My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 349

It's really some unpleasant memories.

Xu Mo showed an awkward expression, then looked down at Xu Yan who was sleeping in the bed.

I couldn't help thinking, the way I fell asleep was really cute...No, right? It's actually always cute, after all, it's my own sister...

But now that she is asleep, there is no need to worry about her saying something terrible or doing strange things.

Sleeping peacefully, harmless to humans and animals, makes people want to go up and touch her face.

After so many years, the younger sister is still a younger sister, and even this bad habit of sleeping poorly has not changed.

Face the little sister's feet...

He's really grown up. In the previous posture, his feet could only reach his chest, but now he can reach in front of him.

It's not that Xu Mo brags for his sister, but it is a pair of perfect jade feet.Xu Yan's feet are snow white as jade, and the slenderness highlights the smallness and exquisiteness. The ankles are slender and plump, the feet are slender, the arches are slightly high, the curves are graceful, soft as if there is no bones, and the toes are well-proportioned and neat, like ten thin green trees.Through the delicate and translucent white and tender instep skin, tiny blood vessels deep under the skin are faintly visible.The slender legs are well-proportioned and strong, emitting a seductive luster, and the small feet are hooked up, revealing the slender and round ankles.

It's worthy of a girl's little feet, the soft fragrance really makes people feel very comfortable, this is not hentai, it is indeed like this, to be honest, it won't work!

While admiring it, these feet seemed to be adjusting their postures, and they stepped on them all at once, completely sticking to Xu Mo's face.

This time, it was really close contact in the true sense, and I stepped directly on my face.

But it doesn't hurt at all, and the soft soles don't have that destructive power.

On the contrary, it will make some people with special hobbies more tax evasion.

Actually, most people, right?

Isn’t it your favorite to get stepped on your face by a beautiful girl?

PS: I hope this month will pass safely~Have a good year and strive to improve myself.At present, I am studying every day, and I have to read the beginning of at least 10 books a day, which is a preparation for myself.

Chapter 384: Pink Pajamas

Although Xu Yan stepped on his face with jade feet, Xu Mo would not be "excited" at all... Maybe, I thought it was like this. After all, when I slept with my sister in the past, I used this style of painting, and even more exotic scenes. Have also appeared.

But once people grow up, they are really different. From an innocent sister to a girl full of lethality, things that make people care more suddenly.

It seems that if a daughter is a child, it is normal to take a bath together every day, but many years later, adolescent daughters suddenly want to take a bath together. As a father, she will be shocked and a little overwhelmed.That kind of damn, I want to agree, but I can't express the feeling on the outside... It's almost like this.

Obviously, there is unconcealed excitement and expectation in my heart, but I have to desperately deny it.

The soft feet stick to the face but don't feel any uncomfortable feeling at all. Instead, it looks like a piece of soft cotton is sticking to the face.

I don't want to smell it, I have to breathe!

Thinking like this in his heart, Xu Mo finally opened his nose and breathed gently.

Because Xu Yan's feet are exactly in the center of Xu Mo's face, and Xu Mo's nose is exactly on the center of her feet.

The same fragrance, refreshing.

Is this the smell of my sister?

No, right...breath...just breathe.

People have longing for fragrance, and the smell of fragrance even has the effect of soothing body and mind and prolonging longevity (nonsense), so it is understandable to do so.


This is the sound of breathing.

Xu Mo kept it as light as possible, but after all, it was breathing and the vent of the nose was on the sole of the foot. The airflow from the breath flowed to the sole of Xu Yan's foot and carried a slight heat, which made her itchy.

Feeling the itching on the soles of his feet, Xu Yan, who was asleep, naturally began to adjust his posture.

She started to slide up, the ghost knows how she did this kind of stunt in her sleep. From her nap, she was so terrible. Now she has grown up and her skill is not reduced at all.The distance between the two of them has changed, and I don’t know how she judged it so accurately in her sleep, she directly hooked Xu Mo’s head with her thigh... I felt that this posture seemed a little familiar, and Hao Wenrou seemed to have done almost the same. Thing.

However, Hao Wenrou’s one was used to draw the faces of the two of them closer, while Xu Mo and Xu Yan’s postures were reversed at this time, and Xu Yan hooked their legs... directly to the triangle area from her thigh to the waist. , Which is the most untouchable piece for girls.

The strength of the hook is very strong. In this case, she can't wake her up, so she can only let her behave like a bad sleep.Directly pulled Xu Mo's face to that place.

At this moment, Xu Mo’s nose is no longer the sole of Xu Yan’s feet, but the piece below her belly button. Because I can’t see anything when I press the leg here, I can’t be sure that it is. Which location.

Although Xu Yan is indeed wearing clothes honestly, and he never sleeps to the point where he takes off his clothes randomly, even if he is wearing clothes, the whole face will still feel strange when lying on the girl’s body. !

What's more, I also said that this is not only a girl or a sister!The attribute of blessing with the title of sister is too strong.

That wonderful feeling took it to the next level.

This pajamas may be made for comfort, and they are thin, but they don't have any substantial effect... you can still feel what you should feel, and you can smell what you should smell.

It smells so good... and it's very warm, warm and soft, I really want to keep falling asleep like this.

Different from the smell of being trampled on the face just now, the current... seems to be even more shocking, and I want to continue to maintain this position.

In fact, it was exactly the same. This comfortable feeling came along with sleepiness, and Xu Mo fell asleep again after less than ten minutes.

On my sister's body... fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I was completely stunned. I remembered the memories before falling asleep very clearly... I fell asleep in that awkward posture. I don't know what Xu Yan would think after waking up.

Only when I thought about it, huh?People?

There was only one person left on the huge bed now, and Xu Yan had long been missing.Looking at the sky outside the window and a slightly hungry stomach, it is about noon now.

Damn it?Did you sleep in that position until she woke up?Did she see it?

When Xu Mo woke up, he found that he was lying flat, not in a strange posture.This is very strange, and I'm pretty sure it's not a dream, I clearly saw Xu Yan's ugly sleep and...

Lifting the quilt, Xu Mo just wanted to make sure that the memory before he fell asleep was not a dream, the best proof is that a trace of saliva that wetted his clothes?Even if it is dried, the saliva marks can be seen.

My god!?

It was not easy for Xu Mo to wake up, and immediately let out a second scream.

The clothes on my body were changed, and I was also changed into a pink dress with a cartoon rabbit pattern!By the way, there is a hood attached, and on the hood are two lovely long rabbit ears.

How could such shameful clothes be what he originally wore!

More importantly, who did it for yourself?Xu Mo never knew that he could sleep so badly when he went to bed, and he didn't even wake up when someone changed himself to a whole set of clothes.

Xu Mo was at a loss and doubted life on the bed. At this time, the bathroom door in the room was also opened. Xu Yan ran out of the room in a hurry. There was still heat on the tender skin, and drops of water dripped on his body. , The wet body hadn't been wiped at all, leaving a trace of water behind him as he ran.

More importantly, she is completely fruitful... Is this just after taking a shower?It is indeed normal to have so much saliva to take a bath, but why is this the case?

"Bath towels..." Xu Yan ran to the closet before picking up the bath towels and beginning to wipe off his wet body.

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