My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 430

Including the 33 contracts, I don't want to let readers see the works that have lost confidence.

As she said, she didn't want to perfuse the readers and chose to give up.

"Teacher, you don't move, what do you know? Although you can understand what I want to express, how do I feel? Do you really understand!?"

Once the emotion that people want to pour out opens a gap, it will be out of control like a flash flood and a tsunami. Qiu Yuelong's emotions are getting more and more excited. The girl blushed, and she actually started to pat the table.

"Isn’t the things I drew in the end actually seen with the same eyes as all the 18X works? What kind of love is love? In the end, what a man likes is still easy to open his legs and feel that there is no troublesome plot to let the favorite fan characters come up. It’s just a picture of sex, isn’t it!? Follow the hotspot to draw the 18X book of popular fan characters. It doesn’t need any plot to make the female characters puppet-like depictions of love and start with men. Isn’t it too tall? A book has 20 pages, of which three pages are the storytellers, look at the seventeen pages, and when you read ten pages, look at the remaining half. Isn’t that true? Who cares about the description please and love , As long as your favorite fan character can snap!"

"I personally feel that depicting so many plots in a book is completely redundant. It's better to go directly into the feature film and start having sex!"


Xu Mo wanted to refute.

But... it seems to be true for most people.

"Although... those 18X notebooks that open their thighs casually and have no plot to start sex with the female character will make me look up, but they won't make me fall in love with this character!"

"Neck... rise?"

Show me the 466th chapter

"Although... those 18X notebooks that open their thighs casually and have no plot to start sex with the female character will make me look up, but they won't make me fall in love with this character!"

This sentence was said by Xu Mo, and it was a refutation from his heart.

"Neck... rise?"

"That's right! As a healthy man, of course there is a need in that respect. When he is impulsive, he wants to see the pictures of the anime heroines he usually loves and YY to help him vent. Of course, there will be a reaction, and in such an impatient is true that many people have turned to ignore the plot."

"But just like I said, although this book can let me vent my physical needs, it can't make me really fall in love with the characters inside. No... that's not my favorite fan role at all. There is no plot. The doujin female characters in the book of "I" exist purely to satisfy the need for men to vent. They don’t have a soul and only know the body of H. It’s not the character I like at all, just a body with the same appearance and the same name. Substitutes. After venting, it can be treated as a one-off thing, and you can just dispose of it casually and delete it from your hard drive, maybe just this time."

Xu Mo was also as excited as Qiu Yuelong. At this time, Qiu Yuelong was completely stunned, as if... was shocked by Xu Mo's words?

it works?

Go ahead!

If it is for such a reason to give up casually, it is not worth it.

Xu Mo thinks so.

As a teacher, you really shouldn't support students to get in touch with 18X's career so early.But... after all, it is a personal hobby of others, and if there is no illegal behavior to persist, there is no right to stop it.But just because of inexplicable circumstances, you can't just give up what you like with regret.

"And you, Shui Longjing's works are different! Completely, not the same! I know, if it is a work of the same type, you must have carefully studied the character of that character, and what she would say from the perspective of the original work If so, what will you do. Use the necessary length of the plot to explain how the plot happened, why it happened... and the details of not losing the extra points to the original sublimation heroine, all make the whole work come alive. Although it is slow heating , There is no such thing as passionate works that are popping up as soon as they come up, but the satisfaction after reading carefully is not the same! The heroine he loves is vivid and will truly fall in love with her, as if she is really and She has had such ambiguities before, and the passion after reading it has suddenly rushed up, not to mention, it makes people linger and out of control... This is different from those works that only know about sex. A sweet love is not enough. It will not be easily deleted and discarded. It is also great to review it once in a while. So the sales of Shui Longjing's works are the highest, so everyone is willing to buy more extended works... Many people simply didn’t walk away based on feelings as much as I could understand, but at least they would really do it, and would involuntarily choose works that would really fall in love with!"

As soon as these words came out, the mouth-cannon formula has been fully demonstrated. Although it has nothing to do with the mouth-cannon skill, it is Xu Mo’s heartfelt words. As a true fan, you must give up on the author you like. At that time, +1s for her anyway!

