My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 359

But immediately I heard more exciting content.

"But it's okay. There is another candidate. That one is from Huaxia, so communication will definitely be fine. That one's surname is Li. He has been working in Dongguan, China since he was sixteen, and he has been working nearly now. For ten years, she was also famous in that area. Although her bed-serving skills are not as well-known as Hatano, she has not received a bad review for ten years in the industry. Customers are happy to return home with smiles and smiles. Especially good at smiling. Thirty-six tricks are readily available for the skills of the "Extreme Style" series."

(Many friends will ask: What is this Wan-style supreme? What are the differences in the thirty-six items? The old driver Snowman will answer the science popularization for you, and you will be able to learn it from other places. Oh.)

The Wan-style supreme is an ancient secret secretly circulated in the streets and alleys of the city of Dongguan. When this trick is released, no one in the thirty-six style is not limp, vomiting, foaming and convulsing. It is really terrifying. !

Moreover, this secret method also has the metaphysical effect of attracting wealth and prosperity.Women who learn this trick will not only prosper in business, but also increase their worth. Customers who come to the door will step on the door frame.

However, there are only a handful of people who can learn all the thirty-six styles of such a legendary secret method, and only a few can find it.

1. Prime time: precious chat time, exchange feelings, and lay the emotional foundation for the next few tricks.

2. Fenghuaxueyue: Introduce the service process and prepare service supplies.

3. Jinshiliangyan: Remind the attendants of the precautions.

4. Jincheng Tangchi: Ask whether to wash your hair.

5. Jinshi massage: Use massage to help the sleeping subjects apply shower gel.

6. Jinxiangyuyan: Apply shower gel to yourself.

7. Jinfeng Yulu: Can't describe.

8. Sun and Moon Update: Rinse yourself and the objects you sleep with with water.

9. Wealth and auspiciousness: protruding kisses from the ear.

10. Treasure Hunt in the East China Sea: Unspeakable.

11. Golden hole search for diamonds: unspeakable.

12. Jinzui paper fan: kiss behind and scrape it.

13. Golden cat adventure: drill from the back to the front to kiss.

14. Jinlong goes to sea: unspeakable.

15. Jinyu eliminates the soul: write it out will cause trouble.

16. Flushing lotus: help the sleeping subjects flush and dry them to bed.

17. Relive old dreams: wipe your feet, pick your ears, and manicure.

18. Excessive foot and hand addiction: relax feet, health massage.

19. Turn around: write it out and something will happen.

20. Coming down in one continuous line: Push oil all over the body from shoulder to toe and massage to soothe.(The "pushing oil" in this trick is a formal and healthy health care activity. Otherwise, you won't write it directly. Push the essential oil for massage.)

21. Travel around the world: push from thigh to foot.

22. You Long Jinfeng: Push the whole body.

23. Korean style: from the ear to the toe, scrape the back in S rows and fold 3 Sha.

24. Golden body cupping: 360-degree twisting to suck up the meat and cupping 10 cups.

25. Fenghuaxueyue: I can't tell you what it is.

26. Mountain and running water: kiss with ice water and warm water.

27. Pianpianyuxian: Can't describe.

28. Reversing the universe: Holding the patrons intimately and asking service opinions.

29. Amorous feelings: holding the thigh of Gua Sha.

30. Catwoman Phoenix Dance: Dance.

31. Danfeng Chaoyang: I can't say!

32. Foolish: I can't say this!

33. Zhu United Bi: This is also not to be said!

34. Little sister lifts the bar: Help pluck the legs.

35. Upside down golden hook: indescribable.

36. Haidilao Moon: indescribable.

Have you learned it?

(I started with purifying the network environment. The above 500 words are too much to be written, so the number of words is given as a gift, no more price increase, dear.)

Xu Mo really didn't understand what she was talking about.

But it doesn't sound like something serious. On the contrary, it seems that learning this is more dangerous than learning it with Mr. Hatano.

Really, Xu Mo really didn't know anything about Dongguan's little secrets. He just felt weird in his heart after hearing what Xu Yan said.

This Miss Li can't do it!In short, this must not come to teach Xiao Jiu, otherwise in the future... if you really have to wait for the bed anyway, give yourself a complete set of these 36 patterns?Forget it once, but you can't do this every day!It might as well go to Dabaojian!

Xu Yan said this purely to stimulate himself, right?Thirty-six styles have all come out, wait for the legendary Edo forty-eight moves, seventy-two changes, one hundred and eight generals of the Water Margin, three hundred Spartans, One Thousand and One Nights, Confucius Three thousand, one million lions cross the river, and 9.8 billion figures are coming?

Especially the recent gossip's "9.8 Billion Figures" trick, what kind of horrible trick is it, it can actually kill so many other tricks in numbers.

It's really scary to think carefully.

For Xiao Jiu, she actually didn't understand what the young lady said.But she is still eager to learn the most important part of being a personal maid. She wants to work hard so that the personal maid does not let down the lady who treats her well, no matter what she wants to do. It is possible to learn to become a personal servant in the true sense.

Although she may not even know the specific content of the maternity bed now.

Xu Mo was so nervous, he was about to answer Xu Yan when he saw Xiao Jiu, if Xiao Jiu agreed, then...

Xu Yan didn't panic at all, she couldn't really push Xiao Jiu down to the sea and let those strange people teach her that. The main purpose was not to let Xu Mo admit that Xiao Jiu was serving him sooner or later.If you want to accept this child in the future, you have to take the first step now.

She is good at planning, which is part of planning.

For her brother, for Xiaojiu, and of course for herself.

Sure enough, she and she were right. The plan was successful. When Xiao Jiu was about to answer his choice, Xu Mo got up from the opposite chair. He was very excited and accidentally hit the table. He looked a little embarrassed and scratched. He scratched his face: "Well... let Nan Bing teach Xiao Jiu when you turn around. After all, Nan Bing has learned something specifically, so teaching Xiao Jiu is fine. No need to pay for that money to invite someone else..."

In order to make Xu Yan hear clearly, Xu Mo deliberately spoke a little louder.

Saying this is tantamount to voluntarily accepting Xiao Jiu's learning to go to sleep...Who is not to learn to sleep?

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