My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 151

The little maid did it, and when she saw it, it was astonishingly the plot that took place in the broadcasting room just a few minutes ago... The betting agreement between the young master and the young lady was almost exactly the same.

"Brother, you can't even escape the script, how can you escape from my palm?" Xu Yan smiled triumphantly, took out a brand-new notebook, and began to write: "Let me think about it, you will How to do it? I know you better than anyone in the world."

Author's message:

PS: That’s not a death note. Laugh, it’s just a scheming bitch, who is too scheming to draw up the plot development in advance~ From now on, I will finally let the protagonist do the serious things that the teacher should do for a few days~ But in order not to write boring, The writing is interesting (dirty), but I still have to work hard~

PS: Chapter Push Time "Northern Sauce Through Another World"

"Come on, O'Neill, the North will show you a baby!"

Beibei looked at the harbor Suhime who was holding him tightly with a smile on his face.

"Oh oh~ Beifang, you finally opened up to Ou Neichan!"

The harbor suddenly became excited, and couldn't help but rubbing around the north, and stretched out his hands behind the north.

"Then open your butt first..."

"I'm going to close my whole heart ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!

(The above is his profile)

Chapter 188 What is under the girl's skirt?

Although Xu Mo seemed to have made an overheated decision, after all, in front of Xu Yan, she would only agree to let her expulsion decision be relaxed for a few days if she made a bet that she could never win.

This matter is very important. I have already gambled on all my life as a teacher. Even if I try to work hard, I will do my teacher's responsibilities during the last days of being a teacher and try to protect my students.Xu Mo didn't like the feeling of being mastered by others, otherwise he wouldn't run away from home.

After returning to Class A, Xu Mo briefly explained this agreement. As long as he can prove his worth in the monthly exam, he will not be expelled. Although the probability is slim, I hope everyone can work hard during this time. Go fight it, this is the last chance.

I thought that the 17 students in other classes would be a little easier to accept. After all, they were also ordinary Aoba students, and their grades must be top-notch. It shouldn’t be a problem to get a good grade with a little effort, but in Xu After Mo said this, they were full of hope... but they were instantly extinguished and became depressed, as if they had announced their surrender without going to the battlefield.

After asking them, they told the reason. Although their overall grades are not bad, everyone has a very weak subject, the kind that can’t pass all the year round. Some people are Chinese and some are mathematics. Some people speak English...various.

Xu Mo understands that these 17 people are not only bankrupted because of their family, but Xu Yan carefully selected them based on comprehensive considerations. How could it happen that each of these 17 people has subjects that they are not good at?

Suddenly I felt like I was hit by another layer, but Xu Mo would no longer be hit hard, nor would he get angry so easily...Anyway, I have already posted everything that should be done. What could be better than betting on the teacher himself Is it a bigger blow to your career?

At this moment, the difficulty has risen a lot, from hell difficulty to heaven-defying difficulty.

It’s close to school time. Xu Mo hasn’t figured out exactly how to arrange this time. The 17 members of Qingye Academy can only temporarily merge into Class A for this period of time, and go to the monthly exam at the end of the month to decide the final Go and stay.

"I will carefully plan the specific arrangements for the evening, um, school time is up, everyone can go home from school first, if you can, you can review your homework from this evening, whether it is you or the teacher, It’s the last time."

Xu Mo did not say that he had bet on his career as a teacher, but the 17 students were still very touched. At the most desperate time, their own teachers were not willing to care about them, and they were even abandoned by the school. However, Teacher Xu helped them fight for the opportunity and keep them in Class A... Although the hope is slim, I really appreciate Teacher Xu.

They left the classroom with gratitude, leaving behind the few people in Class A who did not intend to leave.

After the seventeen people who did not actually belong to Class A left, Xu Mo also appeared closer, and he could even show a slightly melancholy look at them.


They asked with concern. In front of others, they dare not show this kind of concern beyond the teacher-student relationship.

