My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 176

Chapter 217 Special Lecture on Lemon ②

Different from the first time lemon’s “eating ice cream”, her proficiency has been improved by eating ice cream and ice and fire this time. With some experience of her own, she can be considered familiar with a place where Xu Mo displays. , She can find where and where and where the focus is with her deft tongue.

This experience, because of the addition of jelly, feels completely improved.

Xu Mo sat on the bench and even began to lose control of his body balance. His eyes were erratic... It was the kind of feeling that was going to be ecstatic, his eyes blurred, and he didn't know where to look.If you look down, Loli’s little head is indescribable one after the other, and it’s full of guilt...So, I still close my eyes and rely on consciousness to...'Cooperate with the experiment 'Bar.

That kind of strange feeling easily made Xu Mo feel inexplicably, especially in a certain place just now by Loli's white silk, which made him even more eager.

If it were not for Xu Mo's heart to control his body to prevent it from venting, otherwise it would be impossible to carry out this experiment at once. You must know that there is not only this Crystal Love project, but also a desert no less than this. storm.

It's just that this crystal love is really powerful. Loli's mouth skills are really no less than that of Nan Bing who has been training for ten years, especially with props... This kind of gameplay has never been experienced before.

Lori's mouth was very gentle and gentle, and she didn't give Xu Mo any chance to wake up a little bit, allowing Xu Mo to experience her powerful skills and precious things time and time again.

Unconsciously, Xu Mo couldn't help poking out with one hand, and he just touched a soft, delicate, silky, soft place with a little warm temperature.

Inadvertently... Why did the big hand touch Lemon's calf, just above the white stockings.

The thin layer of white stockings is so pleasing to the eye.Lolita’s white stockings represent the innocence of Lolita’s traits, love and sacredness!

Especially when conquering Lolita, the feeling of wanting or rejecting with white stockings is even more bloody.

It may be very irritating to touch these little feet wrapped in sacred white silk stockings in other parts, but this is the first time Xu Mo has touched them with his hands.

With a thin layer of silky stockings, you can vaguely see the white and tender calf skin wrapped in stockings, spotlessly pure.Gently stroking along the stockings, not only can you feel the most real experience of stockings from the most sensitive palm of human touch, the unique softness and delicateness.You can also feel the smooth skin under the millimeter interval, double feeling and double allure.

Just such an involuntary touch makes people love it, and it's not enough... I want to touch this little foot again.

Xu Mo glanced at Lemon awkwardly. She only paused a little, but did not squeak or resist. She still moved her head seriously and carefully controlled her experiment.

Xu Mo really couldn't help it after swallowing silently.Xindao, just one touch... another touch...

But he couldn't bear to press his hand, and quickly touched it a few more times.This kind of lingering feeling is really addictive, and it is better than Vita lemon tea.

Fortunately, Lemon didn't say a word. Not only did he get a great pleasure somewhere, but he also had a good hand addiction.

After a while, the little lemon mouth gently left, and took a small bag to spit out some of the remaining broken jelly.Most of the jelly has melted into the mouth in an indescribable process. If the jelly is used up, it should enter the next test item, while Xu Mo has not vented.

She wiped her mouth with a paper towel a little, and took a pack of small props used in Desert Storm: "Can you continue? Don't forget how you felt just now. I will write a report on the results of the experiment when the experiment is over."

"Oh...oh...well." Xu Mo recovered from the wonderful touch in his hands. Even now, his big hands did not leave the lemon-wrapped feet.

Lemon's small face showed no expression, just a little reddish, and asked, "Desert Storm, what to do?"

Similarly, Xu Mo briefly described the method, which is actually the same as Crystal Love, except that the stuff in his mouth has changed from jelly to popping candy.

That's right, the small package of props that Lemon is holding at this time is just ordinary XX brand popping candy.

She opened the package, poured all the popping candy in the bag into her mouth, then took a deep look at Xu Mo, and slowly lowered her body again.

Lemon directly entered the topic and began to'test' the content.

Touched her little mouth again, but it was a whole new experience.

Although I had a foreboding that the Desert Storm might be stronger than the milderness of Crystal Love, I didn't expect... actually... so... strong.

