My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 452

The first small room they passed by was like an abandoned weed warehouse.

Some women who looked very weak were concentrated in the iron cages here. They did not look like people at all, but more like animals in iron cages.

These women, whose hair was covered in stains, were covered with only a few rags, dragged heavy chains, and trembled in despair.

She looked extremely weak, and she knew she was seriously ill for a long time at a glance, but she was afraid that it would still be...

Perhaps it was because Xu Mo saw the female slave in this small room. Inawan even felt that she was a little complacent when she introduced her: "These are all sick specials. It's just some low-level slaves who are not of high grade, plus they already have stubborn illnesses, so they are only sold as disposable items."

This nonchalant tone is really... uncomfortable.

One-time... items?

Xu Mo could feel that their so-called stubborn illnesses might go to the hospital and spend a few hundred yuan to see that they could heal and recover, but... they can only become so-called disposable items in such an environment?It is conceivable that what kind of people will buy them, after buying...?The ending must be tragic.

Subconsciously, Xu Mo clenched his fists.

Going further, it is still muddy and shabby environment.

But at least it's better than the ones I just saw.

The women detained in this room ~ the slaves all have separate iron cages, but they still look gloomy and look outside shivering.

Slaves entangled in rags and chains are full of mud and dirt.

PS: I like to write beautiful stories. Even as a slave to a passerby, I want a good ending, so don't worry.

PS: This chapter has a lot of foreshadowing.

Chapter 488 The Spirit of Chaos

Even so, it still doesn't damage their exquisite appearance and makes people shine.

The batch of slaves here are obviously not bad in appearance, and they all look quite young.

It was the cold iron cage and the heavy chains on their bodies, which made people feel very distressed.

The desperate and godless eyes and the shivering body made people unable to understand what they had experienced before.

Of course, Inawan did not forget to introduce Xu Mo.

"The slaves locked here are basically'collected' from war-torn areas in the Middle East. Don't look at them now, they are dirty, but they are all gems left in the war...hahahaha...because of the batch The problem is that they have not yet determined the level and have undergone a little bit of'tuning and teaching'."

"But if the customer insists on buying now, I can also guarantee that they will be washed and dressed up and delivered to the customer like a Venus. And my slaves here have strict regulations, because I am a female. Because of this, there are no men here, oh, except for the men outside, but they are responsible for security, and they can’t enter it directly.”

Inavan’s grinning grin from under the kindly grandmother is very permeating: "I say so... I believe you must also be clear? The slaves here are absolutely 100%'clean', even here. Opportunities to reach men..."

After Xu Mo listened to it, although he wanted to lament that your service quality really cares about consumers, he still condemns more.

Along the way, Inawan showed Xu Mo a lot and talked a lot.

The slaves in each room have different levels and origins.

"This is a rare first-class product. Not only does it look great, but each has been'tuned and taught' in my hands for at least two years. Their awareness of being'slaves' is very strong..."

Sure enough, as Inawan said, when he introduced the slaves in this room, Xu Mo did see what she had described. Although they were all locked in cages, they were old iron cages. These... At least it's a beautiful birdcage.

But in fact, Xu Mo could still see that the sensible smiles of these slaves basically didn't bring any emotion or color.

It will only make people feel more distressed.

But also fortunately, if compared with the slaves I saw just now, they really have to thank themselves for having a good appearance, otherwise their current situation may be even more miserable.

What you see later can't be described as rare.

That is, the alien species Inavan just mentioned, born from the mother's stomach, there are physical mutations or deformities that make them very rare slaves.

As humans, they may be monsters... But as slaves and commodities, they are all rare goods.

There are mostly repatriation. It turns out that human beings are prone to repatriation scenes when close relatives are married. However, it is obvious that these repatriation scenes can appear here.

For example, it looks like a half-man, half-ape...or a really long and flexible tail.

And conjoined slaves...

The slaves of the three chests...

A slave born with no mouth...

It was so shocking that people couldn't speak at all.

But Inawan talked about it as a show-off capital, which made people uncomfortable.

The more you walk in, the stronger Xu Mo's strange feeling at first becomes.Maybe it's a feeling, or a hunch, anyway, it just feels something is wrong.

It seems to be getting into a strange circle.

Try to condense your mental energy to calm down your thoughts a little bit, but you still can't do it.

Spiritual power is still chaotic like scattered souls, it is very difficult to gather together.

Can't think further, but can detect something wrong.

That's it.

The wrong place... as follows.

In fact, starting from the first-class slaves, Xu Mo and Qiu Yuelong's one million dollars have completely lost the meaning of existence.

It is impossible for Yinawan not to know how much money they brought. According to Qiu Yuelong's slave market rules, they all traded in cash in US dollars.

So since Xu Mo and the others were unable to buy, why did Inawan bother to take himself more and more inside by himself.

Xu Mo could find that something was wrong, but he was confused and wanted to think...or when he thought about it, he would be interrupted immediately.

The trance made her forget the question she had just questioned every time she recovered herself.

What exactly happened here?

Inawan did not end here, and even introduced what he had pressed at the bottom of the box.

"If you need it, I still have the best products here. I dare say that they are the best slaves that the entire Pattaya can buy. These girls are carefully selected from the organization since childhood and sent to me They have experienced slave training since they were three or four years old. Their quality, the skills they have learned... are incomparable to ordinary slaves. The most important thing is that they have been slaves since they were young, and they have been slaves all their lives. Their smiles are what they really want, and they desperately want to serve their master’s smile, from the heart...hehehehe...These are the products I am most proud of."

It's beautiful, but...

In any case, it is unreasonable.

Inawan did not have any reason to take out the things at the bottom of the box in front of a customer he met.

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