My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 178

But when they got the address and gathered at the meeting point, it was a little surprised.

Lemon’s address meeting point for everyone is located in a high-end apartment, although it is also a very high-end boutique apartment... But it gives people the feeling that people with the status of Lemon should not live in this high-rise apartment, at least. That kind of luxury villa alone?

Lemon and a pair of middle-aged men and women were already standing at the door of the apartment to greet them. Needless to say, they must be Lemon's parents. His father Xu Mo had also met once.

The two parents really have the kind of honesty and duty. Even if they are now billionaires somehow because of their daughters, their clothes are very simple and friendly, without the slightest nouveau riche air.

Because of the lemon relationship, the two of them have also endured hardships that others don't know, and they have not been able to withstand such a big material change in life.

What the two like the most is nothing else, that is, they like their daughter Lemon to be like an ordinary child of the same age as much as possible... able to go to school, have friends who talk, and can do something they should do at this age, even if they go out to play It's good, but the former lemons would only hide in the laboratory alone, doing things that they didn't understand at all, and then receiving astronomical bank accounts every day... This was not at all safe.

Last night, Lemon suddenly told them that the classmates in the class would come to play at home the next day... Such a common thing made the two of them dumbfounded... After confirming the correctness, they almost cried out that night. It was the most peaceful night for the two couples to sleep.

They also saw the changes in their daughters, and finally did something to make them feel at ease, so that they could have classmates who can get along in harmony.

Lemon's parents were hundreds of times more enthusiastic than Lemon. They were originally rural people and they were not surprised to see more than 20 people coming, but they were more adaptable and welcomed everyone into the apartment together.

The apartment is quite spacious, but the decoration is much more ordinary, nothing special.The only thing I have to say is that the four suites on the original first floor have been opened up into a large one, and the entire floor is their home.

Lemon and her parents walked in front, took a brief tour of the house, and of course talked a lot more enthusiastically.

Introduced with an unchangeable accent, so that everyone knew that the whole apartment had forty floors belonged to lemon.The two couples are really not used to living in that kind of big villa, and they are in the suburbs, and no neighbors around are too calm and uneasy.Later, I moved here, at least in the community, and I can chat with people when I go out of the apartment.However, this floor is only occupied by the couple. From the second floor to the thirty-ninth floor, there are various laboratories of lemons, or a place for stacking test materials.The top floor of the fortieth floor is Lemon's room. She usually needs to do research and needs a very quiet environment. Although the two couples are afraid, they dare not disturb their daughter.

After listening, everyone feels the same, it's really wayward...

Although this single apartment is not as valuable as a luxury villa, this whole building has forty floors!It's different!

Live on two floors...all the rest as utility rooms?

Maybe it's the lemon's thinking that can do this kind of thing, and it's difficult for mortals to understand.

However, when the two couples were talking, they did not conceal a little bit of sadness. Hey, God's will so that they have such an excellent daughter, but it will also affect their original lives.

After reading about the first floor, everyone sat down in the living room to chat with Lemon's parents for being polite.Because it was remodeled with four suites in one, this living room is naturally not small, more than enough to accommodate these people.

Lemons will naturally try to be "normal" in front of their parents. Normally, the lemons are slightly different and behaved a lot.Stand by your parents obediently, hand this apple to this one while handing a banana to that one...

After sitting for a while, Lemon's father took the initiative to shake hands with Xu Mo: "Teacher Xu, thank you so much. It must be your credit for Lemon to get along with her classmates like this."

"Lemon is smart and cute. It's natural for everyone to like her."

"You don't know, we both look forward to this day... Hey! Ha, let's not talk about it. Lemon's room is on the fortieth floor. Would you like to show everyone up there?"

Xu Mo didn't have any problems, and he wanted to go to Lemon's room.However, none of the seventeen people planned to get up.

When I asked, it turned out that in their former eldest lady’s childhood education, when they placed their classmates for the first time, they could only have a friendly conversation with themselves and their parents in the other’s living room, and sent them sincere Gifts, etc., if you step directly into another room, it is very impolite and unfair.

