My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 438

"Well, they were rented by the ghost guy. When the lease is up, they can go to serve others. They can be regarded as a special kind of people in this city, although most people here are not surprised. Thai girls are basically willing to do these things, because they also have a better life and income. The ghosts have money. In addition to the rent, they are also very enjoyable."

Speaking of this, Mo and Qiu Yuelong actually felt a little bit sour.

This way of life is also a bit helpless.

"In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm a girl and it's not convenient to contact those intermediaries, I would also like to rent one." Qiu Yuelong said suddenly.

"Huh? What are you going to do with Thai sister?"

"Oh, the teacher is not what you think. I just want to have the opportunity to contact these people. By the way, I will be a model. To be honest, this city is so attractive at night. I have been for three months. I want to go out once at night. Unfortunately, out of safety, I can only use this telescope to see each time.

In this sentence, Qiu Yuelong seemed to have something in the words, especially the prolonged ending and staring at Xu Mo's eyes.

"Or, it's also for the purpose of collecting materials. How about the teacher staying tonight and accompany me to stroll around the city that never sleeps? Teacher is a big man, there shouldn't be any problems with me. It’s for creation, and there must be a lot of inspiration!"

It was broken. With her appearance, Xu Mo felt as if he had fallen into a hole he had dug a long time ago.


"No problem, trust me!"

"Okay..." Faced with the student's acting like a baby, Teacher Xu chose to compromise.

By the way, I feel like a gentle and good teacher.

Well, for her creation.Moreover, Xu Mo didn't care about the danger, he could protect her safety.

And, it is said that Pattaya never sleeps, what will it become at night?It's also very exciting.

Qiu Yuelong also seemed very happy when Xu Mo agreed.

In fact, it seems that she had planned something in her heart: "Great, Teacher Xu, I am not afraid to tell you. I found a very interesting place in Pattaya more than a month ago. There is not only Taimei there. Simple... I am very interested. Please take me in tonight! I think there must be something I want to see!"

The 475th chapter is shocked!The snowman has changed five!(Fifth more)

Without much consideration, he agreed to Qiu Yuelong's request. Xu Mo always felt that this was not a good decision.

There seemed to be something weird in Qiu Yuelong's joyful expression.

She said what she found, Xu Mo didn't know.

Qiu Yuelong just told Xu Mo with a calm appearance that she had been observing Pattaya at night for three months with a telescope, and there must be no problem. He only needs to walk with him at night and there will be no problem.

In this case, there is no way.

According to Qiu Yuelong's words, this is just an ordinary drawing.

Now that everyone has come to Pattaya, the kingdom of sex and love, how about going out at night to collect materials?

Want to stay, so Xu Mo first called Api.

After expressing that he would stay at night and let him go back first, Appi expressed great shock.

It shows that Teacher Shui Longjing is not disgusted with this teacher!Did not drive him away!

Everything is going smooth!

He expressed his excitement and deep gratitude on the phone, and by the way, after carefully reminding Xu Mo of the thirty-three contracts, Appi left here before night fell.

As for such a pure boy, why would he be an editor at 18X?


I have to admire Qiu Yuelong, who is actually very dedicated.

Waiting for the whole afternoon of the night, she never left her workbench.

I have been doing warm-hand training on the workbench.

I can talk to Xu Mo more or less, but not much, and Xu Mo is also embarrassed to interrupt her being so devoted and focused.

I wonder if her dedicated enthusiasm is due to the relationship that she can finally walk into this city that never sleeps in person at night?

Xu Mo's choice is also quietly waiting.

After six years, it started to get dark.

The people on the street began to increase one after another.

Xu Mo asked Qiu Yuelong, and she said it was not yet time.

"At 10 o'clock in the evening, it is the signal that the nightlife in Pattaya will begin. Even the red light district is not open at this time."

In this case, Xu Mo also waited for another four hours hungry.

But there is such a peculiar feeling. Starting from six o'clock, the feeling becomes clearer as the time passes.

It feels that the whole city is gradually being enveloped by an innate desire of human beings, and an inexplicable restlessness begins to rise from the body and become hot and dry.

It was ten o'clock, and Qiu Yuelong was more punctual than Xu Mo imagined. It was almost as soon as the mobile phone time reached ten o'clock that she immediately left the workbench and pulled Xu Mo out immediately.

Xu Mo had been looking out the window just now. At ten o'clock, the signal of Pattaya nightlife officially started.

Only when you really walk out can you feel that feeling, which is completely different from looking on the windowsill.

Qiu Yuelong was also pleasantly surprised, and took Xu Mo to walk quickly towards the city center.

She knows what is there and can make her look forward to.

Because of Xu Mo's presence, she doesn't have to worry about being alone.

At this kind of time in Pattaya, any woman who walks on the street alone is soliciting, and the ghost will have a relationship with him.If there is a man around, it is basically considered to be in charge, and there will be no other ideas.

Anyway, three-quarters of the night in Pattaya are red light districts. Anyone who wants to find anything can be satisfied, and no one is stupid enough to entangle one.

Going farther and farther, it really makes people feel more and more amazing.

This city really deserves to be the "kingdom of sex."

The neon lights of shops, hotels, dance halls, and nightclubs are dazzling, and the streets are lined with pavilions and bars, and pop music fills the streets and lanes.Pedestrians on the road are one after another, and there is a lot of traffic...

It is in sharp contrast with the daytime, just like a carnival at night.

The streets are brightly lit, with dynamic music reverberating everywhere, and it is difficult to walk fast because of the constant flow of people.A very important reason is that there are soliciting ladies all over the street. These ladies really have all kinds of styles, Europe, America, Africa and Asia... Golden silk cat, Great Yangma, Japanese cotton candy... Seeing men walking alone If you take the initiative, you will be crowded, using a lot of bold actions to attract men to take them away for a pleasant evening, and some even walk on the road without wearing underwear at all!

But that's it, everyone was used to the same thing, and didn't feel surprised at all.

This is Pattaya at night?The East That Never Sleeps?

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