My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 428

The general story told by the game is also very simple, which many people call a simple story.

The male protagonist is an evil male high school student, and one day he suddenly got a bitch photo album. This bitch photo album has a very magical function. Users only need to open it to automatically search for those within three kilometers. Bitch, and it is the kind of bitch that is definitely ok. Isn't that the so-called bitch?Therefore, Bi Chi Xiang Bo is to help people complete an absolute filtering process, so that the completion rate of the sex ending can reach 100%.

For example, the actor opens the Bi Chi photo album and automatically searches for Bi Chi targets within three kilometers.Once the target is found, the male lead will be prompted: 600 meters away from you, a 30-year-old hungry and thirsty young woman, is she starting to grab orders?

And in the blank album, the photos of the thirst and thirsty young woman are displayed, everything from those who wear clothes to those who don't wear clothes, without losing its name as an album.

Maybe it's because there are other bitch photo album users in the world. There is a subtle setting to grab the order. You can decide whether to grab the order according to the photo information posted by the bitch photo album.

Once the order is successfully grabbed, the Bi Chi Companion will give detailed navigation to the target until the person using the Bi Chi Companion finds the target.

Of course, the latter process is of course a direct request for sex, because the bitters of the bitch are absolutely selected by the bitch, and the answer is definitely OK, so you can immediately enter the plot that players love to hear Up.

Go to grab the next one immediately after this order. According to each bitch’s different personality, occupation, hobbies, etc., there will be different things in the plot you know. If you encounter a bitch of the'ssr' level , There will be some longer plots for players to continue exploring.

In short, this game seems to be a constant sex game as described, no wonder it has been criticized by so many people.

Although those who spray paint are basically spraying while spraying.

Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong also had a complete conversation, especially Xu Mo had already forgotten what he was here for, and just took this opportunity to express his admiration for Teacher Shui Longjing. But forgot a very important thing, as if the person in front of him was Shui Longjing himself?

I blame this kind of identity and the paintings that are so unimaginable. I have been a brain for two years. Shui Longjing himself is at least forty years old and a little dirty and slightly bald man. I definitely can't think of going with the girl in front of me.

"Teacher Xu, I didn’t expect you to be able to play that plot, and it is still a week? Ah... I originally thought that no one could understand the effort I made when designing this plot. No one was able to play here. What about the hidden plot. Teacher you really understand what Shui Longjing wants to express?"

Qiu Yuelong's eyes shone brighter and brighter.

Xu Mo nodded naturally, and after chatting, he simply forgot that the person in front of him was himself: "Of course, I have always liked the works of Teacher Shui Longjing, not only because of the tension of the painting style and the full force of dirt. More because of the plot shown in the work and the beauty of the overall picture!"

"Plot...? Shui Longjing is nothing more than an 18X book. All in all, it is for H. H is important and the plot is not important and never taken seriously in the 18X industry. You can read more than a dozen pages What do you see in the short story?"

At this time, Xu Mo was more like an old driver who wanted Amway’s new driver to enter the pit. He barely put on Qiu Yuelong’s shoulder and said, “Well, let me give you an example. In fact, I like Shui Longjing the most. One of the teacher’s works is "Play after school."

Qiu Yuelong found it even more incredible: "But "Play after school" is the least popular of all his works, and it has not been adapted into any commercial work, and few fans mention it."

Xu Mo shook his head. The demeanor of the old driver once again upgraded. At this time, he is not an old driver, but rather like an elderly person wearing black-rimmed glasses educating his younger generations to be born later: "Ordinary people can’t understand Teacher Shui Longjing’s goodwill. Hard work. Just like what I said, I think Teacher Shui Longjing is always not limited to a simple 18X book. There are many authors with good styles, but her details are always more delicate than others, and more attentive than others. The same is true including the plot, which always gives people a very strong sense of substitution, and can better find the cool points that 18X should have on the heroine."

"The story of "Make-up Lessons After School Play" is very simple and short. In fact, it is about the simple male teacher among the empty teachers after school giving supplementary lessons to the female students in Bitch, and then the female students take the initiative to have a relationship. Simply finish it in the classroom and it's over. Just a lot of people see it this way, and feel it this way. Even most people drag it quickly and look behind it, mainly watching it. Those scenes of slap, it’s like you always like to fast forward when watching love action movies."

