My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 391

Xu Mo could hear something, but he can't be blamed.The principal just told him about this, but he didn't say that he would take the initiative to discuss with Liu Yiqiu today.

But now the most urgent task is to comfort her.

Liu Yiqiu seemed to have not paid attention, her small hands had not let go of Xu Mo's.Not only is her little hand tightly gripped, but also extremely hot, nervous?I keep sweating in my hands.

"Hey...this, it seems that I forgot, my fault, my fault." Xu Mo looked embarrassed, and touched the back of his head with his other hand.

At this time, you just can't explain too much to comfort such a girl. If you take the initiative to throw the pot to yourself, it is the best comfort. They will be very happy... Well, just like Liu Yiqiu now.

When Xu Mo finished speaking, she showed a very overjoyed smile. If she hadn't taken it back soon for restraint, she really wanted to save this moment with the camera.

Just like a kid with tears and laughter, just coax it.

"Then discuss it now? Teacher Liu, what do you think?"

"Okay!" She replied very briefly, but immediately nodded affirmatively to express her agreement.

In fact, she only needs to follow the route she wants.

Xu Mo secretly thought it was funny, because her appearance was hard to refuse.

It seems that it is a bit late to go back tonight, so I should send a text message to Nan Bing and the others.

"Um...Before that, Teacher Liu, your hand..." Xu Mo couldn't move at all because of his hands now, unless dragged her away.

Liu Yiqiu lowered his head, only to realize that his hand had not come back, and he had been holding it tightly.He immediately retracted his hands and hid behind him, his face flushed again, pretending to look around.


PS: Oh, what I said in the last chapter is too scary to scare you. Don't worry, everyone, it's all gang conflicts, and it's okay if I don't go out late at night.Pattaya and the tour group are basically fine, but I didn't follow the tour group for the convenience of going to the slave trade.But the hotels stay in the city, it doesn't matter.Many triads are descendants of Fujian. I have a grade 10 in Hokkien, so I won’t be so relieved.And after I came to Pattaya, I had a lot of inspiration before I even saw the slave girl. Now I think about the story of a hundred thousand words later.After seeing a real slave girl tomorrow, I guess there will be more words in the plot, so beautiful!

Chapter 420 Appreciation of Art

Although I don't know why I need to accompany her on the road when discussing things and I don't know where the destination is, Xu Mo still wants to see what she wants to do, pretending that he doesn't know anything, and always follows her temper.

Generally speaking, discussions are in restaurants or cafes where you can sit?

But this is the case now. The two of them walked together on the road in the cold wind, seeming to walk aimlessly, but it feels like Liu Yiqiu has always been leading the way, not knowing where to take him.

However, Liu Yiqiu had no intention of letting Xu Mo see it, although he had already seen it.

She seemed natural and innocent, just walking with Xu Mo.

The topics they talked about on the way were also very formal work topics, and of course they were about the extracurricular expansion that Principal Yan said.

Liu Yiqiu deliberately delayed the time and explained the content of his proposal and the central idea in the meeting, as well as the goals he hopes to achieve, the growth that students can achieve, and so on.

Then they discussed the location and location of this extracurricular expansion.

Since it is to expand some common things that the eldest ladies have never touched before, can't we say that they should be arranged to play League of Legends in Internet cafes or everyone can draw cards to play with their mobile phones?Then at noon, Meituan will take out a Shaxian snack and finish it. It's best to stay up until four or five o'clock at night to make a fairy and ride a Pippi shrimp.This is the real civilian experience, the real extracurricular expansion content, they must have never heard of it, just like discovering the new world.

It's a pity that although they are not wrong in name, they are also eldest ladies after all. They are noble than the other, and they can't be too common people. Just imagine the style of painting and feel that it is very bad.Although the school is a school, and Aoba's status is still very high, parents also trust it.But if you teach something very bad, you will still be troubled.

"Teacher Liu, do you have any suitable options for the location?" Xu Mo didn't say that he didn't think of a suitable location, but just to cover Liu Yiqiu's words.

See where she is going to take her along like this, if not surprising... it is probably where she plans to expand outside of class.