Xu Mo tried hard to cheer up and said: "I'm fine, you go back first, tonight I will think carefully about what to do during the next period of time, as long as everyone works hard, there is no hurdle to pass, I will never give up Ours."

They had never seen Xu Mo so determined... There was a silence for a while, and each left the classroom with their own thoughts, but each one was slower than the other, as if there was something else they wanted to say, but they never spoke.


Everyone has left the classroom now, Lori should have gone to the top floor to wait for herself as she said.There was only a small figure of Lemon in the classroom, sitting silently in the corner, lowering her head, unable to see what her expression was like at this moment.

"Lemon, what's the matter?" Xu Mo stepped forward and patted her little shoulder.

Her body was trembling.Xu Mo squatted down in front of her quickly, and then saw her expression clearly...tangled and disturbed...Lemon has always been confident and calm. With a super high IQ, she can face everything calmly. What happened to her when?

"I...can't be expelled." She tried to restrain herself to be calm and serious, raising her head and looking directly into Xu Mo's eyes.


In the office of the dean of teaching, Xu Yan relaxed sitting in his seat and flipping through some materials about the school. He seemed to be in a good mood, and even hummed a song: "What exactly is under the girl’s skirt, why is the boy? The child blushes as soon as he says. What is under the girl’s skirt? Why does the boy get big when he says OO~ Under the girl’s skirt, I really want to see what’s going on. Boys don’t be afraid. The skirt is up~hey~"

A close-fitting maid next to her was too shy and blushed to the root of her ears... She had been serving young ladies for two or three years, but she never knew why. Although she had a strange temperament, the elegant and generous young lady always sang this when she was happy. A shameful song...

"Miss, this song..." the little maid couldn't help asking.

She was a little afraid of Miss's reaction, and regretted that she actually said it.But Xu Yan answered indifferently, without much reaction: "Oh? This is the only song my brother taught me when I was a kid, and I always sang it straight away."

The young master is too serious, right... actually teach the young lady this kind of song?The little maid's impression of Xu Mo was even darker.At this time she noticed that the file information in the girl's hand stopped on the page of the student named'Ying Lemon'.

As Xu Yan's personal maid, she naturally needs a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art. She has an impression of Lemon.

"Miss, isn't this Miss Lemon the legendary character? If she is in Class A, monthly exams are unavoidable... Didn't you say that the results of mid-term exam Class A must be attributed to Miss Lemon? ?"

Xu Yan continued to hum the tune of that strange song: "Don't worry, Ying Lemon is indeed an unstable factor, but well... This is probably what she fears most. As for cheating, even if you do, you think you can hide it. Have you passed me?"

"Well, what the young lady said..."


"It doesn't matter if I don’t go to school. What I can do well in school is their two biggest wishes... I don’t want to make them sad. For so many years, since I was born, I have not been the one to make them feel at ease. My child, I...I..." The more Lemon said, the more emotional he became, and the crystal clear tears began to drip.

He couldn't help but threw himself in Xu Mo's arms, as if acting like a baby.

Author's message:

PS: I carefully read the comments and the feedback in the group, and found that everyone has mixed opinions about my sister. Some people say that my sister is great and give me a dozen. Others say that my sister is too extreme, and the blackening makes the protagonist a little uncomfortable.Let me explain here. In fact, this book has always taken a happy and happy route, but for the main storyline, I still want to dig some holes to be more story-telling, such as a flip in the middle of the story.My sister’s early blackening was indeed to make her deliberately act extreme, all for the following story, I will try harder, let this story go on quickly, reveal the bottom of my sister’s skirt...No, reveal Sister’s veil!

Please believe me, my sister is really great!My sister is really awesome!My sister is really not black!You will all fall in love with her!There is a reason why my sister is black, she is full of love!My sister is awesome!muah!

