My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 324

But how can I put it... I always feel that Xu Yan's this is a little different, why is it constantly suffocating vain sweat?

I didn't have the mind to clean up my body and reacted to my sister's body, but hurriedly asked her: "Xu Yan? Be sober, what's wrong with you!?"

Xu Mo carefully observed her body just now, not because she wanted to take the opportunity to see through the girl's sister, but to see if there was anything wrong or hurt.

But she didn't notice any abnormalities other than the present one, so she could only ask herself.

That trembling, but with a lot of amorous feelings, and a loving groaning voice replied: "En?~poisoned...poisoned...body...I became...this way...en...chun ……aphrodisiac!"


Is the plot like this?


Suddenly it felt like being sprayed with dog blood. I didn't expect it to be such a development.

Could it be that Xu Yan was actually given aphrodisiac and other things, that's why it became like this?Yes... it is possible, otherwise how would she explain her current state?

I always feel that this kind of bridge is a bit familiar, but I don't have time to think about it, people are like this... how can I still think.

Xu Yan held Xu Mo's arm tightly and didn't let go. He even started to rub his little pink nose on Xu Mo's arm...the friction back and forth, with infinite spring love.

Both legs were entangled together, like two agile snakes, both tied to Xu Mo's thighs.

Even when wearing thick jeans, Xu Mo could feel that his tangled thighs seemed to be wetted by a lot of water, and even the water penetrated through the jeans, so that he could feel the tide. a feeling of.

I believe that if she is put down now, there must be many incredible marks on the jeans.

"I'll get you some ice water to ease it! Then I'll take you to the hospital for gastric lavage!" Xu Mo adjusted Xu Yan's posture as much as possible, so that she would not be so directly entangled with herself and restrict her activities.

Turned around to get some cold water in the bathroom, turned around, eh?When did I close the door?

By the way, it's no wonder that Xiao Jiu and Nan Bing didn't come in.

Xu Yan behind...showed a slight smile, but soon covered it up again.


It seems to have happened again, urging Xu Mo.

Chapter 359: Wiping Your Face

But behind him was her younger sister who was constantly rubbing against her young girl's body, so Xu Mo couldn't think about the problem of Xiao Jiu and Nan Bing.

This is my sister.

Xu Mo completely believed what Xu Yan said at this moment. She was poisoned... and she was actually an aphrodisiac.

Because I have heard of this kind of thing more or less, if it is mild, it is fine, but there are a lot of potent drugs circulating underground.Like what Xu Mo has heard about, such as "Affectionate Affinity", "Love me a stick", "Noble concubine Ye Yejiao" Spring breeze eighteen degrees, "Avalokitesvara wants to undress" Spanish flies, stomach-invigorating tablets ``I see the chrysanthemum Kai' and so on... are terrible and potent drugs.

There is a detrimental trick specifically used to deal with people, which is to lock two men in a small black room and give them this kind of medicine... Or after feeding them this kind of medicine, they can lock him and a big yellow dog Together... Generally, if it's not for killing the father, it's not like this.

There are even rumors that just a little bit of it can turn the most virgin women into...a woman conquered by desire.And it seems that once the top drugs are contaminated, there is no way to counteract the effects of the drugs without mating.

The consequences of this are too serious, and Xu Mo dare not neglect.

I hope the medicinal power is only average... Use ice water first...

Xu Mo moved very hard, or in other words, it can be described as difficult to move with every inch.

After all, half of his body is carrying a naked Xu Yan, who is constantly entangled with his body like a lust snake, and his legs are constantly entangled and rubbed...

Xu Mo always wanted to get her down temporarily, but his concubines couldn't do it!

It's not that I haven't tried it. Xu Mo just touched her a little bit, and Xu Yan's throat would make a special sexual excitement sound, which made Xu Mo simply want to stop.

This kind of women's most presumptuous voice is what makes men the most unbearable, just like torture.

Moreover, in order to keep himself awake, Xu Mo kept reminding himself in his mind: this is the younger sister...this is the younger sister...this is the younger sister!Personally!Not a capable sister!

I...have no plans to go to Germany yet!

Because of the drug, the body has become so sensitive, just let the opposite sex touch it with the body, will it suddenly become more powerful?

Just now, I just wanted to pull her off the body and put her on the bed. I didn't expect such a reaction, and it just touched her shoulder a little.

I can even feel a stream of heat leaking out of my thighs at that moment, soaking my thighs again...

This... is terribly sensitive.

It seems that this medicine... is not simple yet.

At this time, I was even more worried. There was no other way, and he was completely willing to help his sister Xu Mo.

As a elder brother, if you can't reach out to help your younger sister as much as possible when she needs help, you don't deserve to have a younger sister.

At the moment my sister was born in this world, she should protect her lifelong consciousness!

I'm not a sister, I'm just a good brother!

Xu Mo gritted his teeth, resisting the instinctive impulse of being a male body, ignoring Xu Yan who was entangled in the body, dragged her body to the bathroom of the room.

Xu Yan used to take care of her when she was young, but she hadn't forgotten all of them. Now that they are tightly attached to her body after entering the bathroom, they all remembered, and the movements were extremely proficient without any procrastination.

Just like taking care of a child, remove her towel from the bathroom, adjust the faucet to the coldest, soak the towel thoroughly and wring out two-thirds of it, and then gently cover it on Xu Yan who is not too peaceful. Not very cooperative, flushed face.

"En..." I don't know if it has an effect, she made such a sound, who was stuffed in the ice towel, it seemed to be a little calmer than before.

He took the opportunity to press his hand up, and began to gently wipe her face with a hug.

I think this side doesn't seem too iced anymore, so change it again.

Slowly...slowly...very light and light, but also gentle and serious.

This scene is like a sudden return to ten years ago, almost every night with her, the brothers and sisters always do this in front of the bathroom mirror before going to bed.

However, at that time it was Xu Mo who made the warm towel and squatted in front of the young Xu Yan, gently wiping her cute face while teasing her.

The current scene... But I want to sigh: My sister is really grown up.

No matter where it is, it has become bigger and so powerful.

Since just now, Xu Mo has seen everything clearly.

Doing the same thing as before, it is really easy to recall the past.

I don't know if Xu Yan in the "poisoning" is like this, because she seems to be calmer and calmer after wiping her face with ice water twice, even the slight struggle of "en...en..." is gone.

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