My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 432

Therefore, Qiu Yuelong's first reaction was to use her smooth arm to slightly block her chest as a cover.

Although it seemed to have done something meaningless, it was a sigh of relief for Xu Mo.

You know, no matter how old a man is, he can't resist the temptation in this situation.It's not that you can't help it in that way, but that it's physical instinct.

For example, Shi Geng...

A gambling agreement means that you can't move anything. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if there is a place?

Especially because of the weather in Thailand, Xu Mo wears summer shorts, which are not thick at all. If he reacts, he sits on a chair and sits directly on a towering tree.

Fortunately, Qiu Yuelong made such a seemingly meaningless action and slightly blocked that very important place with her own arm, making the original temptation stimulation less than half...At least for a short time, Xu Mo can still hold back Don't let it hold up.

God, please, let my chicken rest for a day!

After adjusting his state a bit, Qiu Yuelong continued to develop an offensive against Xu Mo, and their betting agreement had not yet ended.

"Teacher, you should know now what I am...what do you think?"

That's fine, Qiu Yuelong still didn't forget to lie down to Xu Mo's ear and speak slowly in the softest voice, adding a strange atmosphere, and the soft breath because of the whispers just like this Into the ear, into the ear canal, directly into Xu Mo's nerve center.

Knowing, of course knowing as a teacher.

You need to know that even if Xu Mo is blindfolded, he can see clearly, and because this is not only through the eyes, so if you want to see, you can look like a camera 360° Looking around is not limited to the range of the eye direction.

So even if Qiu Yuelong is lying beside Xu Mo, Xu Mo can still see her incomparably clear picture. can cover it if you want it. It is enough to block a slender arm the size of A. Block it better, a little sincerity, OK?You are still holding the pipa so half-hidden, the pink cherry blossom petals make me very uncomfortable, teacher!

And because of the breath in that ear, Xu Mo's whole body was crisp, except for a certain place, which was ready to explode anytime and anywhere.

Don't look at Xu Mo Tucao for such a long string, but in fact he has no chance to breathe.

Qiu Yuelong is almost pasted around Xu Mo's head, not only Xu Mo can see now...smell it can also smell!

And Xu Mo's sense of smell is of course also enhanced, and Qiu Yuelong can smell whatever body wash Qiu Yuelong likes to use.

Being so close, it is not just the smell of the shower gel, it is the strong smell of female hormones, without the shackles of clothes, unscrupulously flooding the surrounding air, it is even more effective for Xu Mo, who has a strong sense of smell.

That's the best fragrance to wake up somewhere.

And Qiu Yuelong’s purpose seems to be to let Xu Mo use "smell". In her opinion, Xu Mo can’t see it now, but she has attracted him with voice and language. Now he knows what happened but But I can't see it, I must be more anxious.

Then... let Xu Mo's heart add a fire, let him smell it, but can't do anything.

Qiu Yuelong suddenly became bold. At this moment, she was no longer as nervous as she was at the beginning, and the shy expression on her face gradually relaxed. The current feeling to her is like a creation in reality. Now she What she did was the plot she conceived, she was the heroine in the plot, she was just creating her own work!

Incorporating yourself into the roles you create, many great writers will have this state.

Qiu Yuelong undoubtedly did it, as can be seen from her current state.

You were shy just now, where is there a little bit now?

The arm covering his chest was wrapped around Xu Mo's neck at any time, and the fallen pink petals were exposed there.

It has completely turned into an experienced bitch, a bitch who wants to eat the shy man in front of him, a bitch of unlimited temptation.

Xu Mo was in pain, because it was painful to hold on to make him unresponsive.

Including forcibly cutting off the strengthened vision so that he again kept reciting the decimal point while losing his vision, etc., but as before, he could only read 3.1415926...and stopped.

So he did it all, such as imagining the cruel pictures of Kang Luoli's women's clothing to calm himself down.

If you can stick to it, you really should give Xu Mo a thumbs up.

This smell... really makes people want to stop.

Feel the smell of her body so close...

I can't stand it anymore in my nose.

How should I put it...this...

This is the smell of a girl.

However, it is a brand new one...

At this moment, Qiu Yuelong squatted in Xu Mo's ear again and whispered softly: "Mr. Xu, is Xiang...? If you think Yuelong is still in your appetite, do you want to touch it? You just need to gently Raise your hand and wait for you in some of the upper positions. Assure you, I will never resist."


Why are they here?

This is already the range of physical contact.

You foul!

You are forcing me to foul!

Xu Mo's hands were trembling and shaking.

He never expected that something like immunity would not work after changing the individual.

For example, Nan Bing is also a very active temptation, Xu Mo has become accustomed to a certain degree of immunity.

But Qiu Yuelong was not familiar with Xu Mo, everything was full of freshness.

Even his body can clearly feel it.

PS: I was going to be diligent today, but my glasses broke when the code was used... I could only open my eyes and blind the code, let’s start working hard again tomorrow~ haha~

Chapter 469: I choose to

Xu Mo wants to touch it!

I want to touch it!

In front of a pair of cute little objects full of girlish air, even the eunuchs will sprout God-given love and want to touch it and touch it.

See how soft and sweet it is.

Best, you can feel it with your own mouth, even better.

This impulse is not a perversion or a special hobby, but a good memory left under the mother since childhood. Every man is a teenager, and every teenager is also a baby.

In fact, without Qiu Yuelong's detailed explanation, Xu Mo also knows where the important pair of places is from his own hands, and how to reach it accurately and hold it in his palms like Youlemei to feel the beating.

You can see it after all.

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