My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 435

"So, for the time being, I won't go back!" Qiu Yuelong's first sentence made Xu Mo almost squirted out half of the milk in his mouth.

"Huh?" Xu Mo made a puzzled voice.

Qiu Yuelong smiled, and took out the notebook beside him to open and prepare to take notes: "Didn’t the teacher say that this time I’m trying to create again and will help me? So I won’t go back with you for the time being, and you won’t. Go? You need to stay here and help me."

Xu Mo just hoped that she would not give up liking what she loves for some reason because of misunderstanding, but she didn't expect that she would choose to stay.

Only then did I finally remember the real purpose of my coming. In the golden time of two days, I took her back to collect the head, and then I could find the tenth person who collected the head... otherwise Class A would not exist.

This time is supposed to be as fast as possible, so as to have enough time to find the next one.

Xu Mo was a little panicked. She hasn't created any works for three months, so if she wants to stay in Thailand, she may not know how long it will take.

"This... Qingye Academy also has a special electronic drawing room. If possible, I will talk to President Yan and ask her to arrange a special studio for you. In this way, you can be better even if you return to China. Created, and I will help you in school."

Qiu Yuelong shook his head: "Teacher, have you forgotten why I came to Thailand?"

"Taking material?"

"En, take the material." Qiu Yuelong stood up, took Xu Mo's hand and walked to the window sill in her studio. There was a very eye-catching telescope on the window sill, which Xu Mo found as soon as he entered the room.

"Teacher, you must also know that the city of Pattaya has been given the reputation of'the kingdom of sex and love', which is actually the case. To be honest, this place can really inspire endless inspiration in this regard, and it is not convenient to draw materials in China. What I have arrived here is simply a breeze here. In the past three months, although I have closed my own creative heart, I will be exposed to these things to some extent. If I can now, like the teacher said, cheer up again If you try to create again, it's better to stay here." Qiu Yuelong now speaks as if she is full of energy, making people feel that her confidence as a professional painter has returned.

Xu Mo was very pleased, yes, but like this... there was nothing to say.

Time, the most important thing is time.

"So you usually use this telescope...?"

Qiu Yuelong would not worry about letting Xu Mo know anything. Trust had been established between teachers and students, and it was indeed easier to do anything as long as she took off her clothes.

"Well, this telescope room allows me to see the many secrets of this city at night, and many things that can inspire me. But the night in this city is very dangerous. I am alone here. It’s not convenient for Zhili to go out, so I can only use this to see. But since the teacher wants to help me, it’s different. If the teacher is there, I can go out at night and see those things with my own eyes.” She seemed very excited. Looks like, have you already planned what to do in your heart?

What makes Xu Mo more concerned about is what the'those things' are in her mouth.

Api also said that the city of Pattaya is quiet during the day and messy at night. How messy can it be?

" long does it take to get the material? There are actually many of your classmates waiting for me to go back to class, and I am worried about them too." Xu Mo lied shamelessly.

"Well, I don't know how far the state can be restored, because I haven't collected the materials yet. I was always alone before, and now I have teachers to help. I believe it shouldn't be too slow. Don't worry." I don't know. It wasn't because of her personal habits. Xu Mo felt that the child's eyes were a little strange from the first time he saw her.

Oh... It's not about specificity, or it feels like her eyes either don't blink for a long time, or blink extremely excited and fast.

For example, now, I was blinking quickly in front of Xu Mo.

Is this a sign of excitement?

Well, since all said that, I really hope she can do it as soon as possible.

Anyway, I was mentally prepared to take people back without being so simple, and Xu Mo could still accept it.

In other words, in fact, his heart was full of curiosity about this strange atmosphere.

What will happen when night falls?

"Okay... Then what do I do?" Xu Mo still didn't know what to do in the process of creating an 18X book, and what he could do for her.

According to the plot of the book, wouldn't it be for yourself and her to experience it for yourself?

Hey, this is also good...tsk tut.

It's a pity that these are all Xu Mo's restless thoughts. In fact, Qiu Yuelong's personality is not like Nan Bing's initiative to do such things. She still leads her hobbies first.

Qiu Yuelong just sat ordinary in front of Xu Mo, and took out his own notebook.

"Well, it's the first time that I asked others for their opinions before creating. But I don't know why. I think that since the teacher can understand my work, he can definitely help me in creation, and I absolutely trust you. So first let’s discuss the subject matter first. Does the teacher have any good suggestions?"

Qiu Yuelong is still very serious when he gradually enters the state of work. Xu Mo Mingming has started to draw drafts on the notebook before he even starts to say anything.

This kind of quick sketches are basically a few scribbles, but Qiu Yuelong's hands are more refined. Her drawing speed is really jaw-dropping, and she deserves to be someone with ten vests...

It may be that Xu Mo has been staring at the notebook in his hand. Qiu Yuelong just raised his head and smiled: "It's been too long since I started writing, just paint casually to make my hands warmer. Teacher, please talk about your suggestions for new works. Don’t care about me."

PS: I'm afraid there is a wave of 5 updates today, and I have an appointment with Xi Niang next door to write 10,000 characters.I will treat it as rehabilitation training. I don’t have so many characters for more than a month, and rehabilitation training starts.

PS: Zhang pushed a book "The Only Fate of the Female Bishop"

The 472nd chapter is shocked!Xueer lacks boyfriend!

Xu Mo is really a bit entangled with suggestions.

Although he is an old driver and reads countless books, he always appreciates it from the perspective of the audience, and has never thought about creation.

Sitting in front of Qiu Yuelong hesitated for a long time, seeing the hot drafts in Qiu Yuelong's notebook are full of drawings and still thinking.

Fortunately, Qiu Yuelong is a very visionary girl, and said: "Teacher, then I will ask you this way, and you can answer. For example, what kind of story do you want to watch? Let's not talk about the plot. Let’s set the character first, um... For example, what do you want the heroine to set? Professional status."

In this case, Xu Mo fell into deep thought again.

Maybe because there is too much experience of the old drivers stored in the mind, there is no way to choose the best one.

At this moment Xu Mo really had the illusion of when he had a choice disorder.

If you are asking yourself about the settings of the new heroine, they are actually pretty good... Serious police flowers, innocent little nurses, angry convenience store clerk, wild female boss...

If Qiu Yuelong came to paint, it would be a great story.

"Then decide according to the person that the teacher really likes and knows best. If there is a prototype, I believe that the teacher can also tell me more detailed settings." Qiu Yuelong is serious and really doing the things at hand. He didn't even look up, and I don't know how to find Xu Mo's entanglement.

I like the most...

Xu Mo really closed his eyes and carefully remembered.

The first thing that catches the eye is undoubtedly summer.

"Female teacher..."

"Eh, is it a female teacher? Although the teacher's subject matter has been used many times, if the teacher tells the story, I believe it will be able to create a good story."

"Ah this... let's forget it, or how about changing to a female student?" Xu Mo and Xiaxia said to her embarrassedly, and hurriedly went over it.

Without thinking about it, she blurted out the female student.

Indeed, the second thing Xu Mo thinks of is his students.


Even Qiu Yuelong, who had been lowering his head to draw the hot draft in his hand, stopped the pen in his hand and looked at Xu Mo with a strange look.

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