My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 146

I followed her way again, always like this...

Xu Mo stepped forward and pulled her off the podium abruptly. She smeared herself in that serious nonsense, and she said the truth. How can this be tolerated, shaking her shoulder and said: "Xu Yan, you nonsense What! What you said... never happened, when will I give you...!"

Before Xu Mo's complaint was over, Xu Yan put a finger on Xu Mo's lips, revealing the expression that has always been full of confidence, as if everything about the plot was in her hands.

She seems to be very good at how to tame Xu Mo.

Turning her head to face the students in Class A, she has changed her attitude, the kind of lofty arrogance and cold chill: "So, some people's small ideas can be given up. Although it is common sense to love men and women. , But there is also a first-come-first-served one. No matter from what point of view, it is self-knowing and knowing that concession is the way to be a woman, right?"

Nan Bing was horrified by these words, but she had already violated Xu Yan, and she wanted to blow the horn of resistance in her heart and stood up abruptly: "My master and I have already...had happened!"

Because I was too excited, I told the real relationship, but everyone did not react at this moment in a state of confusion and suddenly unfolded, and did not notice anything wrong.

"Heh." Xu Yan smiled contemptuously, and a chill pierced Nan Bing's spine: "This superficial relationship is nothing but I gave you, so you dare to put this kind of stinky air in front of me, don't you Will you forget who you are? Huh?"

"I..." Nan Bing's strength disappeared in front of Xu Yan, and he could only be ruthlessly ravaged by Xu Yan's few words.

No, Xu Mo was also afraid of three-pointers.More importantly, her scheming was unfathomable, and Zhen Huan Miyue knelt down in front of her and called her mother.

Xu Mo was on the sidelines, thinking about what happened when she was ten years old. Although she must have exaggerated the facts, she couldn't make up her words. This was not like her style.

This thought... seems to be thinking of some terrible memory.

"Hey, Xu Yan, don't tell me anymore! What you just said... Isn't it the year you were ten years old, did we play ordinary ghost catching games together at home?"

Time went back to the year when Xu Yan was ten years old and Xu Mo was fifteen years old.Because of He Lingqi, that is, after Nan Bing destroyed the Gu Insect project, Xu Mo was sent outside to study because of too much trouble. At that time, there was also a younger sister, Xu Yan, who had also been sent abroad to train as a child.

At that time, the relationship between the two was very close. The cute Xu Yan liked to stick with Xu Mo very much, and Xu Mo also loved this well-behaved and cute sister very much. Whether it was in daily life or other aspects, it was It’s a very good relationship to take good care of, for the kind of sister who can save everything.

However, since that day, it seems to be the beginning of a nightmare...

Xu Yan has been an extraordinary talent in the eyes of adults since he was a child, and in Xu Mo's eyes, she is just a cute and sensible sister, who has a bloody relationship with herself.Maybe the "girl control" that people often say was a little bit at the time.Whenever that innocent face smiled and said: "I am going to be my brother's bride.", I feel relaxed and happy, and my mood improves.

And just in a very ordinary ghost hunting game, it is the kind of ordinary chasing game that children like to play, laughing and playing, it is actually very interesting.

Xu Yan was a ghost, Xu Mo chased, and the two of them were making noise in the big house at the time.Finally Xu Yan got tired from running and was blocked in the corner by Xu Mo and caught up. Because he might have run too fast at the time. One accidentally, he stepped on empty feet while accelerating, and he slammed down on his sister’s. Body.

The impact was too strong at that time. My sister’s delicate skin broke open because of the impact on her forehead. The blood flowed down her forehead at the time, and half of her immature face was suddenly full of blood... Xu Mo panicked and prepared. First use a cloth to stop the bleeding from her wound, and then send it to the hospital...While worrying that my sister will suffer from such a small injury, she will definitely cry fragilely, how can we comfort...

Really anxiously lowered his head to see the younger sister whose face was full of blood...

Xu Mo might never forget that expression.

Because that was the beginning of the nightmare, and after that it might be the source of Xu Yan's slowly changing...

Because of this mistake, her little physical strength has awakened something incredible.

That expression, Xu Mo, who was old at the time, didn't know how to describe it. In short... the younger sister did not cry, the younger sister laughed, smiling happier than ever

And now, Xu Mo knew very clearly that it was... a climax expression.

The pain Xu Mo caused can give her... pleasure, which is probably what it meant.

In my sister's heart, there is a trembling M.

Chapter 182: Tooth marks (seeking monthly ticket!)

Xu Mo will never forget that expression. The 10-year-old sister has half of her face dyed red with blood, but her complexion is flushed and her small tongue spit out...

"Ha...ha...ha..." A pair of joy and intoxication.

Since then, Xu Mo, who was about fifteen years old at the time, may have had some fear in his heart for his sister, but he always thought that it was just a small accident...Sister, she...may just be in pain. From that day on, Xu Mo Mo was even more meticulous, trying to make up for his own mistakes and hurt his sister.However, the nightmare has already begun. Xu Yan's God-given nature has been awakened, and every day after that, she has rapidly grown to the most perfect appearance...

Xu Mo recalled the beginning of this nightmare that he had forced himself to forget, and his expression at this time was an unprecedented astonishment.

