My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 162

Although they knew that it was the misunderstanding of the girls' school students, the other teachers didn't care at all. After listening to Xu Mo's class, he showed some respect for his unintentional attitude.

And Xu Mo somehow gained a large number of fans, these are all digressions.Because when the outsiders were talking about him, he was urging everyone to study in Class A.

This class can be regarded as a lot of momentum and motivation for Class A.

Those seventeen students who did not know Xu Mo also had a new understanding of Xu Mo and became more confident. They even envied those who had been studying in Class A very much.This male teacher is amazing.

In fact, it is not. Even a few of the former Class A were shocked by Xu Mo and refreshed their new understanding... This is not the teacher Xu they knew at all!

At the end of the first day, the lemon is worthy of being a lemon. She has thoroughly studied the attributes of each person... ah no, it is ability.Summing up a bunch of data comparisons that Xu Mo looked dizzy, Xu Mo understands the graph. Well, yes, they are all rising trends, and it seems to be effective.

Then Lemon prepared a separate homework for everyone through data analysis, and the homework that everyone got in their hands was different.

A very tacit and serious day is over, and Xu Mo's small villa is the same.

Very unexpectedly and with very wrong style of painting, Ye Diele and Nan Bing, two of them, went back to their rooms as soon as they got home... do their homework!

Just do homework!Nan Bing did not do anything weird, nor did Ye Diele go out to work or sleep!They are...doing!Made!industry!

After knowing them for so long, when I saw them do something that meets the requirements of high school students, Xu Mo was greatly moved, knowing that they are all working hard because of themselves, and can't bear to interrupt.A person prepared a sumptuous dinner in a good mood, and wanted to reward the two who studied hard...

No, how come you always forget to sleep?Well, leave her alone.

After a dinner, Nan Bing and Ye Elegy returned to their respective rooms... do their homework!Learn!

Even washing the dishes alone at night, Xu Mo felt so moved and cried.

But obviously, he forgot poor Lori.

She had been in a deep sleep state in Xu Mo's pocket, Xu Mo did not call her, she did not wake up.

When he got home, Xu Moshun put his clothes on the balcony and forgot about her.

Nan Bing finished his homework. Although he was slightly tired, he also had a good sense of accomplishment and was in a good mood.Her room was connected to the balcony, and she was about to change her school uniform and change into casual clothes to find Xu Mo Wencun... But when she hung up her clothes, she suddenly discovered that there was a pink one in Xu Mo's pocket. The little thing showed up.

He took it in his hand and looked at it for a while, then closed the window tightly, pulled down the curtain, and got into his bed at the fastest speed.

Of course she knew what that little pink toy was, but she had used it in front of Xu Mo.However, her one has been malfunctioning recently. Even with a new battery, it can only use the lowest vibration frequency, which makes her unhappy at all.

Today I found this little pink toy in the teacher's clothes... She smiled ambiguously, and the teacher always said, Oh, this kind of thing should be tempered or something, in fact, the props have been prepared long ago?Hehehe, it still looks like the latest Japanese style?Very professional!

This style of Nan Bing has only been seen in small movies... It just happens that I am in a good mood now, and I can play with small toys or something... OK?Just give it a try first, and look forward to it!

The sleeping Loria was dazed, feeling that she was being touched all the time, maybe she was sleeping, and she said in a dream, "Who is touching me so boldly? It's not right to disturb people's dreams, I..."

Of course, no one except Xu Mo could understand the lines in the transformed state. In the eyes of others, it was just the little pink toy that was constantly operating.

This shaking speed... Nan Bing was shocked, and said in his heart: OK... It's amazing!

Can't wait to try it and see how it feels.

Poor Lori, who was awkwardly asleep, felt that she had been pushed into a strange place, all around her was so dark that she could not see anything.

She was finally awake now, because the dark place made her a little uncomfortable, especially the damp feeling that became clearer and clearer, and she shouted: "Where am I? Where is this?"

What followed was an indescribable experience, really...indescribable.

"Woo! It's flooded! It's flooded! Come here! I can't swim! Goodness! Help! &*(#! (&!"

Poor Lori.

Author's message:

PS: The tragedy from 648.

PS: Your National Day is over.

Chapter 203 Xu Mo's suicide note

On this side, Nan Bing seemed to have misunderstood the truth. He took out the little pink toy and tried it out... Naturally, she was happy, but she felt sorry for Lori. She was extremely sensitive to things like water, herself. It's a bit confused (mentally retarded), and now it's submerged in water, so I can't be wrong.

He couldn't even do things like lifting the transformation.

But only desperately struggling and calling for help in that black hole and flooded place: "Come here! Where are you Xu Mo!? Come and save me! Help!!!"

Constantly shouting, constantly struggling.

However, in the eyes of Nan Bing and the outside world, the sound of shouting has all turned into the strongest vibration function.

The little pink toy turns into a struggle that is constantly turning.

Rotation + vibration =?

The strongest quilt toy in history.

Nan Bing was pleasantly surprised by such a small surprise, and his heart was even more happy.

Poor little Lori, don’t know what she has experienced... She keeps calling for help... calling for help... calling for help...

Vibration... Vibration... Strong vibration...

Although it does not require much magic to maintain the transformation technique, if it is to continuously use the function of the transformation, it is the drop of slash.Especially when she was stimulated, Lori had become a mess, her own strength was constantly leaking out, and she couldn't control herself at all.

If she is now in human form, I am afraid that the appearance she will maintain is not a teenage loli, but from a loli, she shrinks rapidly, to a young girl and then becomes a baby in a flash...

Because her energy is already running out because of this.If you let this go on, then the final result will be a tadpole, disappearing in this world forever, and going to see her goddess.

But don't worry, at least now she doesn't have to worry about this issue, because even if she goes to see the goddess, there will probably be someone who will go first.Because now and Xu Mo have concluded a contractual relationship, Xu Mo is Lori's continuous meat. Toilet... Ah no, it is an energy replenishment station.Xu Mo is like an energy replenishment station that automatically produces some energy that Loria needs every day and automatically transmits it to Loria.

Although that little energy is not right, she can't be filled up at once.But at least it can be maintained in a state of Loli's body shape and will not get smaller and smaller.

But now Lori has a big problem here, then Xu Mo, as her source of replenishing energy, will automatically continuously give her more energy...

Xu Mo in another room, at this moment...

It turned out that I was sitting at the desk with joy and sorting out everyone’s study documents, thinking about whether to go out and buy a watermelon to treat everyone. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling that made Xu Mo suddenly weak in his limbs and just half of his feet stood up. , But suddenly limp down, a Ge You shape.

I rub?What's wrong?Kidney deficiency?

How could you suddenly lose strength in your limbs?I feel... I don't need any strength, and now I can't even get a trace of the strength to stand up.

It feels... the body is hollowed out.

I thought it was just a temporary feeling, and I should be fine after a short rest, right?It's okay... right?

However, this was not the case at all. Xu Mo, who was paralyzed in the chair, felt that the feeling of being hollowed out was getting worse, and even his mind began to have hallucinations, his vision became more and more blurred, and he wanted to talk. , But when the words reached my throat... I couldn't say it forcibly.

At this moment, it may be because of the conclusion of the relationship that he could feel what happened.

Although I don't know the specific situation, I can feel what happened to Lori, which made me such a virtue.

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