My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 345

Speaking of this incident...


Nanbing now...

Fortunately, she is not here now, otherwise if she hears this news, I don't know what changes will happen in her heart.

Although she has always been very active and strong, Xu Mo knows that she is actually fragile and has been silently guarding her heart from harming her again.


(Because the plot written here is a long time ago, many students may have forgotten a bit, including myself haha... so I suggest that if you forget, you can revisit the memories of chapters 78-83 about 07)

PS: Dad, give me the blade, I am going to die without a blade, throw all the blades drawn out of the lucky bag to me!(Someone next door said that you can get a blade by calling Dad, I believe it)

PS: I found a new photo, also from the bra series. If you unlock it, please lift up your blade~~ Meme.

Chapter 378 Thank you for your blade ~ bow

"After the Gu Worm Project was disrupted by me, that person also took it seriously, so I reorganized the security department. The Gu Worm Project no longer exists. It was supposed to be in charge of an uncle at the beginning, and then I left home. At the time, I heard that he died of a cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension."

As Xu Mo has been saying all the time, these young guys are dudes, and they are old dudes who are still dead when they are old. They are used to being rich, and they know how to spend time and wine every day, and how happy they are.I lived in my fifties and the explosion of high blood pressure couldn't be controlled. I went to Japan, the most developed medical country, and got a heart stent for five times. It was still not saved. I took an 18-year-old daughter-in-law at the age of 60. Excessive indulgence, blood pressure exploded and life was gone.These guys are short-lived one by one, and these collateral relatives of his own have this kind of face, which makes Xu Mo feel disgusting and hopeless.

Destroying the entire Gu worm plan is probably the most brilliant thing Xu Mo did during the bear child period, and the most refreshing thing.

You have to know how cool it is to smash things in a whole building, and how refreshing it is to smash things worth several zeros.This feeling will no longer be realized after running away from home and becoming an ordinary person, and it can be this wayward when the dead tyrant has money.

That's why Xu Mo's memory is still fresh, plus Xiao Qiqi, that is, Nan Bing's affairs make Xu Mo even more concerned.

Nan Bing knew the distortion of the Gu Worm plan and the harm it caused to these children the most.

And Xu Mo naturally has a deep understanding and hates it.

Back then, I didn't know how long it took Xiaoqi, the personal maid, to gradually change her from a self-propelled robot maid who only obeyed orders and coldly and without emotion to Nan Bing with flesh and blood.

That kind of brainwashing training method that has deprived all freedom and thought from an early age...It's really not human capable, and only the most selfish and ruthless dead tyrant can do it.

Xu Mo is now not the young master of the bear boy back then, but has become an ordinary people's teacher.But because of this, I hate this kind of thing even more.After all, he is a teacher who teaches and educates people. He saw a group of children being led astray since childhood, doing this kind of conscience...How can he tolerate it, so after seeing the content of the once familiar document, Make such a big fire.

He, who had been joking about making complaints, also became serious.

"Yes, when I was abroad, I heard that my brother was confined by that person for three months, and I was always very worried. I am not very clear about the whole thing, so what happened afterwards?" Although Xu Yan was not the person involved, this Actually speaking, it has nothing to do with her, but since she specifically asked Xu Mo to tell this matter, then she wanted to help.

Although there is no specific "talking about life" with my sister, I don't know what her inner thoughts are, but at present, although my sister is a little bit problematic... and a little deliberate, at least it is not meant to harm her.

As far as the monthly test is concerned, the last test paper with her name written on it... I believe she has a reason.

Originally seeing Xu Yan was the kind of inaccessibility and slight fear from the heart, but now that feeling has completely disappeared.

At most, it's a little troublesome sister who will make people a little headache.

But the more I look at it, the more I think my sister is so cute!

"Later, Nan Bing wanted to stay and bring the children in the plan to live in the newly arranged department at home, and gradually improve their brainwashed thinking. Then I will...because of that person. You should be clear about it if you leave. But you should know where the rest of the people are, otherwise you wouldn't find Nan Bing to help you."

Of course Xu Mo was talking about Nan Bing's entrance to school...reversely pushing himself to take away his life for the first time.

The whole thing was Xu Yan's intentional actions, and it was her order to Nan Bing.

"Yes, my elder brother was really a disgraceful person at that time. Regarding the new department and those remaining members who had been settled long ago. My own maid stayed here alone thinking of my elder brother, but my elder brother I was happy outside alone. If I hadn't brought her to her brother again, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see each other now." Xu Yan deliberately seemed to be playing Nan Bing in the words, and said with some resentment.

This question was really embarrassing, and Xu Mo showed a look of embarrassment and broke the topic: "Then, since everyone at the time was settled in a new department by Nan Bing, why is this angel plan renewed..."

Although the Gu worm plan did not implement such a cruel and innocent training method after the rectification of the Gu worm plan, it is also a similar security department that trains and trains bodyguards and other protection personnel, even now it should be in normal operation.

Those relatives are just like the mentally handicapped local tyrants, but there is no need to do this, right?

Xu Moke knew their temperament, and would rather spend all their money on eating, drinking and having fun than on some bodyguards.Rewarding and the like are a lot of money for women in the dust, but rewarding is never given to the hard-working bodyguard driver and servant.

"According to what the intelligence said, there should be a slight problem half a year ago."

"what is the problem?"

