My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 153

As Loria said before, the math teacher released her mental interference magic during the lecture... The so-called spells are actually mathematical formulas, she still remembers very well, don't have a talent, maybe she is really good at this kind of things. ?

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Xu Mo said to Lori in the corner: "Although it's a pity... Your strongest secrets are of no use here... Ah, I mean, maybe it's not that useful. So, you can also try to learn new tricks."

Loria raised her head and glanced at Xu Mo: "If I could learn new profound meanings, I would have learned it a long time ago, it's not that I am dull...In the vastness of the world, mankind learns magical profound skills and cannot be taught by others. There are goddesses or ancient times Given by gods, once the spell is comprehended and then taught to others, it will be useless. I have only received this kind of gift, and it is a super ancient secret, which has always been very rare... I want to learn, but I want to go Where can I find the spells bestowed by the gods?"

"Spell!? Yes." Xu Mo stood up, ran to his room quickly, got a physics textbook, and returned to Lori's room.

I originally wanted to get a math textbook, but it seemed to be in the office. Anyway, I tried to try it out. It feels similar?Anyway, Xu Mo wanted to sleep during these two classes.

The physics textbook was displayed in front of Lori: "Do you remember the great magician who attended the math class you mentioned last time? It was the one who released the mental interference magic to you. She read it, Didn't you remember the "spell" in the book?"

"That's someone else's... It's useless if I realize it."

Xu Mo followed her words and broke, anyway, you don’t have to think about logic issues when you talk to her, and you don’t have a world view anyway: “Yes, yes, so I took a physics book, not a math book. Let’s see... well, that’s it. Do you want to try?"

Loria took the physics textbook suspiciously and looked at the content on it. Xu Mo was afraid that she would not understand, so she taught the reading method specially.

She seemed to have suffered a very serious blow from the flashing light. She began to question her most invincible and trusted skills, and also questioned her life. If she is usually proud and proud, she refuses such a request.

But now she is obediently doing it. She is holding a textbook, a bit like holding a magic book.Taking a deep breath, the golden magic circle that had been seen once again appeared under her feet out of thin air...This kind of anti-scientific thing, no matter how many times I read it, Xu Mo felt a sense of shock.

"F=(F12+F22+2F1F2cosα)1/2 (the law of cosines) When F1⊥F2: F=(F12+F22)1/2" she said softly, if it weren’t for the fact that this paragraph is a physical formula, it’s true Thought it was a magic spell.

After reading it, the golden magic circle didn't seem to change much, unlike when the sky thunder engine was activated, it would make big fluctuations.

"Look, I said it's useless, how can I find an unused magic spell...Why do you cover your eyes?"

Seeing Xu Mo in front of her, she seemed to become very painful in an instant, covering her eyes and rubbing desperately, his eye circles were red.

"Quick...Quick! How to get rid of this magic, stop it! My eyes!"

After Loria finished reading the entire formula, Xu Mo flashed in front of her eyes, and a real scene appeared in front of her. In front of the scene, more than 20 rough and brawny men were lying crowded in the bath, rubbing shower gel with each other... The ambiguous eyes of each other...There is also a seductive brawny man with red hair in Moganxi standing in the middle, twisting his body...

Singing a song in my mouth: "Spicy girl~Spicy girl~Fakl~Fakr~Spicy girl~"

Isn't this the one, Bulgarian Demon King?The most famous A alive in front of Xu Mo's eyes, either the feeling of watching the video, or alive...the scene standing in front of you, as if you are here right now.To put it plainly...spicy eyes...spicy eyes!Even if he closed his eyes, he could still see the sight like this, and Xu Mo felt that his eyes were about to break.

Teaching Loria this spell-breaking text is really troublesome for myself...I regret eyes...

Lori watched for a long time, and didn't expect that when the magic was released, the more she looked at Xu Mo's pain, the more joy she was: "Hey! Is it really useful? This is the legend, given by the goddess of light, can cut off the enemy's sight The magic? That's amazing! So amazing! The world is so amazing, there can be such magic spells!"

That's how Xu Mo... was forced to watch the complete MV of the Bulgarian Demon King. Five minutes later, the magic was automatically released. The scene that Xu Mo saw was over, and he could see the reality again.

However, he already had a dead fish-like expression of indescribability, and he felt that his straight man's life was cast in an indelible shadow...I really found myself suffering.

"There are a lot more here, I will try again! Fx=Fcosβ, F...Well, what are you doing!?" Xu Mo stopped her terrible behavior as quickly as possible.

Today Xu Mo is even more sure about one thing. Sure enough, magic and so on are made up in novels, and they are simply unreliable things!