Another reason is that their family members heard that today is the lemon house, and they all told them that they must have a friendly exchange with each other's parents to increase the relationship.

Xu Mo was embarrassed. No wonder they brought a lot of things when they were sent by their families. The feelings turned out to be gifts...

Don't force them anymore. It's okay to be able to chat with Lemon's parents on the first floor. You can see that they both like to talk more about school with their daughter's classmates.

So next, Lemon took Xu Mo, Ye Elegy, Nan Bing, Concubine Chen, Fang Zhizhi, and Lori to visit her room.

Lemon's small body walked in front, and Xu Mo stood silently beside her.The people behind followed.When he walked to the elevator entrance, Lemon seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and took back the obedient face that was forced out, and replaced it with her most natural expressionless look.

Filial little lemon, it is really not easy for the parents to feel better...

"Go to the fortieth floor first." Lemon said, and clicked the elevator cutely on his toes.

Xu Mo could feel the slightest excitement and anticipation in her tone. In order to welcome today's arrival, I believe she must have made sufficient preparations.

Enter the elevator, press the forty floor switch.

The elevator rose slowly.

Almost when the elevator floor shows up to the 22nd floor...

With a "cack", there was a toothy steel cable pulling sound, the elevator suddenly stopped, and the lights went out suddenly.

Author's message:

PS: Two more today!Yes, you read it right!Two more wow!One chapter later!

PS: Chapter Push Time "This Dumpling is the System"


The gods of the heavens, they are aloft, invincible, looking down on the entire world in the clouds...

But today, the most terrifying demon king in history finally came to this world...

"Light, the hope of redemption..."

"I am Thunder!"

"Let the flame burn for a while..."

"Flood of annihilation! Submerge everything..."

Chapter 220 Those Things in the Elevator

The entire elevator was silent for about a second, followed by the exclamation of several young girls who naturally reacted, and the frightened people naturally approached Xu Mo's direction.

Xu Mo didn't have time to react to the situation. Seeing them panicked, fearing that they would fall and be injured in the dark, they spread their arms like wings, spread out their minds, and embraced the surprised girl in his arms.In the darkness, I don't know who is on both sides of me and who is in front of me.Probably because they got into Xu Mo's arms, the girls stopped yelling, and the yelling stopped.

At this time, I heard Fang Zhizhi's voice coming, she seemed to be holding Xu Mo's waist tightly on the left: "This is...what's wrong? What's wrong with the elevator..."

"The voltage...too high..." Lemon tried very hard to make herself sound calmly, but in fact, in the dark, she also felt hairy in her heart. She was squatting at Xu Mo's feet, covering her eyes cutely.

Yes, she is a genius... afraid of the dark.But this shortcoming is too much like a child's fault, she has always refused to admit it.

He was squeezed all over, and Xu Mo couldn’t see exactly what was going on in the elevator. As a teacher, he had to comfort him at this time: “It’s okay. Elevator failures occasionally happen. Wait for the repair team. Will come, don't be afraid."

Xu Mo moved his hands and found that his hands were tightly entangled with a pair of small hands, and they couldn't move a bit. Someone was holding him hard on his chest, and he could vaguely feel the delicate skin all around him.

It is said that people lose their vision and other senses will be several times stronger... It's true, especially the smooth and delicate touch is not known from who and which body part, it adds a different flavor.

There should be no problem with Elegy, and Nan Bing should be okay, too?Both of them's mental qualities are in the past, Lori?She is heartened...!!!!!?

Xu Mo only thought so in his heart, but suddenly a voice appeared in his mind, and immediately shouted out of his mouth, "No! Don't let it go!"

"Ms. Xu...? What's the matter?" Everyone was taken aback by the sound.

It seems that nobody said anything.Why did Teacher Xu yell suddenly?

Xu Mo's cold sweat is almost coming down... Lori asked a word in her mind just now with the function of signing a contract.

"Do you need me to release a Sky Leiqing to illuminate your path? The evil darkness is shrouded, and it is simply vulnerable to Tian Leiqing!"

Of course Xu Mo is going to blow his hair!

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