“It’s true that the fast-forward of watching love action movies is understandable because it’s too ink, but teacher Shui Longjing’s works are different. It can be seen that every stroke and every stroke is intentional and not wasted, and I want to have a brilliant part. It's a shame to skip. The female student in the story is just a bitch who tempts a male teacher every day? No, no, no, no, no. Even though it seems like this, the male teacher can't help but tempt her down in the feature film. When I was on the table, the close-ups of the three small grids all showed daily changes in eyes, a little expansion and contraction."

"She deliberately tempted, but not because she is a bitch. Rather, she has long fallen in love with the male teacher's purpose of using this method to look at and do such things with her loved ones."

"The small three patterns, one look in the eyes makes the story of H that was only thirsty suddenly moisturized, and it can make people's brains fill in the depths and hearts of many characters, and the characters suddenly become colorful. , The sense of substitution becomes stronger. That’s why I like this work that hides a secret but no one knows."

Having said that, Xu Mo also recalled the plot of his favorite work with satisfaction again, and then came back to his senses...Huh?

When did Qiu Yuelong sit on her body?And looking at yourself with a very strange look?

PS: Thank you for your concern, the village head, and everyone.I am ashamed and worried you all.

I was betrayed and deceived by the one I loved, so I was really hurt, my heart was cut, and I couldn't calm down.

I am not a superman. I can't get out of the shadow of such damage right away, but I believe that I will come out a little bit slowly. This requires a process.

I have seen all your comforts, many... I can't reply one by one, I'm really sorry.

Because now I need to divert my attention as much as possible, no longer touch this matter, no longer remind myself.

Slowly... maybe it's OK.

Thank you Huang Maojun’s author, Lazy Cat, who can give me professional counseling and help as a psychologist.

thank you all.

The snowman will be fine.

But try not to mention this matter. For the above reasons, I will also delete that single chapter.

Chapter 464: A rare confidant in life

Qiu Yuelong’s soft body was already sitting on her lap at some time, and she didn’t feel the light weight on her lap. The reason why she was so close seemed to be just to get together. Hear more closely.

The most difficult to find a friend through the ages, a rare friend in life.

As the author, the most touching thing at this time is that someone can understand what they want to express and is so clear.

It's as if I have been completely seen through.

Before that, no matter how popular she was, there were a lot of enthusiastic fans... In fact, she could only see the surface, and no one could discover what she really wanted to express like Xu Mo.

She really didn't expect that she thought she was just an ordinary teacher, and she could say such a thing so incredible.

As a creative author, although it is an 18X theme, for every plot to give people a different sense of freshness, as an author, it is a challenge of self-improvement, so Qiu Yuelong is also true His observations have learned about the characteristics of many professions that are suitable as subjects.

Such as drivers, doctors, police, small staff... and teachers.

She understands that there are generally two types of teachers, one is the kind of rigid and serious teacher, and the other is the kind of beast in clothing that is serious on the surface and sometimes sneaks at the bottom of the female student's skirt.

But Xu Mo is the third type, and... it seems to have fallen out of the scope of a teacher.

"Ms. Xu, are you really a teacher?"

"Eh...? I... don't you like?" Xu Mo also realized that he seemed to have said a lot of selfless words just now.

When I spoke just now, I really didn't look like a teacher, but like an elderly person with a strong voice.

"It's not like it, but teacher, really does Shui Longjing in your eyes look like this?" Qiu Yuelong was fiercely determined that it was not like the teacher's statement.

Xu Mo felt helpless, and nodded and admitted: "Yes, but I didn't expect that... it was a girl like you."

"A lot of people say this, so I don’t show up. I used to... I wanted to prove something that made me become a'Shui Longjing', but I have no regrets. I can still meet a reader like Teacher Xu who can understand what I said. I am very happy.” Finally, Qiu Yuelong stood up from Xu Mo's body with a touch of sadness in her eyes, and slowly walked towards her work On the side of the table, caressed the wear and tear of the hand-painted board above, full of reluctance.

Strong fighting spirit: "Well, no regrets."

Xu Mo was taken aback by her sudden words, and quickly asked, "Wait for classmate Qiu, what are you...? What regrets, what the last time, why didn't I understand?"

She sat back in front of Xu Mo again, letting herself restore her normal face as much as possible: "Teacher is here today to take me back."

Xu Mo nodded, exactly.

"Then I agree, and I will go back with the teacher. I will pack my luggage now, and we will be able to board the plane back at Pattaya Airport in the evening. Let Api take care of the things left here and the house. , Did he tell the teacher you to persuade me to sign 33 contracts?"

Xu Mo was a little confused and nodded.

What she said was correct.

She knows it all.

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