My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 371

"En, brother. What are they going to do?" Xu Yan quickly changed the subject. Of course she was referring to the fat cousin and nephew with kidney failure, and the whole farce-like angel plan.

Xu Mo had already listened a while ago and understood that these other relatives were not only selfish, but also had no brains at all.In fact, from the very beginning, this plan was a farce. At best, they were fooling around. How could it be possible to succeed in this way?They don’t even have the most basic staffing. With these two hundred and five, they can’t even start the machine... It’s a naive farce. Give them ten years to make it impossible. The blame is that the IQ is really too low Now, the guys who have money to lie at home and eat nothing to do every day.

These people Xu Mo hated iron but not steel, and had long lost confidence in them.If they could do these things, they would have been angry.

The rest... don't care, anyway, if they are all handled by Xu Yan, they will definitely get the punishment they deserve. As an outsider who has nothing to do with this family, Xu Mo won't worry so much.

If he insisted on saying that, if they hadn’t made such a farce, Nan Bing would not have a suitable opportunity to untie his heart, and recognize his true self without any restraint, and return to his feelings. It heats up even more.

On the contrary, it still got a lot of benefits?

Although I know that this is due to my sister, this must be the game she set.In order to delay time, she was exhausted at home.

She also knew everything about Nan Bing's actions, and she waited for a suitable opportunity to bring herself over.

"Just teach you...but don't let them remember that I came back, and let them rest in peace in the future."

"Well, I know, brother." She nodded, but in fact, this nod...what a terrible thing is behind it.

The guy who made Xu Mo feel angry will never end well.

This is my sister's simple thoughts.

"Young... Young Master, Miss..." Ling Yi had been watching from the side in astonishment, she didn't react when things happened too fast.

Xu Mo just noticed the scalded girl beside her who had been helping Nan Bing to speak, but she had been focusing on Nan Bing just now, so she ignored her existence.

It is a pity to look again now. She must have had an exquisite face, but she left a burn on such a large area, from the eye to the forehead, the look was very permeating.

PS: Marriage...Ah!It's just for friends!Because I'm single, I want to make friends with the majority of book friends, and never fan!I am male, born in 1995, and now live in Quanzhou, Fujian.A loving future teacher and active code writer, with a gentle personality and no hobby of women's clothing.By the way, I only ask for girls...the girls who are interested will leave a message with me!Or chat with me privately among readers!I am waiting for you!

Chapter 402 Transplant Operation

"Really, you are Zero One..." Everyone has returned to their home at this time, talking in another room on the fourth floor.

They had returned from the test base just now, and Xu Yan had sent someone to clean up the remaining mess, and she got some news from her mouth.That brainwashing machine will be completely destroyed, and the comrades who participated in this matter will be punished and restricted to a certain extent here, enough for them to eat a pot.The fat cousin saw something they shouldn’t look at, so they would add one more to let him forget about Xu Mo’s appearance, but because the brainwashing machine has broken down, they probably used physical brainwashing. You know.

There will be dedicated people in charge of these matters, and Xu Yan is relieved to handle matters.

Everyone in the Gu Worm Project was also safe and sound. They returned to their posts as if nothing happened. Now they have organized to go back to the departmental residence to rest, and then they will lie that it was just a special exercise. I was in a coma the whole time, and I didn't know anything.

As for the one hundred children gathered by this ridiculous Angel Project, those who gathered them will also be responsible for arranging for them to be sent to settle down. They will do it well, otherwise Xu Yan is here... that Needless to say.

When he fell into Xu Mo's arms, Nan Bing had actually fallen asleep. It was probably because the spirit had gone through violent fluctuations, great grief and joy, which caused the body to appear abnormal.

Not only was she drowsy, she also had some signs of fever, but when she fell asleep she was full of happiness.

The maid in the house was specially responsible for the medical affairs. After showing Nan Bing, it was not a big problem, but she fell asleep and had a low-grade fever. Just let her sleep well all day long.

After dealing with the matter here, everyone sat here and narrated the incident completely.

Of course, what she said was the same as when she told Nan Bing, and she put the blame on herself even more in the words, facing Xu Mo, the young master in the legend, she appeared more trembling.

