My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 402

"Don't...! Don't...! I...I don't want to go to bed yet! Don't pull me...I don't! I want you to kiss me..." Her resistance was unexpectedly fierce, and she was struggling to be disobedient and wanted to get rid of Xu Mo's big hands. .

This is not a problem, the point is that she suddenly yelled this incredible line at night.

This kind of old-style apartment neighbourhoods are not only close, but the walls of each other are extremely thin, and the sound insulation effect is super poor!

She yelled this terrible line like this. Others who didn't see the picture would definitely make up for it!If you wait for the police to break in directly, you won’t be able to clean it even if you use the carved laundry detergent!

Wait, even if you see the screen, it seems to be incredible!She said such lines and forced her hand by herself, Liu Yiqiu struggled desperately, plus the remaining underwear... it was terrible.

Subconsciously covering her mouth with her hand to prevent her from continuing to yell some terrible lines like this, but the look of her desperately struggling to resist it is getting worse and worse because of her rapid breathing. Rabbit, that flushing expression...

In order to make sure that he can stay safe and secure tonight and don't go to the police station to play landlord fights with the police uncle, Xu Mo directly picked her up from the princess on the sofa.

I rushed into her room as quickly as possible, and closed the windows and doors tightly, so that at least the sound insulation effect would be better.

After putting her on the bed, a big thick quilt weighing six or seven kilograms was brought to cover her. She has not been very cooperative until now, and she kept muttering: "Eh... I want to kiss... I don't want to sleep. ...I don't want to cover the hug me..."

A pair of little feet are still trying hard to kick the quilt. If it weren't for the weight of the quilt and the weakness of her limbs after being drunk, she would have succeeded.

Liu Yiqiu, who was very uncooperative, turned into a hug after she wanted to kiss and had no results.

Xu Mo was embarrassed again and had a big head.

Why doesn't it stop?

If it weren't for her own hypnosis that is really ineffective for drunk people, I would have used it on her a long time ago, at least it can ensure that she can sleep well.

Hypnosis requires a high degree of concentration on something in an instant, and at least to ensure that your brain is functioning normally.

Drunk people are inherently unconscious and talk nonsense and crazy, unable to hypnotize them at all, and have no effect.

I had already asked Wuge Meng about the solution to this point last time.

I don't know when she accepted her invitation to come to Aoba Academy to find herself and serve as the school's psychological counselor.

But it must be too late to ask her now.

It doesn't matter... a hug is acceptable, as long as she can settle down a bit and sleep well.Also, even if she was unconscious now, she wouldn't want to hold one and take advantage of him, so Xu Mo decided to satisfy her.

Seeing Xu Mo coming forward, Liu Yiqiu had already exposed the half of his body from the quilt, sat up and spread his arms, revealing the plump rabbits, ready to welcome this rare hug.

A gentle hug, apart from feeling that her delicate body and the plump rabbits pressed her chest a bit tightly, there was nothing special.

"Okay, can you sleep well now?"

Xu Mo felt that she was the most responsible person’s nanny in the world. After hugging her, he carefully and gently adjusted her to lie on the bed, and helped her to cover the quilt, even the angle of the pillow helped her .

After a hug, she finally did not fail to cooperate like just now, and suddenly became much quieter.Xu Mo controlled her to lie down and she really lay down obediently.

Lying on the bed, Liu Yiqiu showed only one head, and Xu Mo was watching her like this.

This face is so red, shouldn't you have a fever?

Because Liu Yiqiu's skin is well maintained and very fair.A little bit of other colors will be very obvious on the body.

Worried that she was not only left behind when she was drunk, it might be a fever, but she also touched the temperature of her forehead with her hand.'s good, not a fever.

But I always feel that the redness on her face has other meanings besides drunk redness.

Liu Yiqiu, who was lying on the bed staring at Xu Mo, shook his head, trying to keep his eyes wide open otherwise everything would be blurred: "Can't sleep... You help me... tell a story..."

"Oh?" Xu Mo made such a surprised voice again.

It is said that the violent membrane clam is wrong, but this is also very helpless. Xu Mo did make such a reaction sound, but it was very practical and definitely not in the membrane.

Otherwise, even as the leading actor, recite poems would not hold back the anger of the elderly.

But then again, what the hell is this storytelling.

"Before going to bed... the story..." she said.

His eyes were full of expectation.

"This...can I change it? I won't..." Xu Mo scratched his head, he was really bad at this.

After all, he usually comes into contact with very few such things, and unlike someone who has experience in kindergarten teaching, some simple stories can come easily.

short story?

Xu Mo thought about it for a moment, and there were only a lot of bad jokes, and nothing that could be told to her.

"Before... when I was young, I was not lonely...because...I have family...will accompany me...before going to bed...tell me stories...I sleep soundly...not at all...lonely... "

Although very moved, I really don't know how to talk about it.

Or... Tell me about the all-age version of "Young Woman Bai Jie"?

'Bai Jie, twenty-four years old this year, graduated from a local normal college and taught Chinese in a small middle school in northern China...' I practiced the content in my mind, no, no, no, no matter what. The method is said to be an all-age version.

And the most important point is that if the author really tells it, he has to paste and copy the content, and then he will be hung up and plagiarized, although it feels like the number of words is really beautiful.

"Can you change it? Telling stories...I'm not very good at it." Xu Mo answered honestly.

Yes, stories of all ages are indeed very bad.

But if it's R18's "Young Woman Bai Jie", "Intimacy in Heaven", "Ru Yue Qunzhen"... you can talk about so few paragraphs easily.

Liu Yiqiu took it seriously and started thinking.

After a while, she lay on the bed, her eyes full of expectation, stronger than when she asked to tell the story: " call me Xiaoqiu... the family used to call me like this... Very kind...I like it..."

"Oh?" In just one night, Xu Mo has added 3 seconds to his life.

"Call me... Xiao Qiu..."

This time Xu Mo heard clearly.

It's just... such an embarrassing title... really makes people wonder how to speak.

Even Xu Mo, who was particularly thick-skinned, blushed.

This kind of intimacy is a little numb, even his current confidantes haven't used any special intimacy names, they still call "Nan Bing" elegy, "lemon" and so on.

It was the first time for Xu Mo to call such an intimate nickname.

Really the first time.

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