My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 160

When Liu Yiqiu reacted to what he had exposed, Xu Mo had already slipped away, leaving only a text message on the phone: Teacher Liu, I don't know anything, I don't remember anything.At eight tomorrow morning, you remember to come to Aoba Academy to find me."

Liu Yiqiu: "..."

Chapter 200 Open Class

Xu Mo returned to Class A non-stop, and now he didn't dare to neglect it for a while.

As an assistant, Lemon could not exert his superb learning ability, but the method that the two of them discussed in the morning was handy.When Xu Mo returned to the door of Class A again and looked at the situation through the window.I have already seen the students divide into several groups to make several tables.

The girls at the table centered on Nan Bing didn’t know why, they all blushed, and they covered their small faces with their palms, but they didn’t cover all of them. They deliberately opened one eye, wanting to see but dare not. The feeling of seeing.But Nan Bing was serious and serious.

As Xu Mo's personal maid, she has received this kind of professional education since she was a child, super professional kind.It is even more handy to teach others.She held two inexplicable gadgets in her hands, a model that simulated a male biological weapon... Oh, and a handjob cup.

This looks like they are instructing a physiology class, yes, these little girls are very serious.

The other tables looked good, and it was rare that Class A had such a learning atmosphere, and Xu Mo thought at first that he was in the wrong class.Even Lemon, who has always been in love in class, is working hard on a separate seat next to him, answering quickly one sheet at a rate of two minutes for all students to refer to the answer... But it is impossible to explain the steps.Ye Elegy, who had always been sleeping in class, listened to her with the same energy as she saw the money.

That is, the elegy is really hard.In order to try to let her sleepiness dissipate and to achieve the result Xu Mo wanted, poor she tried to imagine everyone's face as a big ingot, so... to refresh her mind.

Well, it's pretty good in short, I just don't know how the effect is, but at least this kind of atmosphere is what I want. Everyone didn't even notice Xu Mo quietly walked into the classroom. It was the first step. In the next few days, I hope I can stick to it like this.

In the first round, according to this method, let the students who are good at the subject and rank the top first to share their experience and improve themselves with the weak students in that subject.Then when the learning is completed, rotate again.If this round is almost over, there will be another round of consolidation plans planned by Lemon. After Liu Yiqiu arrives tomorrow, we can discuss it together. After all, she is an elite-level senior teacher.

Generally speaking, there will be a small mobilization meeting for this kind of activity. Talking, enlivening the atmosphere and boosting morale.To put it bluntly, it is to drink chicken soup for everyone. In fact, chicken soup for the soul is not bad. If used properly, it is good to boost morale.

Just when Xu Moxin wanted to say something during the break, Teacher Yu from the same year came to Xu Mo: "Mr. Xu, don’t be late in the multimedia classroom on the second floor at three o’clock in the afternoon, if you have a PPT. , Remember to go to the multimedia classroom in advance to see if it can be used."

"Ah? What?" Xu Mo was asked a little dazed.

Teacher Yu kindly reminded him, after all, Xu Mo is very good-looking, and he is the only male teacher. Young female teachers are very interested. Then he stopped by and reminded him that Xu Mo seemed to have no idea: "Teacher Xu, you Forgot? We turn a teacher every month to give open classes... Did you not prepare?"

"Ah!? Oh! I'm ready, I'm ready. Okay, I get it, thank you, Teacher Yu." Xu Mo fell into a cold sweat and smiled, feeling almost seen through.

I really forgot, every month and every year, Aoba Academy will turn the teacher to open an open class for all the classes throughout the year. The content of the open class is determined by the teacher. Some talk about the understanding of a certain subject. The summary of the situation of the school students during this period, in short, anything is OK. This is more like a teacher’s personal report meeting, and also an opportunity to show the teacher’s ability. It is a donkey or a horse. Very motivated to walk around.

During this period of busy time, no one reminded myself, so I forgot it. I didn't expect it to be the afternoon.

"Really... it doesn't matter, right?" Teacher Yu still said goodbye, but before leaving, he still said a little worried.

Xu Mo just felt a little sudden, but it wasn't that he was in a mess. People who listened to him throughout the year wouldn't be nervous. He had a thick skin after so many years of training, but he wouldn't be afraid of stage fright.As for the open class?Think about what classes Xu Mo has taken since he came to Qingye?Physiology class... uh... and physiology class!

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid that he taught physiology to teachers and students throughout the year in public classes. Didn't he deliberately provoke Xu Yan to pinch his pigtails?In fact, Xu Mo is still a little bit ink, and there is still confidence in things like public classes. Isn't it just an hour of nonsense?Sprinkle it!

