My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 331

Five minutes later.

Xu Mo's entanglement has an answer.

He silently let go of his hand, letting Xu Yan take off like a wolf, and leaned forward.

It's like the philosophical question that I thought about at the age of fourteen or five.

So the answer Xu Mo just thought was...rather than giving it to others, it's better to do it yourself.

Besides... this is the case now.

I really can't bear to see her suffering like this.

Even if you want to be a ghost brother, even if she doesn't have self-awareness... then she will recognize it.

All of them, I'll recite it myself.

Don't think it was a small decision... For Xu Mo, it was almost the same as deciding whether to sign a life or death certificate.

If it's someone else, just nod and nod. Anyway, your body is worthless, and girls always lose money.

But... it's my sister!

So... now that it has been decided, so...


Xu Yan...why did she laugh again?

But this time, it's different.

It's the kind of heartfelt gratification, the expected answer, and a contented natural smile.

PS: By the way, today this book has achieved an achievement, that is, it becomes the second book of the book reader to reach 10W collection. The first is the great sword... Well... Besides thank you, I hope to continue. Write it down.

Chapter 363 An inexplicable sense of loss

Originally Xu Mo had completely given up resistance and accepted his fate.

Prepare to sacrifice your innocent body...Ah, your own body, to ease the physical pain of your sister.

Otherwise, there is no way.Could it be that she just watched her alive by the damn medicine?This is my sister.

After serious thinking, Xu Mo abandoned the moral decay and everything. He even figured out how to explain to Xu Yan after he was sober.

If you do, you must be responsible...even the younger sister is the same.If you do it, it’s too scumbag to assume that nothing has happened... By the way, go to Spain. It should be easy to get a Spanish nationality with your family's ability, otherwise the Netherlands can also!As long as it is a country on this earth that allows brothers and sisters to marry, it is fine, so that she can justify her explanation.

Xu Mo had already prepared enough mentally and physically.

It really feels like an inflatable doll lying there, relaxing wherever Xu Yan comes.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't have a condom on my body... Basically all those things were on Nan Bing's body... By the way, what about Nan Bing?

I didn't have any dreams, or else just try it with a fresh-keeping bag?The siblings don't care... if they are still pregnant... you will have to experience another heart struggle.

The general sentence is that Xu Mo is ready for everything here, only backwards.

But... it just stopped abruptly.

Nothing happened within ten minutes after Xu Yan pressed it up, and even Xu Mo's pants were not taken off.

The heart that was still beating, I don't know if I was expecting or panicking, gradually returned to its normal beating frequency.

In these ten minutes, the two brothers and sisters were just looking at each other.

Xu Mo looked at Xu Yan completely dumbfounded.

Xu Yan got the most satisfactory answer, and smiled lightly contentedly.

The flushing, crazy desire, the commotion all over...all stopped in an instant.

How can I still see those on her face now?It's perfectly normal, except that it's a little weird that I don't wear clothes, and there are no major problems in other places.

After ten minutes of staring at each other, Xu Mo realized...that he seemed to be molested...

I was molested by my sister...

The performance of "Aphrodisiac" is all acting!Acting!From her relaxed and happy smile, we can see that it is all fake, and it is true that it is in her plan!

Although my sister is not as good as lemon, but she is also rare and intelligent, but how can she use all of this mind here, I take it...

Seriously, it wasn't that Xu Mo was naive or ignorant, nor was he stupid. He was foolishly convinced that he knew Xu Yan's situation.It was Xu Yan's acting that was so similar. First he created a sense of tension for himself, and then, based on his concern for his sister, he suddenly became confused and jumped into this big pit.

In addition, the most important reason is that when a man starts to play Xiaodingding, his thinking ability is automatically weakened by half, and the other book has been invaded by instinctive desire.

Xu Mo saw the scene as soon as he walked in. Coupled with Xu Yan's performance throughout the process, Xu Mo's place maintained a super mental state throughout the process!It's hard to think without spirit!

All the factors added together constitute the great success of this whole-player game.

Although I don't know Xu Yan's intentions yet, I can't call it a whole-player game.

After ten minutes of staring at each other, Xu Yan moved.

The corners of her mouth curled slightly, and she leaned over Xu Mo's body, leaning close to Xu Mo's face, she could feel the two little rabbits pressing on her chest.


Xu Mo was still a little confused.

Because Xu Yan just leaned in and gave him a kiss.

Going to make trouble again?

It was Xu Mo's face, and he kissed it innocently, then got up and tilted his head and smiled at Xu Mo.

Touching the place she had kissed just now, she was still a little confused.

Because Xu Mo didn't know whether he had crawled out of a pit or fell into a new pit.

The decision I just made is really a lot of awareness, and it hasn't been relieved until now.

"My brother really didn't disappoint me, and I am satisfied with my brother's answer."


"Brother, I love you, I have always loved you, as I said to you, my heart has never changed, I want to get my brother, be with my brother, be my brother A woman’s thoughts have never changed for a lifetime. So, I was really happy that my brother finally made that choice...It's like my body's reaction was caused by my brother's decision that made me so happy."

Xu Yan said lightly.

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