My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 450

The two followed the guide and walked forward along the undersea tunnel for about ten minutes, and finally other people appeared.

It may be the relationship that has almost reached the slave market. There are a few ghosts staying here, and they are happily communicating.

Xu Mo heard their conversation from a distance in the tunnel. Judging from the content of the conversation, one of them is already an old customer here. This time he came to the slave market with some friends who had just come to Thailand on holiday. The old driver came to take them to buy slaves.

After approaching Xu Mo, I found out... Isn't the old driver among the four ghosts the same as the one he used the telescope at Qiu Yuelong's house to see in the afternoon playing...

Xu Mo couldn't forget that big belly and disgusting face.

It was so coincidental that I met him here again.

Xu Mo glanced at Qiu Yuelong, who had been following her silently. She also watched the whole process in the telescope in the afternoon, and she must still remember it.

However, Qiu Yuelong's actors are of very high quality. She has merged with the status of a slave at this moment, and she has not seen anything unusual.

When the few people met, the ghosts also saw Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong walking by.First, there was a surprised, pompous expression, and then excitedly pointed at Qiu Yuelong beside Xu Mo and said to some ghosts beside him: "Look! This is the high-quality slave I told you about! This country is. It’s a good place, as long as you have money, you can buy any kind of slave! It doesn’t matter if you die! These slaves turned out to be unidentified people and will not be supervised! Take a look! The quality of the slaves around this friend It is estimated to have spent a lot of money, how can it be the highest class goods!"

He was so excited that he was dangling around with rotten meat, making people want to eat meat for three days.

The other ghosts nearby nodded seemingly, but their eyes wanted to stay on Qiu Yuelong.

Xu Mo felt uncomfortable for a while. He didn't want them to look at Qiu Yuelong with such a vision. He hurried Qiu Yuelong behind her butt in a rude manner, looking like she was abusing her, but was actually protecting her and using herself The body just can block her body, let her follow behind.

The two people still bumped into each other, and the ghost guy who came to be the old driver came up very enthusiastically and put his fat hand on Xu Mo's shoulder, and greeted Xu Mo with a familiar look.

In his opinion, Xu Mo must be a rich and powerful man to obtain a slave of this quality, otherwise he would not have such a handwriting.A capitalist running dog like him from the United States can barely buy two second-class slaves, so Xu Mo must be a shameless person who can make him familiar.

"My good friend, come to buy slaves? Oh, yes, you have the face of a rich man. Of course you came here to be a god." The shameless ghost and Xu Mo hooked their shoulders. Do apostasy.

Xu Mo always pretended to be calm and cold, and shook his shoulders unceremoniously to throw his hand away without answering his questions.

He was not embarrassed at all when he was like this. Instead, he approached with a more shy face and continued to ask: "My good friend, the slave behind you must have spent a lot of money? Honestly, my slave in Pattaya The market has been around for a few laps, and I haven’t seen such quality goods with my own eyes. Can you reveal that this slave was bought here at Inavan?"

Xu Mo didn't want to continue to care about him, but from this ghost's performance was really annoying, and it would be even more entangled if he didn't answer.

At this moment, Qiu Yuelong behind him was clever, and said softly, "No, sir, the master bought me in Yueya."

When she finished speaking, Xu Mo pushed her behind him again with an unhappy look. It was all cooperation.

The ghost paused, and hurriedly made a look of suddenly realized: "Oh! Yueya! It turned out I wanted to go there to see the local slave market, but there are some things that are delayed! If you have a chance, go again. Walk around!"

Both Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong knew that this ghost was a fake, and there is no place in this world called Yueya.

He was also a little self-aware. He had just blown the cowhide, thinking,'Fak, what exactly is Yueya!'But he still has to pretend, he is an old driver in front of his friends, if you don't know if it is embarrassing?So I didn't dare to continue to harass Xu Mo. I was afraid that what would happen if I kept talking about it. So I found myself a step and said a few more words in a hurry.

"My good friend, this is the first time you have come to Inawan, right? Although it may not be the most advanced, Inawan is the most reputable here. You can rest assured. Hehehe, we all know it, alone It’s inconvenient to come here for a holiday. You still need the company of two or more women to have fun... I live in the small yellow building next to the Akmayer Bar. My name is Da Kiba. You are welcome to come to my home and enjoy my treasured 1982 Lafite with me... Then let’s go in first, my dear brother, I hope you can buy satisfactory products tonight." He stepped on his own steps and gave Xu Mo a face. The ghost guy immediately led his friends in. Before leaving, he reluctantly tried to take another look at Qiu Yuelong behind Xu Mo, but Xu Mo’s The body was blocked there, he couldn't see anything.