I just thought of some chicken soup for everyone in Class A, didn't it just become a collective chicken soup for the year?It's all the same, everyone has soup together.

The morning time passed and soon came the afternoon.

Xu Mo didn’t have PPT or anything. I borrowed Lemon’s laptop at noon and it took ten minutes to complete it. Lemon was staring at the side for a while, and it took a long time to say: "Are you sure you want to take it? This lecture?"

"En." Xu Mo nodded surely.

"You are really different from other teachers, I am looking forward to it."


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the spacious multimedia classroom was fully occupied. In addition to the teachers and students for the whole year, there were many teachers who had long wanted to hear how much this male teacher weighs.

Of course, in the last row, there was Xu Yan who sat high above him, looking at Xu Mo with a smirk.

Of course Xu Mo saw her, but pretended not to see her.

After quieting down, Xu Mo's public class began.

The close maid beside Xu Yan couldn't help asking, "Master, what...what can he talk about?"

"My elder brother is not a teacher major in college. It is just impulsive to be a teacher. He is an outsider who teaches. He knows nothing. It's interesting. What on earth will my brother talk about? I am looking forward to it."

Xu Mo didn't hear Xu Yan's dialogue after such a distance. He quickly opened the first page of the PPT, which was a normal headline in black on a white background: "Ideal and Reality".

Then I introduced myself: "Hello everyone, I am the head teacher of Class A in high school, Xu Mo, I believe many of my classmates already know me. Then let’s not say much. Today I bring you this public class called 'Ideal and reality'."

Xu Mo's smooth and simple opening remarks with a slightly confident smile, which aroused applause from many girls.It’s just that the title of this lesson seems a bit pretty regular. When most people read the title, they almost know the content. It must be the formal words again, and they feel sleepy.

However, Xu Mo certainly wouldn't make them feel sleepy, so he committed a PPT at hand, and a picture of five or six zombies appeared on the big screen in an instant, and the audience made a few small screams. Some girls were shocked. .

This... misplaced the picture?

What the hell is this zombie?

Author's message:

PS: Mr. Xu hasn't had much class as a teacher for a long time, and this time I satisfied him.I have prepared for this lesson for a long time in the next chapter, and I wrote it down seriously. The effect should be good. Please look forward to it~

Chapter 201 Resident Evil is educational

Because of this zombie picture, the audience was noisy for an instant. After a while, when it was confirmed that Mr. Xu did not put the picture in the wrong place, it quieted down.Male teacher, so amazing, really extraordinary.

I am afraid that this picture has already aroused everyone's taste buds.

Xu Mo hopes to have this kind of a little more active feeling, because the classroom he thinks is like this, it seems that there is still interaction now.

"Before entering the topic, I want to ask you a question, what is your ideal?"

Many classmates started to discuss in a low voice, but no one stood up to answer this question first.It is understandable that most of them are well-known ladies of the famous family, and their lives have been planned by the family since they were born, including their future, which has long been known, inheriting the family business, and marrying a certain family. The people of the marriage are certain.

This ideal, it seems... it's really a bit difficult to answer. It should be said that this question has not been considered at all.

So everyone is thinking about it almost now.

Xu Modao guessed this situation in the first place, so he wasn't in a hurry, he could find the steps casually.He smiled slightly and said to Teacher Yu who kindly reminded himself in the afternoon: "Mr. Yu, you can talk about it."

"Huh? Me?" Teacher Yu was surprised that he was named, and immediately thought about the issue in a panic.

Teacher Yu is an ordinary teacher. He graduated from university for three years and was hired by Aoba for teaching excellence. Therefore, as an ordinary person, ideally she should be able to answer this kind of thing more easily.

Teacher Yu is also a very innocent girl. After thinking for a long time, she replied a little embarrassedly in a low voice: "I...I wanted to find a good job when I was in college.

"This is just a short-term goal, not ideal, and you have achieved it."

"I...that's it." Teacher Yu said a bit disappointed.

With this beginning, there was also a second student who raised his hand to speak. This girl seemed to be inspired all of a sudden and was a little excited: "Teacher! I hope to be the goddess of dancing!"

This kind of lady, in the eyes of ordinary people... is actually a simple little girl with no common sense.I often see some magical TV series by accident like this, and I believe it is a real child.

Xu Mo was not able to be thundered, a little bit untenable, but she was a goddess of dance.

If I were to change to a regular school, I would have roared with laughter a long time ago, but this is not the case in Aoba where the young ladies gather. Many people don't even know what dance goddess is.The teachers only appeared embarrassed, obviously used to their innocence.

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