My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 320

The person I can meet is Xu Mo, which is really great...

The warm scene did not last long, but there was a cry of exclamation and anxious cry from the quiet home: "Master!? Master!? Master!?"

Xiao Jiu seems to be looking for herself outside anxiously.

What's wrong?

After making eye contact with Nan Bing, he nodded. Xu Mo put on his clothes and walked out of the bathroom. He just happened to ran into Xiao Jiu who was crying with rain and stomping his feet from here.

Xiao Jiu jumped into Xu Mo's arms, clutching Xu Mo's arm tightly: "Master! Miss... Miss she..."

PS: Here is the little snowman who strives to stabilize and update.Remember my left middle finger exploded some time ago?But I have been working hard to update steadily...I have always used the status code word of one finger less. Today, I have to go to the hospital for a minor operation, and finally my finger tendons are not inflamed. It is probably a minor operation to give my finger joint Reset it back, because it was a bit crooked before, and now it will explode if you overuse it.

Because the doctor said it was a minor operation, don’t worry, you can go home after the operation.So tomorrow's update is still one less code word, and Quanqin will keep it.

So, so much, I just want to ask.

Can you give me a blade or a monthly pass or a reward~


Chapter 355 An accident happened to Xu Yan

I have never seen Xiao Jiu in such an anxious state. He was more agitated than before when Xu Yan went home without taking her with her. He was even unsatisfactory in her breath. His speech was too agitated and he couldn't catch his breath and took a long time Can't breathe...His face is suffocated, but his hands still hold Xu Mo's arm tightly.

Seeing her in such a bad state, Xu Mo quickly patted her back with his hand to calm her down a little.

Otherwise, you will be fainted by yourself before you say it.

Xu Mo naturally became nervous about the things that could make her feel this way. He patted her on the back and said, "Don't worry, I'm here. Only by telling the matter can we solve it."

After Xiao Jiu listened, she covered her mouth, her eyes filled with crystal tears, and she nodded desperately.

About half a minute later, she let out the choked air with a "Ha!"

"Young Master! Miss... Miss, she has an accident!!!" Xiao Jiu finally said something, but this time he almost hit Xu Mo's head severely.

I don't know where she suddenly got so strong, she just got on Xu Mo's arm with both hands.

"Xu Yan? Something happened?" Xu Mo was also a little surprised. It stands to reason... Xu Yan had gone home to deal with things before. Although Xu Mo hadn't been back in many years, Xu Mo knew the general situation. The odds of something really happening are still very low.

Xiao Jiu is already like this, and he can't mess with it. At least, he has to figure out the matter before thinking about how to solve it.

At this time, Nan Bing in the bathroom also came out. She should have heard what she said just now.

The two exchanged eyes, Nan Bing could feel Xu Mo's same anxiety at this time, but he didn't show it.

In the small villa at midnight, three people were sitting in the living room brightly lit.

Xiao Jiu did not get over, but was even more anxious, and couldn't drink the hot tea in his hand: "Master...I have to go to the lady right away... I have to go back right away... Miss she..."

"Don't worry, I know. How did you know what you told her first?"

Xu Yan is an absolutely special existence for Xiao Jiu. It is the person who gave her a new life... From the moment she became a personal maid, she secretly vowed to serve the young lady for a lifetime and be a personal maid. Everything that should be done.

Xiao Jiu still couldn't calm down, but still tried to tell Xu Mo the reason, so she couldn't wait to unbutton her clothes.

Then he took off his clothes anxiously and left them aside, completely forgetting the basic work of the maid to clean up.

The sky blue lace corset with cute cartoon bunny motifs was revealed, and of course the girl's nearly all white body was followed.

Xiao Jiu did not stop, she was too anxious... there was no time at all...

So I didn’t hesitate to start to untie my bra...

With a "pop", the girl's bra was taken off like this, and it seemed that in order to make Xu Mo see more clearly, Xiao Jiu got close to Xu Mo's sight and showed her two snow-white bunnies to him. He sees.

Xu Mo was completely stunned... His eyes didn't know where to look at this time.

Nan Bing sat and watched, her expression completely strange.


Just when Xu Mo didn't understand the reason for her doing this, and before he could react, Xiao Jiu had already worked hard to break apart her two little rabbits, revealing the middle channel.

It should be a place with beautiful snowy skin, but there is something with a different style of painting, a bit like a mole, but it does not look like a mole on it, but it is deliberately attached. It is crystal clear and reflects light, and looks like a gem , It's a little smaller.

How could there be such a thing in the center of her cleavage...?

It turns out that taking off your clothes or something is just to let yourself see this?My mood seemed to calm down a lot, and I don't know why.

"This is...?" Xu Mo asked in a puzzled way. He didn't know what Xiao Jiu asked himself to see, nor did he know how it was related to Xu Yan's accident.

"A special thing developed by the department at home can provide a medium for transmitting messages between the master and the servant at a long distance to prevent sudden danger. Originally, this thing should be white and transparent, but if the medium is When the owner encounters danger or something happens, there is a violent physical reaction, this thing will turn black, just like it is now."

Xiao Jiu couldn't speak, her condition was so bad that even her skin began to turn red.

In this case, Nan Bing on one side calmly explained it for her.

After Nan Bing finished explaining, Xiao Jiu nodded with tears in his eyes, indicating that it was true.

"Is there still this at home?" Xu Mo touched Xiao Jiu's shallow cleavage... No, he touched the black thing, and it came down with a light touch. It seems that it is not completely fixed. Otherwise it would be too ugly.

Nan Bing nodded: "Well, it was a long time ago. The close-fitting maid or entourage will always wear it on the body."

Although I really want to know why it is worn in such a strange place, it is obviously not the time to complain.

On the contrary, this incident has even more clarified the seriousness, making Xu Mo more and more worried about his sister's situation: "That is to say, this thing is turning black now... What must have happened to Xu Yan?"

Nan Bing's eyes were also a bit unstable. After all, she and Xu Yan were a little scrupulous about Xu Yan before, although it was not as serious as before.

"I'm afraid yes, once a crisis or physical problem occurs, it will automatically send out such a signal."

The situation... is really not optimistic.

Still can't figure it out, this kind of problem will arise obviously in that omnipotent home.

Xu Yan...what's wrong with her sister?

"Master... please send me to Miss, Xiao Jiu, please... Miss she... I'm so scared..." Xiao Jiu was panicked and helpless at this time. At the same time, the situation is also very bad, she will definitely not be able to go back by herself.

And she has never been to that place... it's hard to find an address.

Xu Mo's emotions are mostly tangled, and there is no doubt that he is also worried about his sister.

But my sister is at home, she has been away from home for so many years, the family has been changing flowers to let herself go back.

Although there is a prior appointment, mandatory methods cannot be used.

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