PS: Chapter Tweet Time "Only Transformation Can Satisfy Our Generation" author asked me to say that this book is different from ordinary changes

Chapter 189 Appeasement

The appearance of the filial little lemon is really unbearable, Xu Mo gently put her in his arms, soothing her emotions.Unexpectedly, the person who might be the most serious this time was her.

Xu Mo may not know that Lemon’s unwillingness to make his parents sad accounted for most of the reason, but maybe there is a little part because of Xu Mo... Once, Lemon also came to school every day, but when did he step into the classroom? Although it is nominally going to school, it is just a person staying in the laboratory behind the mountain to do his own thing, all for the wish of his parents for many years.But after returning from a school trip in Japan, the number of visits to the laboratory became less and less, and most of the time was still in the classroom, although Xu Mo actually couldn't teach her much.

After a while, the soft sobbing in my arms weakened a lot. It might be because I realized that my image was a little bit wrong at this time, and I looked a little embarrassed. My little hand pushed a little bit weakly, I just wanted to adjust my own. State raised his head, and suddenly thought of something. Regardless of the tears on his pink face, he made a 180-degree turn and almost missed Xu Mo's head. Chin: "This monthly exam, even if it is for my own sake, or to see your inexplicable sister upset, I will give it up. This exam will continue to use the last surreal A and B methods, I will do it today I can make one more batch... let those seventeen people use it too! As long as your sister's question is a question, I can answer even if it is Hodge's guess! We won't lose!"

"If it's so easy, I won't be so entangled. My sister, she...she is...I understand that although she is reluctant to admit it, she can be called a genius from another level, but she is a little bit clever. …In short, the method of cheating cannot escape her eyes, even if it is Surreal A and B, it may not work. I am afraid that I will be caught before the exam starts." Xu Mo replied, this idea, I thought about it clearly before, Xu Yan's ability is indeed so terrifying.

As for Lemon, she has great trust in her own wisdom and invention, and she is also uncomfortable personality. Xu Yan's inexplicable makes her feel unhappy. How can she agree with: "How is it possible! Surreal A and The principle of B is my invention. Even the group of bald uncles in the United States are still in the stage of experimenting and guessing, and they are several grades behind those anti-cheating instruments, and it is absolutely impossible to be discovered!"

I don’t know how to explain it better to her. Lemon has her own paranoia, and she wants her to calm down and trust her own ideas... Xu Mo freely and autonomously took the initiative to hug her small body again, hugging her shoulders affectionately. , With the other hand, he gently touched his head, as if to comfort a cat with blown up fur.

"I will never let you be fired, just trust me at this time, lemon."

"..." Lemon was silent, but it was obvious that when she first held her, her limbs were still very tough. When Xu Mo gently stroked Lori's head, Lemon suddenly relaxed in his arms. In the middle, the whole head was deliberately sunk in, unwilling to lift up, and there was no answer in silence.

After a while, Wei Wei heard a voice softly from the gap in Xu Mo's arms: "You are... cheating... don't hug me anymore, I'm not a kid anymore." Formally resisted a little, Little Hand Pushing randomly, without any strength, the voice is soft and slightly hoarse... Is this really a resistance?

"Maybe I'm used to it. When I was with my sister, I always loved to hold it like this..." Xu Mo just replied according to his feelings. It is indeed the case. Before meeting with Xu Yan today, he was alone with Lemon When I was in, my sister’s feeling always popped out of my mind. For example, when I took a shower and rubbed my back...Ah...Of course, it was an occasional emotion. A lemon is a lemon. very clear.

After finishing this sentence, the lemon that had been quiet in his arms immediately began to struggle again, even more serious than before, but the main line of the problem has deviated to another point: "I am not rare to be your sister! You! Hold your damn sister, don't hold me!"

She blushed and wanted to break free, but didn't dare to hit Xu Mo hard, so she blushed and didn't know what to do.

Maybe because he realized that he had said something wrong, Xu Mo quickly changed his words: "Oh...I'm sorry, you are my student."

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