My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 310

After another hour, Lemon asked again: " many do you remember!?"

Distressed, such an immature voice actually started to become slightly hoarse.

The sweat had already soaked her little clothes.

"One! You can't touch the ball with your hands!" Hao Wenrou replied seriously.

Why is this scene so similar to just now, people who don't know think that time is going backwards.

"What's left of...!?" Lemon's calmness has long since disappeared.

For the first time... I was able to make Lemon jump up from the chair.

Hao Wenrou is really terrible.

"I didn't remember!"

The same answer, the same taste.

Lemon was speechless, and the smartest brain in the world was dead at this moment.

Xu Mo watched all this, really heartbroken...Lemon is countless, she can't say that Hao Wenrou is so difficult to teach...The invincible brain has encountered an opponent.

Little Lemon's whole person was weakly lying on Xu Mo's body and gasping desperately... I've known this for a long time, and I haven't seen Lemon so angry.

"Don't... don't be this lemon, she... she didn't mean to, she really is... a fool!"

"...I lost!" After Lemon spit out the last three words, he was no longer willing to speak any more, lying on the bench in the rest area, began to question life, pretending to be heatstroke...

Hao Wenrou didn't realize how terrible her situation was. In her opinion, she could actually memorize completely uninterested rules by rote, which was already very powerful. It was a small breakthrough of her own.

You should know that people like them usually live in an environment with no rules. Why should they use their brains to jot down the rules?

It would be better to save some space, and remember that Ah San had lost four teeth today, and who would kill him tomorrow.

"Forget it... remember the most important one, practice it first." Xu Mo said, if you don't practice it, today it will be for nothing.

At least Hao Wenrou can't hit the ball with his hands.

Speaking of wanting to win the game, the most important thing is to score. To score is to score, and to score is to shoot, right?

So since I didn't write down other rules, how about taking a look at her shot today?


When Xu Mo and his party were preparing in the football field, they did not notice that a group of people appeared in the inside stand area of ​​the football field, which is the legendary VIP stand room.

They were led in by a bald middle-aged man in a suit. The rest were female high school students aged 16 or 7. They were dressed in uniform uniforms, and their bodies were very burly. Maybe this term shouldn’t be used for girls, and She's still a female high school student, but...really very burly.

It's not the terrible burly feeling of Hao Meili's style, but they feel that their legs are thicker than their peers, even thicker than men's. It can be seen that the exercise level of their legs is very high.

The shoulders are also very wide, perhaps for the convenience of the game, most of the teammates also shaved their heads, looking like boys from the back.

However, when this group of people sat down on their seats and watched the movement in the stadium, they all showed very contemptuous smiles.

They didn't pay attention to their opponents at all.

That's right, this team is the opponent of the Aoba Academy Women's Football Friendly Match, the women's college team of Le Province, they just won the three consecutive championships in the college league.

The bald man with them is no one else, but the disgusting person in charge of Le Province Education.

How could he not know the meaning of Qingye Academy's competition and the opinions of other provinces' education departments on him?

But what is this?He doesn't panic at all, because he has made achievements, and there are a group of outstanding athletes who can speak to him, even if he does not pay attention to quality education?Those things are useless!People like them don't understand at all.

Want to kick yourself down?Call yourself a shame in the education industry?

Then prove first, I can't.

Beat my confident team.

This method has been tried and tested again and again, and it is carried out in the name of a friendly match, which is already the third province.

I like to watch this group of people jumping and not jumping to my face.

And they have a very special way to boost team morale, which is to watch opponents practice.

Looking at those crappy movements, the most contemptuous ridicule!

Compare them and see how strong you are!

So, they came here and started to watch the practice of Aoba Academy.

PS: The second chapter is updated regularly. By the way, someone is playing Heavenly Sword?

Ask for a day off, make up tomorrow

Because you understand the reasons, so today we suspend the update for one day.The chapters updated today will be added together tomorrow.

Because you understand the reasons, so today we suspend the update for one day.The chapters updated today will be added together tomorrow.

Because you understand the reasons, so today we suspend the update for one day.The chapters updated today will be added together tomorrow.

Because you understand the reasons, so today we suspend the update for one day.The chapters updated today will be added together tomorrow.

Chapter 348: Praying for Crabs

(The story in this book does not take place in China, nor the earth. It can only be said that it is in an overhead world that is very similar to ours. So, like some worldview systems and viewpoints, please do not combine reality.)

This person in charge of education in Le Province, because he can't always call him a bald middle-aged man, it seems like he is trying to make up the word count, so let's give him a name first and call him Rao Luoxiang.

Rao Luoxiang is this strange man. He is clearly the person in charge of education in a province, but he doesn't pay much attention to quality education, only sports.

Schools in other places can't wait to take all the classes in Chinese, mathematics, English, and all teachers of physical education, art, music, and music have no human rights.But when they arrived at the status quo in Le Province, they just wanted to take all the classes to the physical education class, or that they had almost done so.

The physical education teachers in Le Province turned over, and they can rub the teachers of other subjects on the ground, especially the Chinese, math, and English teachers, who are not taken seriously at all, and may not be able to schedule a class at the end of the day.The class is inexplicably occupied and I don’t dare to say more BB. Those physical education teachers are five big and three rough, and they are covered by people. They are weak scholars, where can they dare to have any dissatisfaction?

Not only that, but the entire Le Province students seem to have been brainwashed, and gradually lost their confidence in learning quality education in the past few years.

Nothing else is because of long-term mental imbalance.

There are scholarships or welfare for students who have good sports performances and go to the competition.

And even if they go to the Olympiad or the English oral competition and get the first place, it is useless. When they return to school, it seems that nothing has happened. The school doesn't care.

What kind of quality education is there to learn? I have applied for a lot of special places in Le Province for the chance to go to university.

That's why it is said to be a major sports province, which has sent many high-quality sports talents to the country. Gradually, in recent years, many sports stars who have won gold medals are all from Le Province.

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