My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 181

Lori's warm white silk with her body temperature appeared in her hands inexplicably, the freshest!Loli original white silk with body temperature!

If it is normal, Xu Mo must be very happy. If there is no one, he will definitely smell the freshness of loli on it gently and feel...

But now, when I think of the content of punishment is to make myself wear it...complex mood!

He was stunned, the temperature on the stockings had faded a bit, and Lemon was a little anxious. This was the first time she finished the game. Why didn't Xu Mo cooperate?

"Xu Mo, hurry up."

Yes, she cooperated like this, and Xu Mo still chirped.

"Di-if the king does not cooperate with the game, it will be enforced." Dajiang One is simply a lackey, and he cooperates.

For his own eyes, for the eyes of everyone present, and for the eyes of the readers, Xu Mo chose to die.

Let's not talk about spicy eyes, all the clothes on Lori, no matter what they are, she can't wear it, which is too bad.

BUG!This is a bug!

Can't do it at all!Such small cute stockings, no matter how flexible they are, how can they be worn by an adult man?

"I can't wear it! This is a BUG!" Xu Mo rebelled.

Everyone was silent, all expressions were wonderful, and even Nan Bing almost laughed... She was looking forward to it.

However, only Dajiang One heard Xu Mo's voice. It seemed that as an excellent robot, BUG complained that this kind of thing hurts its self-esteem, unexpectedly there was a turnaround.

"Considering implementation issues, the king can choose where to wear it."


A few minutes later, Xu Mo also experienced a great spiritual test and reappeared in front of everyone.

In order for Lemon to have a perfect class reunion experience, as a teacher, he really spared no effort.

He thought about a lot of places where he could wear this white silk, on his head?No... ears?...Sleeve... where?No, no!

An incredible idea just passed by, but it is the correct usage of things like original silk stockings.

Xu Mo's heart struggle ended... He reluctantly put the fresh white stockings with the warm lemon body temperature on his hands... and used them as gloves.

And the size of God TM is just right, like wearing ice sleeves...

(I'm afraid someone doesn't know what ice sleeves are, the previous picture)

A cheeky guy like Xu Mo blushed, and he felt like a pervert under all eyes.

The heart is very embarrassed, but there is still a strange feeling...because the stockings that were just taken off with lemon wrapped in the arm are really...very...excited!

Author's message:

PS: Tomorrow's chapter will be triggered by major events.

PS: I want to find a TO LOVE without repair in the fourth season. Is there any old driver who sent it to me?QQ private chat!I want no repairs!

Chapter 223 Shadow

The most embarrassing thing is that the game is still going...

It may have to play until dinner time. Before that, Xu Mo, the'king', would have the trophies he won in his hands.

It’s not just that the hand feels so simple...because it was just removed from the lemon, and now it is tightly attached to your hand. This experience is very wonderful, especially when the hand is moving, gently lift the surrounding From this distance, the air can clearly ask about the unique fragrance from his hands.

And Dajia didn't feel anything wrong, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Nan Bing and Ye Elegy were drawn in the third game, and they grabbed each other's chest.

In the fourth game, Lolia and Concubine Chen, kissing on the cheek, are also very common.

Xu Mo always felt that when he picked two girls other than himself, the punishment was always a little lighter, even within the range acceptable to the girl who came to play for the first time.

But if you get your own round, then...there is always the tension of sweaty palms.

But the girls are not at all. Judging from the current game, it is not only interesting but also very novel, it also arouses their interest.

Xu Mo and Lemon were drawn again this round. Xu Mo was still the king and Lemon was still a servant.

Xu Mo always felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Di-now start to extract the content of the punishment-the content of the punishment is confirmed. The king felt that the despicable servant had stolen a valuable treasure of his own, so the king asked all his servants to take off all the clothes and search the body. After the body search, he did not find himself. The precious treasure misunderstood the servant, so at the end a friendly embrace came." Dajiang No.1 announced.


Sure enough, this is a problem!

The previous few times were obviously very ordinary punishments, and every time I came to myself, it became this kind of very strange punishment, and it actually had its own plot punishment?

Perhaps it is the setting up of the procedure of seeing no evil. After announcing the punishment, Dajiang 1 pulled out a black veil from its belly and threw it toward the sky. The black veil stopped out of thin air as if it was spiritual, and stretched out. In a not-so-small area, Xu Mo and Lemon were just covered in it.

The people outside are hazy and cannot see the situation inside.

Xu Mo and Lemon were immediately enveloped in, and the people outside were also stunned, thinking of the outrageous punishment content... I couldn't help thinking, hello, is this punishment really going to be done?Lemon... She's only eleven or twelve years old, right?

Teacher... You are... committing a crime.

But they found that the seemingly thin black gauze was actually as strong as iron, and couldn't be pushed away no matter how much it was pushed. It even seemed to have the effect of isolating the sound, and the sound inside could not be heard from the outside.


Of course, inside the black veil, the two of them couldn't hear or see outside.

Lemon has no scruples at all, even considering the incompatibility of men and women and age, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.First of all, she felt that this was a game that ordinary people would play at parties, and she wanted to try it.Besides, the other party was Xu Mo... She never had any scruples.

Standing in front of Xu Mo, Lemon didn't hesitate, and began to take off her lovely dress slowly. A pure white cutie, combined with her original round and smooth white, reflected the unique temperament of lemon.The delicate little body, the pure and flawless side of the head, the delicate neck is velvety and delicate...I have seen it once when I helped her pluck the hair somewhere, but after all, the attention was all over that time. Concentrating on an incredible place, this time... but at such a close distance, you can stop zooming in and zoom in again, and you can see clearly in every place.

Including the cutie who represents Loli.

The cutie is the underwear worn by women during the developmental period, because in this period, if you wear a bra, it will not support the bunny, but the cutie is like a close-fitting vest that can protect and wrap the development friendly The little rabbits in the early stage, so that the little rabbits can thrive in the future...

The cuteness of lemons, Xu Mo can tell at a glance that they must be the smallest ones. The lemons are still small and undeveloped. It's even more like a map there. To put it bluntly, the cuteness doesn't need to be worn... Now it looks more For the tights, Xu Mo only paid a little attention, and he could see the two beautiful points on the little cutie.

Xu Mo couldn't help but squatted down a bit after feasting his eyes, hugging this endless tender and lovely body with both hands. Her body, shiny, flexible, beautiful green silk, neatly combed to the back of his head, Xu Mo's big hands Inadvertently stroking the lemon's flesh and bones on the back evenly. After the lemon was hugged by Xu Mo, her heart was still calm, but she felt that some unexpected thoughts in her mind were motivating her body to take the initiative. The two smooth and clean jade arms couldn't help feeling. Hugging Xu Mo.

Xu Mo squatted, hugging each other tightly with the standing lemon.

If this scene is said to be a touching scene where a long-lost daughter and dad recognize each other, some people believe...Uh, the premise is that Lemon puts on the clothes first.


The atmosphere here in Class A is actually very relaxed and happy if we put aside some strange settings, but in comparison, the office of the dean of Aoba Academy is a bit strange on this rest day.

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