Sure enough, she seemed to wait for Xu Mo to ask questions, and immediately replied without even thinking: "How about a movie theater? If you appreciate a movie, you will not be vulgar or lose the elegance of art. You can also experience it in the movie theater. The feeling of watching movies as a group, watching some types of movies that have never been seen before, and group watching movies is also a common activity organized in ordinary schools... I think it is very suitable as a place and content for the first extracurricular expansion! "


Is it true?Xu Mo remembered that if he went all the way down this road, there was indeed a Baida cinema, opened by the famous rich second-generation Wang Sicong.

I think that Wang Sicong was still a bear kid with a runny nose after him. After he grew up, he became more and more high-profile. He liked to appear in the public for a sense of presence, and suddenly became a well-known national husband. , The years are really interesting things.

This is naturally a digression.

Xu Mo didn't think there was any problem with the cinema as an extracurricular expansion project, as Liu Yiqiu said, nothing wrong.

What he cares more about than this is what Liu Yiqiu really thinks about himself.

Last time I told her about the summer, what did she think.

However, there was still a question on his lips as he walked along.

"Oh? It sounds like a good idea, but then again, haven't the ladies of our school ever watched a movie?"

As a teacher of Class A, Xu Mo didn't know what the situation of most students in this school was like.

Haven't seen a movie?Kind of incredible.

It's understandable that I haven't been in the cinema, but movies will always be seen elsewhere.

Liu Yiqiu explained in detail, as if she was afraid that Xu Mo would reject her proposal: "They usually have a very compact after-school life. They need to go home to learn a lot of elegant knowledge and skills. Appreciation of movie works is rare, and occasionally if there is one. It is also used by the artistic family to cultivate the ability to appreciate art. However, it is only limited to some internationally renowned literary and artistic film works, like ordinary cinema movies, they have not seen it. Cinemas will not join in the fun, like their families There will be good home theaters, and you don’t need to be in the same room as people."

"As for the movies to watch, I think ordinary cinema movies that are suitable for all ages will do. This type of movie will not look too vulgar, but it will look suitable for ordinary people. The main reason is that they can experience a different feeling. It can be regarded as achieving the purpose of extracurricular expansion."

After Liu Yiqiu explained it, it sounded really good.

Xu Mo didn't have any comments, and raised his hands in favor.

"The movie theater happens to be in front... You and I will discuss the extracurricular expansion with the person in charge of the movie theater. It is better to discuss the date early and arrange it." Liu Yiqiu said in order not to be embarrassed, what he said was'just right' It happened to be her consistent style.

Okay, it's just right.

Xu Mo smiled helplessly. The people around him really didn't look like a woman older than him. When she was cute, she really made people want to hold her.

In fact, Xu Mo didn't care about age at all, because he couldn't think of Liu Yiqiu's feeling for older women. If he wanted to say it, he was more like a peer of the same age.

In fact, Liu Yiqiu's purpose is very simple and simple.

Just taking advantage of the opportunity given by the principal to talk to Xu Mo, she deliberately avoided these days, is it really good in her heart?Uncomfortable!It was so uncomfortable, it was just right to have a chance with Xu Mo to ease it up with a job opportunity.

Then it happened to be necessary to discuss with the cinema, so I brought him over.

After seeing Xu Mo, they did what they didn't know what to think, without thinking at all.

But in fact, I feel lonely...

PS: I think there are not many conscientious writers like me. They have to go to foreign countries for field trips to write.Don’t just make comparisons casually. What you write is what you have seen and experienced personally, so you can guarantee that what you see is the most restored.So, old mothers (Thai: handsome) Crystal Jing (Thai: beautiful women), lift up your reward blade and still have tickets!Begging!sawadika!

Chapter 421 Soul Trusted by Lucifer

When I walked slowly with him, although I didn't lean on my shoulders, as long as I felt him beside me, I wouldn't feel so cold. On the contrary, I felt warm.

Probably because the heart is warm, so the blood spreads throughout the body when it circulates through the heart?

Who knows, I only know that Liu Yiqiu is really happy now, showing a slight smile, but Xu Mo was distracted for a while and didn't see such a beautiful scenery.

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