"After the rectification, the department of the Gu Worm Project still sent security personnel to those people. It hasn't happened for ten years. But half a year ago, um...that person is probably our cousin? Going to the nightclub drunk. Holding the money to play prestige, the black boss who was watching the scene immediately got into trouble. More than a hundred people surrounded several bodyguards brought out by him to fight, and the whole nightclub was ablaze."

"A few bodyguards braved the fire to pull him out, and suffered serious injuries. Our cousin was really fatal. He was beaten and had eight broken bones all over his head. He didn't die after a stab, but he will always become a vegetable, hehe."

"But after I went back, this matter was caused by those boring guys. It wasn't because that cousin became a vegetable at first. You know that family affection is nothing for them. Selfish ghosts of their own interests. But because they are beginning to worry about their own safety, they are afraid that they will encounter it in the future."

PS: Thank you for your blades, especially for several students who have lost five or six hundred or more of them these days!You have the greatest credit for unlocking the photos. You are Lucifer, little angel who brings welfare to the world.Anyway, thank you!Throw another photo in the next chapter, as you know. Anyway, it will be valid in January. Just throw it out!

Chapter 379: If your brother kissed me

Xu Mo can't figure it out now, what is it about those people?

"That guy ended up in this situation because he killed himself and caused trouble. As long as they don't kill himself, they won't die, and they won't end up in this situation. What are they worrying about?" Xu Mo was really suspicious of himself. What are the IQs of the guys whose relatives are actually maggots?

Probably, it's all used for how to spend money.

Xu Yan shook his head, with a mocking expression on his face: "Hehe, how can those people's thinking compare with that of his brother? They think that cousin will have this situation, mainly because of the security personnel. Ask why The bodyguards who followed were only seriously injured, but the cousin who was the host directly stabbed him in the head and turned into a vegetable? This is the bodyguards did not play the responsibility of protecting, they did not go up to replace The cousin’s consciousness and courage to block the knife, in short, they are still alive, there is a problem in the eyes of these people. So they are afraid, afraid that one day they will be attacked by others and their money will be killed by desperate despairers. What should I do if I have been eyeing it? If there is a crisis at that time, what if the bodyguard does not block bullets and knives for himself?"

Because these people are too rich and love money, money is they are so afraid that they will hang up suddenly, the money has not been spent, and they want to live on such a comfortable life. How can they do it if they are dead?

Xu Mo took a deep breath, and instantly became furious. These guys are really getting too much. They used to be like this. Now ten years have passed, and there has been no change.

"So at this time someone came up with the Gu worm plan that was destroyed by your brother. The security personnel trained by the Gu worm plan have undergone a lot of brainwashing training since childhood, absolutely obey orders and have no emotions or fear, let alone Faithful, the master’s command is everything, and there is no fear of death. Things like blocking a knife or dying for the master can also be done without blinking... Doesn’t this just match the group’s appetite? So they prepared again. Restart this plan, invest in their own life safety, and cultivate a group of'robots' that can die for them. Only in this way can they feel safe. In fact, maybe they have wanted to do that a long time ago. These people have always felt insecure like persecution delusions, and the cousin's affairs are just an opportunity to restart the plan."

Xu Mo had been tossed by the IQ of this group of people speechless, no wonder that even Xu Yan's face showed that kind of mockery.

They are not worthy of being brothers and sisters. In some aspects, their personalities and thoughts are actually very similar. For example, they all hate this family and the faces of the group of relatives.

But Xu Mo really took action to leave, and Xu Yan had her own thoughts.These are all things to follow, so I won't mention them for now.

"But do they just do this kind of thing with integrity? Even though I destroyed the plan back then, the rectification was the person who personally said it. They are now privately restarting the broken plan without fear that that person knows it...?"

Thinking back to the person who feared him the most, Xu Mo's face was a bit of a chill.

However, it is indeed the same as what I said. Those people always know that they are side relatives, and they have the light of Xu Mo and their own family. Playing prestige means playing with others outside, and they dare not put a fart in front of their own family. They are all flattering faces.Even less dare to say what to do to make that person angry, the consequences are very serious.

There should be no guts to do such a thing.

"Heh, my brother underestimated their fear of death. When life is threatened, even ants will have the courage to resist. But it's a bit of a loophole. That person is usually so busy. Time to take care of them? You know that person also knows their virtues. The requirement for those comrades is that they live in their own world. What are they doing? Don’t make trouble for him. So generally those people are there. He won't even ask about things at home."

"A few of them found a few side relatives who participated in the plan that year. In addition to the dead uncle, there are actually a few others who also participated. A group of people hit it off and took a chance. The reported plan was to train a group of elite security personnel. Advanced training technology has also changed its name to Angel Project, which conceals the real content."

"When the report was submitted, the person generally ignored the input and entered it without seeing it. In addition, it was nominally like this, so he didn't ask much. Moreover, he didn't want to look at the dirty and broken place in the area of ​​his relatives. So~ I just passed by, and it’s already been quietly. I have been in operation for a while. I haven’t found any clues for so long, and I have become more and more courageous. If it hadn’t been for the person to go abroad and temporarily take care of family affairs Give it to me, I have an extra heart, maybe we are still in the dark."

Thinking about it, I feel scared. Yes, it is true. If Xu Yan hadn't discovered this clue carefully, how long would this plan last?I'm afraid it's not many years, how many of the 2007 07 years have been recovered by them, and the tragedy will happen again.

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