfortunately, to no avail.Because the suspicion was too great, the attitude of the staff at the service desk became very poor, and they kept urging Xu Mo to leave, stop making unreasonable troubles, and take his daughter to live a good life...

This is so heartbroken.

Let's ask the police for help.

The Japanese film police were obviously more "close to the people". After Xu Mo explained the problem and provided clues, the young girl intimately yelled "Dad~Dad~" in Xu Mo's arms, and the police uncle looked gloomy for a moment and almost took Xu Mo up. take away.

The innocent and innocent power of the young girl is too strong, and the truth is written on the little face without turbidity, and the milky father is even more heart-warming... So, how can it be under such a scene Some people believe in Xu Mo, Xu Mo must be the girl's father!

After some education, the police... is useless.

What to do now...

Xu Mo helplessly hugged the young girl around the venue for several hours, including the terrible big cock burning stall several times, and asked the stall owner if anyone had come to look for her, but the answer was always let People regret it.

Even at the end, Xu Mo was a little confused... he asked himself, is this young girl really his own daughter? Otherwise, why are you so close to yourself as soon as you come up, and keep calling your dad? Hmm... What did I do with foreign women five or six years ago? its not right! I was obviously a virgin last month!

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