Xu Mo already knows about it, how do you feel about it?Probably it was the same as Nan Bing after listening to it. I felt deeply saddened by the actions of his relatives. Now it is not so easy to make him angry, and I don't want to get angry with a group of brainless people.

In his opinion, to say that Zero One is negligent is fundamentally arrogant.I ordered her to pick up a gold watch in the sea of ​​fire, which caused her whole body to be injured like this. The flowery and jade face was ruined into the current penetrating look. For a girl, her face is still so It's important... She even obeyed this request. If she could really catch up at that time, could she watch that next cousin be stabbed in the head?

If you die by yourself and send the people who protect your life out of the fire, who can be blamed.

Becoming a vegetable is totally worthy of sin and not worthy of mercy.

Now Zero One, who has actually killed him, has been deeply blamed for what he has become. That kind of thinking is probably as deep-rooted as Nan Bing, and it is difficult to get rid of it in a short time.

Xu Mo is no stranger to Zero One's words. Nan Bing had heard her telling stories about Zero One before when she was still Zero Seven, and I have always been very grateful for such a person to take care of Zero Seven back then. , And if it weren't for her, it wouldn't have become the current Nan Bing, coming to her side and staying with herself.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yan could do this step, and even zero one could be retrieved.

"Yes..." There was a serious injury on Zero One's foot, and he didn't even dare to sit down in front of Xu Mo and Xu Yan. He just kept his head down and stood waiting for punishment.

In her opinion, her actions have caused the relatives to become vegetative, and they are completely inseparable.

This, what a headache... Xu Mo held his forehead and thought for a while.

She would not listen to what she had said.

"Brother, let Zero One stay with me for the time being. I will take good care of her for you." Xu Yan suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "for you". Heavy, as if to emphasize something.

Xu Mo sounds weird, but it’s better than that. It’s better than letting her go back there and being done something strange by someone from her family. It’s best that Xu Yan can make her feel a little bit better about this. The view is good.

One is quietly following the arrangement. From her expression, she can see her entanglement and the slight relief. Probably, she is also very nervous.

Does he look so scary?My goodness, during the years when I was absent, did the family rumor about myself as a monster?Even the fat cousin looked at himself and was shocked.

The Zero One thing is temporarily arranged.

However, Xu Mo seemed a bit unbearable for her injury...

Let Ling Yi go and take care of Nan Bing's situation for the time being, now only Xu Mo and Xu Yan left in this room and Xiao Jiu who was serving on the side.

"Zero's injury..." Xu Mo had just spoken to his sister. Before he could finish his words, Xu Yan had already answered him first.

"Brother is really gentle with everyone. One's one can be easily cured except for the burn on his face, but the burn is quite troublesome."

It seems that this is the first time I have talked with my sister about this serious problem.

"What's wrong? Is there no cure for burns?"

"Healing is okay. Because burns have burned the outer skin of the skin, it is perfectly fine to artificially transplant the epidermis for surgery. However, according to the current medical level in the world, artificial skin grafts for burns can only be performed with autologous skin. Other people’s skin is not good."

Xu Yan's words were very concise and concise, which made people marvel that she still knew medical things.

"In other words, if Zero One wants to recover from the burn on her face, she has to use the skin from other parts of her body to transplant it, so that the artificial transplant can be completed. Then a large burn must use the same area What about the epidermis."

Xu Yan explained to Xu Mo that her meaning was already obvious.Indeed, as a girl, losing such a large piece of skin on any part of the body... is very bad, it makes it difficult to make a decision.

PS: It’s time to push the chapter, and I recommend a book "I am Diao Chan in the Three Kingdoms of Motherhood". The following is a brief introduction:

The young man traveled into the world of the Three Kingdoms of Nianghua and became the famous Diao Chan!

In this world, Diao Chan is a beautiful boy, a real man!

In the Three Kingdoms of Nianghua, women are inferior to men. The women worship the priests and fight on the battlefield. The men stay at home and teach their children.

I decided to change this world, Diao Chan said.

Don’t go, my little prince~, let’s play with my sister, the two women with malicious faces are lewd. They come to him with a smile...

Chapter 403 Sister’s Tooth Mark

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