At the moment of touching, a burst of pain that wasn't too strong suddenly filled Xu Mo somewhere around him like an explosion.The tingling sensation was not strong, but it was full of irritation, and Xu Mo's body couldn't help shaking.

Popping candy should be eaten by most people. It belongs to a special kind of sugar. When you eat it, it will give off a stimulating feeling under the action of soda, and it will burst and bounce in your mouth.And it can last a long time.This trick is called Desert Storm, which is just like the sensation of popping candy in the mouth, a very appropriate name.Under the double stimulation of the soft tongue and the popping candy... It's amazing, my lemon.Compared with the crystal love just now, the stimulation of the desert storm is indeed much stronger. Although there is no soft feeling of the crystal love, it has a unique style.

If the Crystal Love just now only allowed Xu Mo to open two doors, this time it would be full of firepower, without any patience or scruples at all.

Maybe it was too presumptuous. Xu Mo felt that he might not last long under this kind of serial stimulation. Although it was really uncomfortable to hold back without venting it, it was a lemon after all...

He resisted, and said, "Lemon... um... okay? I've finished feeling it..."

This is true. The popping candy has obviously melted quickly, without the irritating tingling sensation.

However, Lemon didn't seem to be able to hear it at all, still doing her work, and didn't mean to stop.

Eyes closed, pretty blushing activity...

I can't bear this stimulus, indescribable... it's over.

Lemon ran to the side gently, put the spit in the test tube and carefully stored it, then rinsed his mouth, and then spoke.

But a little bit intriguing.

"The second stage is all over... The concentration has risen a lot, I have to do an analysis test, you... put on your pants and go out."

I really don't understand what the last half sentence is.

Black question mark.

PS: I can’t think of anything I can share with you. Let’s take a look at my cat, but I’ve seen it in the group. Many friends have seen it.

Name: Genji mother snowman loves pet

Author's message:

PS: By the way, a book "The Heroine Cannot Be Bullied"

Introduction: "Sir, when I grow up, I want to be a heroine!"

Qingshan Shusheng emptied his eyes: "You little girl, I'm saying this is annoying all the time."

"Sir, what do you think is the most important thing about being a female knight? Chivalrous, martial arts?" The little girl looked forward to her face.

"Oh, you, too young." The scholar shook his head, with a trace of firmness on his thin face, categorically speaking, "It's safety pants!"

Chapter 218 Monthly Examination is Coming (Subscribe!)

Xu Mo is used to letting himself go when he runs out of lemons.However, this time I did get a brand new dream experience physically and mentally... Maybe if Lemon really wants to experience the feelings later, Xu Mo can write a 30,000-character Lifan book to her.

Then the second stage of special lectures for all the students is over, and the next day comes in a blink of an eye. There are only the last three days left before the monthly exam...the time left for them is running out.

In the morning, Class A took the first mock test after the second stage of the whole staff. At noon, Xu Mo and Liu Yiqiu even sacrificed their lunch break to change their papers. As teachers, they also want to know the first time. What are the gains of heaven’s hard work?

Not only their own efforts, but the hard work and progress of every student, in fact, they all see in their eyes and love themselves, but also love them.

Obviously, I have already worked so hard, if there is no substantive gain, what a blow to my heart.Every one of them has turned into a desperate Saburo, that is rushing forward with enough energy...

Now I really don’t need anything else. After hard work, just a little sweet cake is enough to let the hard work of these days disappear.

The two teachers carefully reviewed the test papers and smiled brightly every time they saw the correct questions. But if there were some mistakes, they were really reluctant to hit an X and deduct points.

Finally, the test papers were put together and the final results were counted.

The first class in the afternoon is to give everyone the morning mock exam papers, and the neat papers have already been placed on each of them.

When they opened the test papers and saw the bright red numbers in the upper right corner of the test papers...someone rubbed their eyes...someone covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming...someone had begun to secretly wipe their tears...someone was excited Endlessly...someone...very calm (lemon).

Yes, they really did it. It does not mean that they are the first standard in the whole year, but that their return efforts have been greatly improved at this moment. This is the best gift, the most amazing Exciting gift.

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