My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 322

The plane gradually began to lower its flying altitude, and the scenery below was unobstructed, even in the dark night by the moonlight.

The three of them couldn't help looking out the window, and they all had different moods.

"Master, I want to tell you one thing..."

Suddenly Xiao Jiu could speak, raising his head, but the first sentence was not about Xu Yan who was in danger.


In the cabin, the lights were not turned on, but Xiao Jiu's expression could not be seen under cover.

She paused for a while: "Miss, she... didn't mean to embarrass the young master. Miss is a kind-hearted person... Although I don't know why Miss did this... But in fact... Miss is really...really I have done a lot for the young master! A lot...a lot, a lot...Although I am stupid, I don't know the specific content, but...but the lady is not that kind of person."

Why do you want to explain to Xu Yan now?

I was afraid that my assistance would be due to the scruples Xu Yan did before...

He smiled helplessly and patted his thigh.

These, he knows.

Although I also don't know why Xu Yan did this, which words of her are true and which ones are false.

But... Sister, she is still a younger sister.

At the end of the monthly test, Xu Mo accidentally saw the extra critical test paper with'Xu Yan' written on it.

Years of grievances were all resolved after seeing the name of the test paper.

That's why at that time, I wanted to have a good talk with her, but Xu Yan immediately disappeared and went home.

"Yeah... I know, she is a good boy."

This is what a person who is not a sister control but has always loved her sister said.

Ps: It seems to be taking exams recently (I thought it seems that more people have been fattening up recently) Everyone, come on for the exam, remember to come back after the exam~

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Seven

It's almost here. If the plane flies within the range of'home', some terrible things will fly over and knock down the strange helicopter.

Although it was a bit disgusting that his family was full of Long Aotian's sense of sight, Xu Mo had to admit that this was the truth.

Because... their family is indeed a collection of Long Aotian.

Even the airspace is monitored. If an unfamiliar flying object approaches, it will be in a first-level alert state. At that time, there will be very unbelievable scenes. Xu Mo once had such a gray memory...

At that time, he was estimated to be eight years old, and he was already a naughty bear kid.Feeling that the things at home are boring, I asked my gardener to secretly bring myself a remote control plane from outside, which is much more interesting than the children's golf at home.

Men have a dream of flying.

Xiao Xu Mo operated the remote control, and the remote control plane started to rotate slowly, flying higher and higher.

The eyes were full of expectation and surprises...the eyes burst into small twinkling stars...the mouth opened in surprise...

One point, one point, higher and higher.

Higher than the tree, higher than the house.

Then... I don't know what attacked, the remote control plane instantly turned into scum, and went with the wind... There was no chance of a crash.

Xiao Xu Mo directly petrified in the same place. Since then, he has even had some psychological shadows. He did not dare to jump too high, for fear that he would become the fate of the remote control plane.

I really remembered this nasty memory... Xu Mo made the pilot stop with a bitter face.

The surrounding environment is like a secluded and clean park, but these plants seem to have never been seen before. They look like some rare species. They are very beautiful and the ground is spotless. The fallen leaves in winter are very clean. Clean, only a few of them seem to have fallen down late at night.

But there is no one. After all, this is the family’s private land.

As the plane left, Xu Mo walked in front and led them with them.

That Long Aotian's home is incredible, it's even bigger than Qingye Academy. Generally, Xu Mo never walked when he was at home, because it was too far away and was picked up by a dedicated driver.

Remember that it takes more than half an hour to walk from here to the nearest'point'...

The so-called point is a travel point that is convenient to set up in order to solve the problem of large homes. There are some means of transportation.

There is no other way. This is the periphery of the home in the middle of the night, and there is no patrolling person at all. Let's bite the bullet and leave.

"I remember, the nearest point is in Zone B2?" Xu Mo asked Nan Bing behind him.

The home is the same as the college, because it is too big and divided into many areas.

In fact, the real family only lives in that big house, which doesn't even occupy an area. It takes a day to go shopping in the house.But he made such a super courtyard of Long Aotian...It was a headache.

This is another small reason why I don’t want to come back and run away from home. Every time I feel particularly ashamed, especially when I come back, I have to mix with those dudes who enjoy the life of Long Aotian and are very silly and innocent. Xu Mo wanted to scold Mom for her mental retardation.

"It's in Zone B2, but you don't have to walk over now, teacher, come here." Nan Bing took Xu Mo and followed Xiao Jiu through a small forest and came to a seemingly ordinary cobblestone road.

This cobblestone road drove away, but there was no way to see where it ended. It seemed to be very long.

Nan Bing stepped on it lightly, leaning forward slightly, but moved forward without moving his feet.

"this is?"

"The roads that were built when balanced vehicles were popular in the past few years are paved in every area, and they are quite aspect. Just step on the road and tilt your body like a balance car to move forward along the road. We step on this. Well, it will be faster." Nan Bing stayed at home for half a year. She was more familiar with these facilities than Xu Mo, a young master who had been away from home for several years.

In a hurry, Xu Mo and Xiao Jiu went up together without much thought.

Unexpectedly, this cobblestone road is really a bit powerful...Although the operation method is the same as that of a balance car, it is obviously more black and technology than a balance car.When stepping on, there is a feeling of being firmly attached to the foot, even if it is tilted to an incredible angle, it will not fall.The speed is also several times that of the balance bike, and I feel like Monkey King in Dragon Ball, stepping on somersault clouds.

In this way, there is no need to go to the spot to take other means of transportation, and just keep going in this direction according to the direction of the road.

There is no time left to miss the scenery of the various mansions along the way. Xiao Jiu is the fastest one to suppress the speed of the balance road. The closer to Xu Yan, the more anxious she becomes speechless. .

If she goes back home, she will be chattering endlessly.

It took twenty minutes to reach the A1 area, the most central position of the entire Xu family.

In fact, it is a very large mansion, which is where the family usually lives.

There are no outsiders except for some maid butlers and other personnel.

Unexpectedly calm along the way.

Calm... a bit weird.

From the periphery to the most central area of ​​the family, there is no one in sight.

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