My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 167

"Oh, okay." Li Xueer kept rubbing her fingers nervously, and didn't dare to ask why she was treated like this alone.

Lemon did not take out the paper first, but took out a bunch of incomprehensible things from nowhere: "Don’t be nervous, let’s do it, I’ve recently researched a good formula, and after drinking it, my thoughts are well. Intermediate grades can definitely be improved."

"Ah...? What...? Can I... also?" Li Xueer said blankly.

Lemon nodded very surely: "Of course, it can definitely improve a lot, you should know who I am?"

That is natural, the identity of Lemon is a famous super genius in the world.


"Wait first, I will prepare the ingredients." The lemon seemed to have been prepared in advance, and went to the corner and took out the prepared beakers, and began to add ingredients seriously.

Xu Mo also followed, and whispered in her ear uneasy: "Lemon, I said you can't cheat with these things, right? I will definitely be found out, my sister, she..."

Who knows, he was glared at by Lemon: "Do you really believe that I have this medicine?"

Xu Mo was speechless, so he could only watch her do it now.

What does she want to do?

Xu Mo sniffed these materials and looked at them. Although they were in the beaker, these liquids always felt familiar.

He pointed to the black liquid and asked, "What is this?"


Then he pointed to the green one.



"Huoxiang Zhengqi Water."



"Snake grass water."


Xu Mo was dumbfounded, and said in the loudest voice that could be controlled to prevent Li Xueer from hearing: "You want to mix these things together for her to drink!?"

There is no need to answer, because the lemons have already been mixed together, and that cup of mystery mixture made Xu Mo feel his stomach churning when he looked at it from a distance.

Now Xu Mo knows that this cup of gadgets certainly has no cheating effect, only killing.

But immediately, this cup was delivered to Li Xueer's hand.

Li Xueer didn't say anything, even without asking, she looked up and drank this cup into her stomach.

"how do you feel?"

Xu Mo originally thought that he would vomit right away, and even wanted to prepare plastic bags, but who had thought that she hadn’t. Li Xueer seemed to be a different person. She was shivering from nervousness, but now she is extremely confident. , Full of energy.

She replied: "I feel refreshed a lot! My mind is very clear! Thank you, classmate Lemon!"

"Well, then try this paper."

Taking advantage of Li Xueer's effort in making papers, Xu Mo couldn't hold back anymore. What the hell was going on, he pulled Lemon to the door: "What the hell is this...what is it?"

"She is actually a genius, but she should have a mental illness like test stress syndrome, or she has been taking the exams at an intermediate level, and she has become accustomed to her mentality. She feels that this is her level, so she has not been able to improve. In fact, I analyzed After her own situation, she discovered that her learning ability is actually very strong. Why does she make the right one for the same difficult problem and the same solution? And the wrong one is still outrageous. She knows how to solve the problem. "

“It’s never easy to recover from mental illness. We don’t have time for her to receive treatment. So, based on her absolute trust in me, this is actually a cardiotonic. Use this cardiotonic to fill her psychologically. Vacancy, as long as she feels that she can do well in the exam, she can definitely do well in the exam, to her level. What I did was to stimulate her potential. Isn't this cheating?"

Although the description of lemon is very understatement, it seems to be a very common thing.But what gave Xu Mo was another shock. Sure enough, Lemon was a genius among geniuses, a scholar among geniuses.Can she analyze people to this degree?

The result of the final exam was obviously full score, and there was not a single mistake. You must know that Li Xueer always had a mid-range score.

She herself was very surprised, convinced that it was the effect of the lemon medicine.

Li Xueer returned to the class with excitement, only Lemon and Xu Mo were left in this classroom.

"Then... if you use this trick for other students?"

Lemon shook his head: "No, although it is a psychological comfort to put it bluntly, it also has to have strength. Only Li Xueer can apply it, because she understands it herself. If she does not understand it, she still does not understand her psychological comfort. In fact, the second stage is to carry out the most effective learning according to the differences and characteristics of each person, understand? But most people may be in a few days, and the seventeen will be handed over to me. The rest, the original Class A, I’m responsible for you."

Although I don't know why Lemon had to arrange this way and hand over the original Class A students to herself, but now it seems that Lemon's ability is really strong, and this arrangement definitely has her reason.So Xu Mo nodded the question.

"If this is the case, then I will think about Ye Diele, Nan Bing, Fang Zhizhi, and Concubine Chen, the second-stage method of these four people."

"You missed someone." Lemon reminded, and was very serious, staring at Xu Mo with beautiful big eyes, motionless.

"Ah? Lori? She doesn't have to take the exam."

Lemon seemed to be a little angry, and shook her head, her soft long hair constantly stroking her little face: "Am I not a human?"

"Ah... this? Do you also want the second stage? I teach you to learn?"

Xu Mo did not expect that Lemon would also participate in the second stage?If she was studying, she taught herself pretty much.

"It is said that I have taught me Desert Storm and Crystal Love, this will be my second stage." She angrily said.

This... Does this count?

This book eats jujube pills.

Author's message:

PS: Did you get the correct answer in the previous chapter?If the new driver does not understand, remember to read the answer.Well, there will be Desert Storm and Crystal Love.

PS: Chapter Push Time "Daddy UP Master Plays Another World"

Chapter 208 Nanbing's Special Education

After simply apologizing to Teacher Liu the next day, he could be forgiven. Liu Yiqiu was actually quite angry. After all, Xu Mo was...unbearable.But seeing Xu Mo's slightly vicissitudes of life and the look with slightly dark circles under her eyes still felt a little in her heart. As a teacher, she was not incomprehensible, and she was not so angry.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Last night, Xu Mo's "second stage" for each person in the study of lemons was late at night.It's really grateful that Lemon was only given to a few people. It was a difficult task to complete it.

Fortunately, it is almost ready... Except for the lemon project, Desert Storm and Crystal Love, how can we teach her what exactly it is in a descriptive situation?Hmm...this issue still needs several nights to ponder over.

It's not the same to have a professional teacher join, it's much better than Xu Mo, a half-way monk.Thanks to him, the next few days went smoothly.Liu Yiqiu is very responsible, not only in charge of his own mathematics subjects, but also in many other subjects with a lot of professional guidance. Xu Mo was really taken aback to see.

In this case, the weight is increased.

Soon, a smooth and peaceful week passed, and there was still one week left before the monthly exam. At least everyone had to reach the second stage.

Lemon has passed through the first Li Xueer, and successively carried out the second stage of "tuition" for nine people. Now there are only seven people left in her, and she said that these seven people will also be in two. All in the sky.

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