My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 317


Hao Wenrou said to Ye Elegy, who was a little groggy asleep.

PS: I would like to recommend the new fan in the past two years. It should be recharged recently. It is not enough to read comics. I should have basically read the popular fan, but you can recommend it, it is suitable for my book~

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Two

Ye Elegy basically sleeps during class. Is this a way of saving energy?

But the teachers are basically used to it.

Hao Wenrou suddenly called the master or something next to her, and only then dimly awakened the elegy from his sleep.

Xu Mo was caught by this scene.

Then Ye Elegy rubbed his eyes, saw nothing, and fell asleep again...

Xu Mo Bacheng also guessed why Hao Wenrou would do this. After all, she would be attracted by a powerful force... Forget it, let her make trouble.

It took Hao Wenrou more than a week, and she has almost integrated into her daily life as a student rather than as a big sister.

She was also very satisfied with this life.

Let alone the fact that she can become pregnant, after all, the task she sent as a student is also for her family and her biological sister.

And as a student, you can also eat delicious food that you can't taste at home... There is even an extremely powerful master in a class, as long as she is willing to give some pointers...

Just like this, Hao Wenrou went to class in a daze during the day, because he was still in a state of understanding. According to Xiao Jiu, it seemed that he had been promoted to the third grade smoothly.

"I told Gentle to make new desserts for her if she can learn it, so that Gentle will be motivated." Xiao Jiu said.

In any case, I really thank her. If Xiao Jiu hadn't gone to Hao Wenrou's tuition every night, Xu Mo would really have nothing to do with Hao Wenrou's ingenuity.

Xiao Jiu treats her friend very well, and Hao Wenrou is also a loyal person. After receiving so much favor from Xiao Jiu, he also thought of many ways to repay her.

For example, the members of the branch where Hao Wenrou lived temporarily have returned from the marathon. They only know how to follow Hao Wenrou's orders, and they don't know about Hao Wenrou's task arrangement instructions above.

So of course they didn't let Hao Wenrou become a member of the small nine army.

Recently, Xiao Jiu's daily life has changed.

Every morning, she used to go out to buy groceries at the nearby vegetable market early in the morning. She knew the price of each vegetable vendor very well.

But I don’t know why, the pictures these days are like this——

"Auntie, help me calculate this celery, thank you~" Xiao Jiu is well-behaved and sensible, and his mouth is very sweet, which makes these uncles and aunts hurt very much.

"Ah... it's Xiao Jiu, even if you are ready for this celery today, by the way, take this water spinach too!" Seeing that it is Xiao Jiu, the vegetable seller desperately stuffed Xiao Jiu's basket with the freshest vegetables, and No cents will be collected.

"Xiao Jiu, this pork is for you, take it!" This is Uncle Zhu from the pork stall.

"Hey! Xiao Jiu, this mandarin fish, give it to you!" The owner of the fish stall.

Although these uncles and aunts are usually very good, they have offered a discount of potatoes and tomatoes.

But today, Xiao Jiu turned only one third, and the basket was full of dangdang, and he almost couldn't lift anything, and couldn't put anything down.But the point is, she didn't spend a penny today.

Everyone in the vegetable market doesn't know what's wrong, and they don't need her money to give her all kinds of things.

Standing still hesitating, another fruit seller ran over with a basket of apples: "Little nine, take this apple home and eat it!"

"Thank you, uncle, but I..." Xiao Jiu was embarrassed, because she couldn't lift it anymore.

But this apple looks really good. If you take it back to the young master, it should be good, and Senior Seventeen seems to like fruit salad.

When it was said that it was too late, a swift figure rushed out from nowhere, a 1.9-meter big black-clothed man wearing sunglasses, bowed respectfully to Xiao Jiu at a ninety degree, and stretched out his hands. : "Miss Xiao Jiu, let me help you mention it."

"you are?"

The man in black was also a little embarrassed, not knowing how to answer.

The young lady said that she should try her best to do things for Xiao Jiu in the dark without revealing herself, but she also said that if the situation does not come forward to help, she will run to Beishan to marathon... That kind of memory is terrible, the man in black will last a lifetime I don't want a second time.

"Gentle family?" The clever Xiao Jiu also guessed something. Every night she goes to Hao Wenrou and she is not blind. Their uniform dresses in this way.

The man in black nodded desperately, almost crying aggrieved.

In this way, it would not be considered as self-exposure.

"Thank you." Xiao Jiu taught him the basket in his hand, but he still held the basket of apples.

The vendors in the surrounding vegetable market watched quietly.

In fact, they all knew... what happened before Xiao Jiu came here.

A group of black-clothed men like this came out from nowhere, did not engage in troubles and did not charge protection fees, and directly unearthed a few notorious gangsters of this generation from the vegetable market, just as usual. The guy who bullied these vegetable vendors, apart from anything else, hit the ground in front of everyone...

Then I discussed with everyone very kindly. If Xiao Jiu comes, please take care of it.

Very polite and without a threatening tone, he dragged away those horribly beaten gangsters by the way, and even a few men in black suits cleaned the blood on the ground with a mop and finished work!

So there is the plot behind Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu also seemed to know something, and bowed to everyone as he walked back.

This is just one.

For another example, Xiaojiu crosses the road on a rainy day, and there is water on the road. If you step on your shoes directly, you will definitely get dirt on it. It is not good to wait until you get to the school and destroy the school environment.

When hesitating how to pass, a wild little yellow hair will fall from the sky.

It's not so much falling from the sky, it's better to be thrown over.

It was a bit miserable to be beaten, but without saying anything, he lay on the pool of water and made Xiao Jiu a meat pad.

Recently, it has even been cleaned up a lot, and none of the drunks encountered on the road have seen half of them.

It seems...I am used to it.

Every day when I left Hao Wenrou's house, that scene was definitely the most senior treatment on the road.

Two hundred men in black suits lined up neatly, bowing to Xiao Jiu's leaving figure, "Please walk slowly on the road!"

Xiao Jiu is like a human body purifier that purifies the street. Wherever it goes, it is clean, and all small yellow hairs are automatically removed.

Neighbors on the street like Xiaojiu even more.

Xiao Jiu can only feel helpless and a little heartwarming about what his friends have done for him. After all, gentleness is for himself.

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