My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 463

Then call you three thousand?

Chapter 498 I want to be diligent too

In short, her name seemed to be decided casually.

It seems casual, but it is not.

To be reasonable, naming a puppy or kitten generally depends on whether it responds or not.

for example.

For example, you have a corgi, or a cat, or a little pig?

Anyway, you have a gadget.

Then you thought about it for three days and three nights, and gave it a name that is out of low-level taste. But how to call your pet is that you don't have any reaction to this name, and that's not boring.

In the end, it is not necessary to pick some names that at least it sounds responsive, indicating that it will like it itself.

Although these names are often not what I hoped in my heart at the beginning, once I accept this setting, it still feels quite interesting.

For example, Corji is called the village chief, cat is called Shisanyi, and pig is called Zhu Xiaotian.

When Xu Mo called the slave girl'Three Thousand' for the first time, she had a reaction.

He raised his head and stared deeply into Xu Mo's eyes for a long time, and then showed the kind of healing smile from the heart.

Does she know?This is Xu Mo calling her name.

Maybe it was because of the expression she showed when she called her name, Xu Mo's thick face actually showed some signs of blushing, just because Xiao Sanqian smiled at herself.

So Xu Mo subconsciously called her again.

"Three thousand."

Xiao Sanqian nodded happily, she really understood that this was her name.

"Three thousand."

"Gululululu..." This was not Xiao Sanqian's answer, it was a sound from the lower abdomen of her petite body.

Xu Mo may have hesitated for five seconds, not long, and he made a quick judgment. He was ready to go to the market just now as soon as he resumed his actions after five seconds. Purchasing the freshest ingredients to personally solve the problem of Xiaosanqian being hungry.

how can!

How can you make such a little angel girl hungry?What a cruel thing this is!

It was terrible, it made her hungry!

Listening to the sound, it seems to be very hungry!It's all grunting, hello!

Blame me, blame me...Can you be full with sugar?When Xiao Sanqian took the initiative to eat candy, she should have thought about whether she was hungry...It was too slow.

Xu Mo was very self-blame, and Xiao Sanqian's hungry grunt was an unforgivable thing for him to hesitate the sky to fall.

We must make up for this mistake as much as possible.

So Xu Mo once again won the door and entered a state of dementia because of Xiaosanqian.

The impulsive behavior doesn't even know what I'm doing, it's entirely an impulse on the body's instinct.


When Xu Mo's sanity had recovered a little bit, and it was considered that he had recovered, the nine dishes, three soups and two sweets in front of him were all steamed and placed on the small table in the room specially cleaned for her.

Obviously, the painting style is like a family-like environment, but a table of dishes is filled aggressively. It is conceivable that Xu Mo, who has just recovered, seems to have realized what stupid he has done.

What's wrong with me...I am afraid that these dishes are not enough for six people. How much can a slender body like Xiao Sanqian eat?

What was even more frightening was that Xu Mo also saw a note full of dangdang beside these dishes.

Looking at this word, I also know that it was written by Xu Mo.

Xu Mo certainly doesn't remember what was written on it.

Pick it up and take a look-

The previous pages are full of calculations and analysis of Xiaosanqian's current age group is still developing physical conditions, which trace elements in food need to be supplemented to help the body develop and make the body healthier.

Choose ingredients and dishes from the required developmental trace elements.

The detailed calculation is like a chemical experiment.

Xu Mo was already full of black lines with those notes, Xiao Sanqian was actually the same, the ghost knew what she had experienced.

Xu Mo just brushed a table of dishes like a magic trick and changed it out like this, and he also played a lot of supernormal, if he was help.

Every dish in front of me is full of color, fragrance, and looks very attractive.

For Xiaosanqian, many elements that girls like are specially designed in it.

As a slave, the life she experienced since she was a child was completely different from that after she had just become Xu Mo's slave.

The above is Xu Mo's personal conjecture, because Xiao Sanqian is indeed sitting at the table in amazement, not daring to move the tableware, looking at the dishes in front of him incredible, and from time to time he casts a flustered expression with Xu Mo here.

Seeing her like this, Xu Mo couldn't see it in his heart. His heart softened instantly, faster than XX who shot X. He smiled softly at her and calmed her with the gentlest voice. : "Eat, you are already hungry?"

By the way, she also helped her with a small bowl to bring some dishes to her, fearing that her little arm would not be able to reach the dishes too far...after all, there are too many.

Faced with Xu Mo's gentle care, Xiao Sanqian didn't know why, looking at Xu Mo's eyes more and more...clear?

It always seemed as if something had disappeared unintentionally, making her eyes brighter.

It's so beautiful...

Xu Mo was intoxicated, and couldn't take care of eating at all.

It is estimated that she does not know how to use chopsticks, so Xu Mo prepared a fork and spoon for her.

Xu Mo was sitting on the chair opposite to Xiao Sanqian, using words and movements to guide her to eat, which was prepared for her.

At the beginning, it really took a lot of effort. She wanted to pick up the tableware with a lingering fear, but she kept shook her head like she wanted to know what the answer was.

Finally, she realized that she seemed to want Xu Mo to eat together, and she didn't want to start enjoying this delicious meal alone.

Seeing Xu Mo picking up the tableware first, she looked very well-behaved and carefully picked up the spoon, and scooped a little soup into her mouth.

She has the consciousness of being a slave and wants to serve her master, but it is also the master's most demanding that she meets from elementary school.

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