My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 200

"In my experience, this must be a hidden plot, which can unlock more CG." Xiao Jiu replied senior.


But it's really... unlocked the new posture. The girls who were just preparing to talk to the protagonist suddenly became more excited because of the protagonist’s righteous words, and added a new posture, that is, Kung Fu, Nan I taught Xiao Jiu in the bathroom last time.

After playing here, Xiao Jiu suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly paused the game, hurriedly ran to the living room to fetch a banana, peeled off the banana peel, revealing the inner part.

Unpause to continue the game...

Xu Mo thought she was hungry and went looking for food. Who would have thought that she would be like this... Follow the poses of the young girls in the game screen... Start practicing the ventriloquist of the personal maid professional skills.

Xiao Jiu is really an innocent and good child, because she remembered what Senior Seven said, if you want to be an excellent personal maid, you must master these skills. These skills must be found in daily life. More practice will make progress!

Since then, Xu Mo never played games with Xiao Jiu again.

Because sometimes after experiencing too many shocking things, the chin will not close.

Author's message:

PS: No. 3... I went to sleep.

Chapter 243 Audio File [Happy Double Eleven]

This time it was a small conversation between master and servant.

"Xiao Jiu, what does Xu Yan usually say about me?" After he was free, Xu Mo suddenly became a little curious about how his slightly special sister described herself in front of the personal maid.

"The young lady often talks about the young master, but she didn't describe the young master himself, but she often tells some stories about the young master. Miss, she is a very nostalgic person. The story of the young master and the young lady is often said by the young lady. Give it to us." Xiao Jiu replied.

Xiao Jiu answered like this, and Xu Mo immediately made up some real and harmonious life pictures.Because when I was young, I lived with Xu Yan at a time, really comfortable.In ordinary life, some very warm things often happen between brothers and sisters.Looking back now, it's really full of happy memories...

Xu Mo naturally felt that Xu Yan told Xiao Jiu and the maids these little sweet stories, and a little shy stretched out a finger and scratched his face.

"Ha, that's it."

However, Xiao Jiu quickly thought about it, and continued: "For example, the story about the toothbrush cup of the young lady's master when he was a child. I have told this many times, and the young lady showed us the cup at that time. Hmm... It's about that when the young master used to wash the clothes for the young lady, he always smelled it before washing. There is also the young master who likes to soak the young lady in the remaining water... well... what else? By the way, there is also the young master taking advantage of the young lady While sleeping, she secretly opened the lady's clothes... Mmmmmmm!" Fortunately, Xu Mo immediately covered her mouth with his hands after panicking, so that she didn't let her shake all the terrible black history in one breath. Came out.

It turns out that the so-called storytelling is all about this kind of dark history that you can’t wait to dig a hole and bury yourself!

and many more!Why these things Xu Yan didn't know... In fact, they all knew it!That night, when she secretly opened her nightgown to check her development while she was sleeping, didn't she always fall asleep and there was no movement at all!?Why do you all know, and know so carefully!

Xu Mo's Three Views were refreshed again, and Xu Yan used to describe himself like this!

Fortunately, the maid in front of him is Xiao Jiu. The innocent child is so good. Even if he knows these terrible black histories, he will not look at him with an expression of junk.

For these, Xu Mo can only explain this: young and frivolous, young frivolous...

Xiao Jiu's eyes were still very clear, but with doubts, I don't know why Xu Mo had to cover her mouth and not let her continue to finish her words. This is very uncomfortable for a chatter who likes to talk.

Xu Mo tried to calm himself a little bit, took a deep breath, and made a weird smile ugly: "Xiao Jiu, are there any games I want to buy and play lately?"

"Huh? Well, there is one game, but it is a PS4 platform game. Master's house does not seem to have a PS4." Xiao Jiu thought about it seriously.

"It's okay, buy it!"

"Wow! Thank you Master!"

Xiao Jiu was very happy because Xu Mo was suddenly generous, and said in joy.

"However, you must not let others know what you said just now, do you understand? Keep it in your heart and never mention it again. It's best to forget all of them."

"Ah? Why?"

"This...because it is a private matter between Xu Yan and I, I don't want others to know." Xu Mo can only deal with it with this reason.

Although Xiao Jiu didn't quite understand it, he struggled for a while, and finally fell under the prostitution of the game: "Well then, Xiao Jiu won't mention the young master using the young lady's toothbrush cup to fly... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Can't breathe anymore!"

Innocence is terrible.

Finally lied to Xiao Jiu and agreed. Xu Mo felt a little relieved. He picked up the tea beside him and took a sip - Xiao Jiu suddenly thought of something, curious that the baby's attributes were turned on, and asked: "But Master, the young lady's stomach When will your child be born? Xiao Jiu has not had time to learn childcare skills."


"Master, the tea made by Xiao it so bad?"

"Cough! Cough!" Xu Mo's face was a little helpless...

Innocence is terrible.


Liu Yiqiu is taking a shower at this time, but the time seems to be a little bit more frequent than usual.

She has always had something to do these days, or is she heart sick?Because she didn't know what was wrong with herself.

Since Xu Mo came that day, he drank too much and got drunk all night... I felt a little weird in my heart.

It's the kind of anxiety that I can't express something in my heart, and asks very urgent questions without getting a reply... It has been entangled in Liu Yiqiu's heart, making her wandering all the time and talking rushingly. A lot, like a fan of anxiety.

This is not the kind of anxious feeling that the aunt came, it is more uncomfortable than the feeling of the aunt. At least the aunt has experienced more than ten years, but this is the first time this kind of fascinating anxious feeling. Fresh, but also very difficult.

Could it be related to that night?

The bath water, whose temperature has changed from warm water to cold water, was sprayed on Liu Yiqiu's hair with the shower head all over his body. In this way, he calmed his brain a little and was able to think about what happened.

Can't remember...just can't remember...

I was so drunk that I really couldn't remember anything. From the time I started drinking vodka, I was in a fragmented state. The memory later is that when I woke up in the morning, Xu Mo gave himself a bowl of porridge...

The night in between...

What's the matter?

Liu Yiqiu involuntarily touched her chest... It was big, no, it was very painful.

Why is it that the harder you try to remember what happened that night, the more you panic here?What answer do I want in my heart?

Do not understand.

Coming out of the bathroom, Liu Yiqiu frowned, wiping her hair with a towel in one hand, and a mobile phone in the other, trying to flip around casually.

Feeling too irritable, holding the phone and flipping around...Huh?this is?

She randomly found a recording file in the'voice backup', and the date displayed was the 13th, which was the time of drinking that day.

I don’t know when I clicked on the recording. It should have been clicked accidentally. After more than an hour of recording, it seemed to be automatically cut off because the phone was out of power.

But the recorded parts are kept.

Liu Yiqiu clicked and opened the recording file...

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