"Dear Loria, for my personal safety and for your energy to eat and drink for nothing, I think you should study magical things slowly in the room alone. There are many books here. , You only need to make sure that one person does not affect others obediently, then you can take it slowly, and sometimes it is time." Xu Mo is already scared, if it is really the magic bestowed by the goddess, then that goddess must be an unreliable guy. .

"Okay, it's in your kindness, I will agree! Such a book, take as much as there are! In this way, I am a existence beyond God. In this case, I am one step closer to the concept of the savior of my destiny. "She seemed to be arrogant again after she had rekindled her confidence.

However, I got used to it anyway.

Xu Mo was thinking about driving off quickly, but suddenly he had another whimsical idea and wanted Lori to give it a try.You know, human curiosity is very important, especially the kind of inspiration that flashes by.

He took out his mobile phone, flipped through some penguin groups, and found a bunch of mysterious characters, gave it to Lori, and said, "Ahem...Try this last?"

I am really curious about what kind of sparks Lori's ability and this string of characters can produce.

Really curious!

Loria couldn’t understand it anyway, nodded, and read: "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6a6c85dddfb817f7f35b834dc5ff5862a2ac0002"

A miracle... happened.

Author's message:

PS: It's the end of the month. Now it is the second place on the monthly ticket list. It is more than 100 votes behind the bread god who is the third place.My chrysanthemum belongs to everyone, how can I lose it here?So, please vote for me if you still have a monthly pass. It will be emptied on the 1st. If you don't vote, it will be wasted... These are all snowman's virginity tickets!

what!For the chrysanthemum... Bah!For the second monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(Is anyone with FGO.IOS? Cute face)

Chapter 192 The Egg of Happiness

When she finished reading the sentence made up of mysterious symbols that no one understood at all...

This time, the reaction of the golden magic circle at Loria’s feet is not like the unbearable spicy eye magic that did not respond just now, but an instant light burst, as if it suddenly burst out, but it did not spread to the surroundings. Yes, but the light directly wrapped around Lori's body, wrapped her up, and absorbed it in an instant.

Xu Mo saw all this with his eyes wide open, but didn't expect this string of symbols to be really useful?

That so-called vast world, the image in front of Xu Mo has completely collapsed...Even serious things like magic are so casual, Lori's IQ is so worrying, and that world is definitely not so good... …

But what the hell is this magic?

Xu Mo was unwilling to be affected anymore and saw any magical creatures such as the Bulgarian Demon King. He took the initiative to lean against the wall, the farthest distance.

However, what is the white light covering Lori's body?Is the magical girl transformed?

But instinctive intuition told Xu Mo that it should not be such a serious thing.Yes, that's right, Xu Mo wouldn't be surprised at all if something like magical girl really appeared, but instead would feel very normal.


But the person inside seems to be no longer Loria. No, even the person is no longer considered a fascinating creature.

This creature has a monkey face, slightly cute facial features, two heads and a little hypertrophy... The whole body is yellow. The most noticeable thing is that there is a thick and long thing inserted into the head of this creature, and there is also on the belly. An LCD screen.

Xu Mo instantly understood the true meaning of this magic. He stared at the creatures in front of him, muttered to himself, took out his mobile phone, and said, "I++, this group is driving a black car again, and Use Teletubbies to deceive people, but fortunately, I didn't download it."

With that said, he had silently operated his mobile phone to scold a few people in a certain penguin group, silently clicked the report, and then withdrew from the group.

A while ago, there was a surge of energy and blood, and I got on a car in this penguin group, especially a dung car, which made Xu Mo angry.

At first glance, Lori's technique was known to be something similar to the transformation technique, because after she finished chanting the spell, she instantly became a yellow teletubbies.

It seems to be a very practical thing. Transfiguration, home travel, etc., are definitely civilian skills in the magic field.In those magical novels, a magician who can't transform himself can't say that he uses a wand.

But this is definitely not an ordinary transformation technique...otherwise, how could the protagonist of this magnet link content come out?

In other words, this transformation technique... can only become the protagonist of the magnetic link, right?It must be so!

Soon, the Teletubbies in front of Xu Mo changed back to Lori's appearance. She was very excited. Obviously, the magic was successful again. She has always relied on her own flashing technique... Oh, it's not Tianlei In the vast expanse, where has used so many kinds of magic?

"Oh! This is the ever-changing fantasy magic? The sacred magic bestowed by the Goddess of Thousand Faces!"

"...You can only change that yellow thing, right?"

Lori nodded confirmingly: "Well, that's right! You can only become that! But what kind of creature is that? Is it the ancient spirit of this world? It looks a bit calm in appearance, but a bit like The legendary incarnation of the vast Thunder Ape King... the ancient mythical beast! Too powerful, I really am a talented strong man."

Yes, yes, and this ancient beast is very popular, and children love it.

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