Useful, Qiu Yuelong was touched, and now only a critical strike is needed.

"What about me... I like Shui Longjing's works very much, because every time I can feel love, her works are full of love, no matter the originality of the same person, and they are devoted to serious efforts. Although it is 18X The content, but every time at the end, it makes people feel as if they are watching a youth love novel... How should I put it, anyway... I can feel the conveyed love. Whether it is a girl from Dobitz, I can read that they are not real bitches...So, although I don't know what happened in the end, but if I didn't draw anything...Please consider it carefully!"

Xu Mo finished speaking with enthusiasm and looked down at Qiu Yuelong in front of him.

Her eyes had already changed from surprise to deep contemplation.

Why does it seem to calm down?

"Mr. Xu...No, you have already said it for this kind of sake. I still don’t treat you as a teacher for the time being. But I can’t completely believe it. In other words, the comments I have made all the time, the ones I explained Thoughts have completely lost my confidence in men. Men just like the way they come up and ask for sex, so they don't care about other places, right? Those just now are actually your beautiful words."

No matter how the words are on this point, did she still say such things?

Damn, I blame the navy comments of those keyboard guys. It's not easy for a child like her to have such a reputation. It is a good process to pursue what you want and express it.However, she has always been troubled by such bad reviews of Keyboard Man, which has crushed her a little bit and turned into a state where she can't create anything. She has lost confidence in readers, men, and herself.

"It's not pretty, I'm sincere, you have to believe me." Xu Mo emphasized again.

Qiu Yuelong lowered her head, the shadow covering her face could not see her expression at this time.

After a while, she didn't lift her head, but she still said something: "Then, teacher, can you-prove it to me?"

"En? Prove...?"


Xu Mo didn't understand. Although he had promised her to prove it to her, why did he sit on a chair and blindfolded his eyes with an 18X patterned blindfold.

The sight was indeed blinded, and now I can see nothing.

Not far from the darkness came Qiu Yuelong’s voice: "Teacher Xu, from now on, please sit there and don’t move. I will use my actions to prove that what you said is wrong. But if you can If you stick to the end..."

"I will believe in a creature like a man again."

When she finished saying these words, Xu Mo could feel a gust of wind blowing lightly from her face before Xu Mo could react.

Something like cloth was thrown from his face, and then it fell on his lap.

Like... the feeling of clothes?

Ah... I can't move, I can't move, but I really care, what is it?

Xi Xi Suo Suo...

This sound is so familiar.

Isn't it the sound of undressing??

PS: Adjust your mentality and decide to go out and relax tomorrow.The destination is Wuzhen and Xitang generation. Take a walk and take a look. I hope I can calm my mood and get my heart up as soon as possible.

PS: This is an advertisement. Netease mobile game "Bright Continent" will open a new area at 12 noon on April 12th. You can come and play.Snowman is an IOS system, and the new area of ​​the IOS system tomorrow is called ancient ruins, and you can play together.The ad word that made me read: This game has great special effects, super gameplay, you can dominate the world without krypton gold, kill everything in seconds, super fun, let us play together [Conscience advertisement, let me read it like this, I It's estimated to be A after going in]

Chapter 467: Hello Little White Rabbit

Xu Mo didn't see anything in front of him at this time. After being blindfolded by Qiu Yuelong, his eyes were blackened... The most important thing was that the challenge had already begun when it happened too soon before he could react?

What she said, can't move from now on?

But Xu Mo never expected that Qiu Yuelong, a superficially good girl who had undergone professional lady training since childhood, now took off her clothes in front of her.

what's the situation?

The reason why I know that she is undressing is because of the Xisuosuo's voice in the ear, and he lifted the cloth with a touch of girly fragrance in front of him...

And even if Xu Mo was blindfolded at this time, he could easily see if he wanted to see... After all, all these things have been re-enhanced by the double cultivation method.

Well, he actually couldn't help but take a look with this extraordinary physical ability.But as an upright gentleman, Mr. Xu swears that he really only took one look, just one look!

Of course, that glance was enough, as Xu Mo guessed, the girl had already taken off her coat at this time.

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