I thought it was just a ghost hunting game that Xu Yan described as a child, and it was the truth that Xu Yan described was too much to make it clear, but I really underestimated Xu Yan, a talented bitch. Her appearance today is absolutely fully prepared, interlocking, and will never give Xu Mo any chance to breathe.

Obviously the matter of "pregnancy" has not been explained clearly, Xu Mo is still in a state of stunned, Xu Yan smiled and took out a pink child with a little rabbit pattern printed on it from the bag he carried with him. Tooth cup, it seems that this style is a bit old, but the owner seems to be well preserved, and on the surface it is quite new.

"Well, is that right? Brother desperately wants my delicate body to get pregnant, right? Obviously, I didn't even let go of the dental cup I used?" Xu Yan held the dental cup and shook it in front of Xu Mo. Huang, Xu Mo's expression is obviously sinking a bit deeper...

Just broke free from the memories at the beginning of the nightmare, and now because of the appearance of this tooth cup, his thoughts are dragged into another layer of memories.This time is not the beginning of a nightmare, but Xu Mo may never want to recall in his life that the most hentai and shameful thing he has done in his youth is definitely the black history in the black history.

But, the question...

This period is obviously the dark history that she least wants to recall, so she would naturally not tell it, but how did she know it?

It's been so many years, Xu Mo knows it for the first time. It turns out that Xu Yan knew about Yacui...

Now facing her, instead of saying that it was originally fear and anxiety, it has become embarrassment and wanting to dig the ground and bury herself.

This tooth cup... actually has a simple cause.

It happened during the period when Xu Yan’s forehead injury was almost healed. At the age of fifteen, Xu Mo, like many teenagers at this age, was full of images and plots that were inappropriate for children, and wanted very much. The kind of impulse to try... and Xu Mo is a more veteran driver. At this time, some movies have almost been watched with more than a dozen Ts. Watching every day and night, the boy's body naturally cannot bear this impulse. , Naturally, will do some self-generating things.

Of course, it's normal to describe it all the time. It's all things that adolescent boys of this age do. Watch island movies, have sex, and frequent self-generation...Who did not come here back then?

That day, Xu Mo just took a shower in the bathroom very often, so everyone knows that when the water is sprinkled on the body... Coupled with the warm steam temperature of the bathroom, it is easy to be stimulated somewhere in the bud of adolescence. Get up, how do you say that sentence, the chicken is hard.That's about it, so it's natural... it's self-generating.After the power generation, you can wash it by the way. Isn't it beautiful? It saves the time wasting paper to wipe.

Thinking back to all kinds of teachers...

When people do this kind of things, they are impulsive. They are easily excited and don't want the consequences, and don't care about anything.Suddenly, I saw the pink bunny tooth cup that my sister Xu Yan would use every day in the sink... The picture in my mind immediately changed to Xu Yan's small cherry mouth, gently drinking water along the edge of the cup to rinse his mouth.Xu Mo's eyes became blood-red and terrible...

At that time, my brain was really hot, and I didn't know what I was thinking. When the power generation was about to end, I grabbed the cup with one hand, and all the things that couldn't be described were spilled in the innocent tooth cup.

After venting the fire... His mind immediately became sober, Xu Mo immediately wanted to slap himself severely, and he was too frantic. How could he do such a thing and lose his mind... to desecrate his sister's tooth cup?

I was even more panicked mentally. I didn't continue to take a bath that night. I completely brushed the inside and outside of the tooth cup and didn't know how many times. I almost fainted by the steam before coming out of the bathroom.

But in retrospect, Xu Mo felt sorry for his innocent and lovely sister. She stayed up all night and woke up the next day. Her sister would use the cute pink bunny tooth cup by her side as usual...

Xu Mo finally couldn't help it, and stopped her: "Sister, this cup is old. I'll buy you a new one. I will rinse my mouth with brother's quilt today."

However, the innocent sister did not agree. She took the cup with a cherished look, put a big mouthful in her mouth under Xu Mo's gaze, and rinsed her mouth: "No need, brother, I like it very much. This little rabbit, I just use this!"

"...Well, okay." Xu Mo really couldn't do anything more, it was an inexplicable impulse and feeling.But when I think about it when I grow up, it is definitely the top ten hentai move of adolescence.

I thought that this kind of dark history was in the dust of the years, but I didn't expect that after many years, the person involved would again hold the quilt in front of him.

Obviously, from Xu Yan's tone, she absolutely knew what she did.

Torture, torture in front of the class, absolutely.

"What do you want to do...Xu Yan!" In Xu Mo's eyes, there may no longer be the smell of spoiling my sister, but it feels full of gunpowder.

"I feel embarrassed, brother." Xu Yan didn't care that Xu Mo was about to furious, and put away the cup carelessly, looking at Xu Mo with a pair of clever eyes that seemed to see through everything: "Brother, is it shame? Is it painful? In front of the students of, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself, do you? You... still want to stay in this place, pursue your dreams, and pursue... this person in summer?"

Xu Mo felt as if an invisible shackle had bound his whole body joints, and he had been completely controlled by Xu Yan inadvertently.

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