My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 173

Fortunately, Xu Mo's phone vibrated, and he took a look at it. It was a strange call... Wasn't it embarrassing?

You don’t need to think too much about how embarrassing the plot is now. The parents are fantasizing about how their daughters will call them for help next time, and here... their phone rings. , And eight achievements are the call they are looking forward to.

Xu Mo held the phone and hesitated...Can't answer it?


A few minutes ago, in the small room where Fang Zhizhi and Concubine Chen were closed.

The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, completely shocked and at a loss.At this critical juncture, they seem to have gradually lost sight of their previous estrangement, and quickly regained their tacit understanding.

However, it is clear that at the crisis of panic and confusion, people's thinking is not so sensitive. Obviously, Concubine Chen's father didn't think of this when designing the level.

Both were kidnapped here by a group of strangers, and both of them were young girls...the fear in their hearts made them unable to think calmly about how to get out at this time, even if they had so much heart.

It's not like a room escape game. I know that this is just a decryption game. I can calmly and quietly think about the location of the organ and the way to pass.

In times of crisis, you can only make actions that your brain reacts to for the first time.

Fang Zhizhi found something first, and made a sound through the adhesive tape on his mouth, "Uuuuu...", his eyes looked down, as if to remind Concubine Chen something.

The original tacit understanding between the two made Chen Fei'er immediately know the meaning. Even though her hands and feet were tied up, she still supported her body and crawled forward like a worm to Fang Zhizhi. She moved forward and used it because she was panicked. The tears went to the edge of the tape on her face, and she worked hard to squeeze out a few more tears to make the tape around it wetter.

After the obvious edge was lifted up, I gave it a small face and choked it down (in fact, the parents didn't stick it too firmly)

It may be because of being too scared to be too flustered, and the breathing rate increased. As a last resort, Fang Zhizhi, who was torn off the tape, took a few breaths, and quickly used a similar method to moisturize his uvula. The skin on the side of the adhesive tape around Chen Fei'er's mouth, when the adhesive tape warped a small corner due to moisture, she pulled it off with her teeth in one breath.

The mouths of the two of them were free again, but the hands and feet were still tied.As for breaking free...?In this case, I never thought that the rope would actually come down after a few strokes.

In the face of this kind of crisis that has never been experienced before, the two little girls will be temporarily relieved even if they had great hatred here before. Moreover, they have not actually had any friction, but they feel ashamed for each other and for each other. The idea of ​​creating new feelings.Having said that, these two people were in a "couple" relationship before.

The two of them are now grasshoppers on a rope. Only when they get out of here can they continue to survive safely... and then they can see the people they want to see again.

What estrangement, what guilt, all disappeared at this moment, and now they only wanted to escape.

"Zhizhi... are you here too?"

Concubine Chen remembered that since school was over at noon, she seemed to have not seen Fang Zhizhi.

"My mother's assistant called me and asked me to go to Houshan to pick up a package and then I was..."

Fang Zhizhi told the story, but Concubine Chen felt so similar.

But this kind of time is not a time to care about it at all.

"We have to escape!"

They have the same idea at this time.

However, when the two of them carefully observed the surroundings, they found that the outside was not visible from the door, and this was a room without windows and any passages, only a drain pipe, the size of a fist.The door seems to be locked, and I am not sure if there are bad guys guarding the door...

The only thing that looks like a good escape is the old factory ceiling, which is full of rusty holes, and sunlight can come in through the holes from below.But the ceiling is more than two meters high, and even two girls can't get out.

The two tried countless times, and thought of countless ways in their minds... still to no avail.

This kind of panic enclosed in the secret room gradually eroded their hearts, and the feeling of despair became stronger and stronger.

The desire for help that was finally ignited felt like being extinguished by negative energy.

What I said made me feel more and more frustrated.

"Knowledge... They... kidnapped us... for what?"

"I don't know... it might be money..." Although Fang Zhizhi answered this way, as a girl, she usually heard a lot of things in the news that would definitely be more desperate if she said it. In fact, in her heart It is clear that, in addition to money, it may also be for...

The sunny and cheerful Concubine Chen also shivered at this time, a stubborn heart, forcing her to shout unyieldingly: "No! No! I don't want to be in such a place...! I have to finish the script! I want Zhizhi to see the TV series I wrote! I think...I want to live with the teacher and Zhizhi!"

Intellectual people know that they think more at this time. In fact, their heart is more low and desperate, but Chen Fei'er suddenly shouted such a sentence, but it is like a ray of sunlight that shines into her already dark heart... …

"Concubine, what did you... just say?"

Concubine Chen realized that she seemed to have told a secret, but at this moment of crisis, the courage felt like giving up. If she didn’t say it now, then in case the two of them really suffered an accident... There is no chance again.

"I want to be with the teacher and you..."

She didn't speak, but Fang Zhizhi smiled slightly and nodded: "Well, let's go together. The teacher said, ideal...this is my ideal."

It seems that at this moment, they can all feel each other's special feelings for Xu Mo, combining their "friendship" ingeniously together.

I have to say that Xu Mo also inexplicably played a handful of little angels here, saving the hearts of two desperate girls.

The two who rekindled their desire to survive, the state was restored to the original state of the Lily period, full of tacit understanding, and love each other.It's just that there is one more ideal goal to pursue together.

But if you can't even get out of this sealed room, how can it be done?

They began to carefully search every corner of the room, every opportunity to escape.This time, they were surprisingly calm and calm, and Xu Mo's power was really indispensable.

The black phone "lost" in that corner almost made them shout out in surprise, but they tried to cover their mouths.

But the tears of excitement could not help but stayed. The two were in a tacit understanding. They didn't even use language to communicate since they found the phone. At this moment, they were completely synchronized.

I made a call, even skipped the alarm call, and directly typed in a particular memorized number verbatim.

Toot toot...Toot toot...

Teacher Xu's phone rang.

With a wry smile, he glanced at the small room.

Author's message:

PS: Probably tomorrow, I will write about the special teaching of lemon. You know the content of the teaching before you read it. I don't know what bites it.

PS: It’s great to hear the title of the book, isn’t it?

Chapter 215: Make a paper

"Hello!? It's great, it's connected... Teacher... I'm Zhizhi, my concubine and I..."

The two of them quickly and quietly told their trusted teacher Xu what had happened, and then asked him for help.

But the teacher answered quickly, but the tone seemed a little subtle.

"Well, you guys will be there and wait for me, I'll come right away." Xu Mo replied on the phone, unexpectedly calm, as if discussing which restaurant to have afternoon tea with them at random, without any panic. Emotional performance.

Then the call ends...

Huh! How do you feel that something is wrong?Is the teacher rushing to save us now?But... but it doesn't seem to tell him where we are... Although it seems that I don't know exactly where it is.


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