The Guilao and his party hurried in. The strange thing was that the guide led them here and turned away. He didn’t say a word and Xu Mo was not good at asking for fear of exposure, otherwise he wouldn’t be wasting with the group of ghosts. time.

Fortunately, after a while, a short, gorgeously dressed waiter walked out of the dark and came to Xu Mo, and gave him a respectful gift like the ancient nobles and nobles: "Welcome, please go here. ."

I looked at the waiter who was only 1.2 meters tall, but when I was approaching the salute, I realized that this person's face was half human and half cat...this...

PS: It’s better to add three groups to subscribed readers. After all, the three groups are all subscribed readers, and my three groups are in the water almost every day, and the other groups are not very bubbling.

Author's message:

ps: This is the last chapter...then I @ last

Chapter 486: Only an educated person can understand this chapter

The gorgeously dressed waiter raised his face to surprise.It's like a child's face is torn apart from the middle. One side is an innocent child, but the other side is a mutated cat face.

Although there is less hair than ordinary cats, the half of the face is still slightly different from ordinary hair.

Especially a cat's eye flickering in the dark night is very strange, making people very uncomfortable.

But the other party behaved more naturally, but that face was born with weirdness: "Sir, please here." She spoke Chinese, and she didn't know how she knew he was from Huaxia.

Following this weird cat-faced waiter, he went on for less than a hundred meters, and finally passed through the undersea tunnel. You really entered the scope of this undersea slave market, right?

"Welcome to the Inawan Slave Market." Just as the waiter stopped and said the welcome line, a luxurious velvet blanket was spread in front of Xu Mo, as if it was still there even if it was soiled by the mud on the ground. Not hesitate.

Because it is true that the ground here is really dirty. It is obvious that such an undersea tunnel can be built, but there is no money for the environment inside?

On the other side of the velvet blanket are two beautiful chairs and a small table that look like works of art.

At the table, there are some people already there. On one side is the ghost da Kibba and the gang that I just met, and on the other side is an old woman in a wheelchair who looks like an ordinary old woman. , Looks very kind, if not for the twinkling eyes...

Da Kiba seemed to know the old woman very well, and he was saying, "Hey, Inavan. Today I got you a big deal. These are my most important friends. Lao Po, Shijiang, Fei Zhou, Ren, and the sermon, Hei Zhen, they all come to you today to buy slaves."

Xu Mo's English level is limited. These people don't know why the names are a little strange, and they don't know what the Chinese translation looks like, so they can just use the transliteration directly, so don't care.

"But I said the ugly thing ahead, if you dare to sell dying or faulty slaves to my friends..."

"Hehehehe, Mr. Dakiba, you are also my old customer. You know my rules very well. I don't dare to do like you said, that would go to hell."

"Okay, but what do you say today, you have to bring me some good stuff! I know you have a lot of good stuff in private, and I haven't seen you take me to see you a few times before." Da Kiba Cannian's thoughts remained on Qiu Yuelong who had just seen Xu Mo.

Today, I have to look at what level of merchandise Inawan personally trained and cultivated in this rumor.

The old woman showed a slight smile, and there was a trace of obvious disdain in her eyes: "I have always provided the best goods at the corresponding level according to the level of the customer. Your words... Well, today I will give You can provide the most advanced batch of goods such as B."

Da Kiba was immediately unhappy. The old woman was obviously mocking him for not having that financial strength. Although he knew it in his heart, it would be too embarrassing to be mocked by her in front of her friends in public.


Just when he was about to get angry at the old woman Inawan, the cat-faced waiter brought Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong to Inawan who was sitting in a wheelchair.

The waiter didn't know what she said while lying in Inawan's ear, the old woman's eyes were locked on Xu Mo, and Xu Mo felt a little uncomfortable all over her body.

I just heard that this old woman is the slave owner Inavan?He was so old that he could only walk in a wheelchair, but he looked kind and would never be linked to the terrorist's slave market leader.

Inawan nodded slightly towards Xu Mo, "Mr. Coming from afar, welcome."

At the same time, she seemed to notice Qiu Yuelong behind Xu Mo: "Your slaves are of high quality."

Xu Mo just nodded and said nothing.

Dakiba was a little embarrassed when he saw Xu Mo had arrived.

He is a smart man, Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong must be richer than him. Inawan might show the high-quality goods she has kept privately, and then she can also take a look... Up?

In the face of Dakiba's enthusiasm, Xu Mo still silently ignored.

Inawan's gaze scanning Xu Mo's body ended, and she asked politely: "Sir, how do you address you?"

Dakiba, who was shameless on the side, also wanted to hear what Xu Mo called, and he would be a little more cordial after the next set.

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