My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 465

But now, Xu Mo feels as if it is pure because he likes three thousand, and he is playing three thousand.

Who would come into estrus by the way while petting his cat?

San Qian had been quietly raising his head to look at Xu Mo, without any other movements, sensible and loving.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she didn't feel any discomfort in the face of Xu Mo's actions.

On the contrary, the warmth in my heart is clearer.

The impulse in Xu Mo's heart, unexpectedly slowly calmed down under such arbitrary movements.

And Xu Mo now seemed to be able to understand the impulse of the body.

The two states seem to merge into one.

Only when you really touch her with your hands and caress her will you know what it feels like.

The pores all over the body are happily trying to sing. If there is no one, I will be moved to tears.

That's it... It's a wonderful moment.

No matter what, Xu Mo wanted to keep San Qian in his heart no matter what.

Moving, make up an extra chapter during the day

As mentioned, the 6.1 plane went to the Hangzhou Shuke headquarters and began to join the editorial team of hard-working authors. Because I want to live in Hangzhou, I have to bring a lot of luggage, and my pets have to settle down.

I used it to live today. It took a lot of time to organize and pack it and mail it. It was originally Cavan plus a little tired, so I will make up today’s two tomorrow.

By the way, can someone tell me how to mail a desktop computer?Call Shunfeng directly?The monitor + host, my box is not dropped, will I call SF Express to pack it for me?Will it break?

It is too extravagant to buy more laptops directly.

Extra Story: Elegy X Nanbing (Part 1)

(The main purpose of the extravaganza is to polish the characters, and has nothing to do with the main storyline.)

During Xu Mo's visit to Pattaya, Qingye Academy didn’t seem to be at peace either. Lemon and Xu Yan were digging three feet in the academy because of their daughter’s disappearance, and all the students and staff were cleared out. school.

And the few people in Xu Mo's family, of course, had some vacation for some reason.

Now Xu Mo's small home, except for Lolia who seldom showed her face when she concentrated on studying'magic' in the room, it really felt a little home.

After experiencing the Nanbing chapter, Nan Bing has solved the knots in his heart for many years, and has gained new insights into many things, but his personality is much better than before.The attributes of Bingjiao have been weakened a lot, although the slut attribute is still full of max.

However, she was finally able to accept others in the house generously.

The elegy naturally goes without saying. Nan Bing may have completely accepted her in his heart and can get along well with her. At least when Xu Mo was at home, Nan Bing never quarreled with the elegy again.

The two are the first to know each other, so they are already familiar with each other's feelings in their lives.

The elegy is still an elegy, fresh and free, she is still so cool spotlessly.

It’s the immunity to money, still...

There is also Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu came back to the house with thoughts. She has been like this since she came back from Xu Yan. Before Xu Mo set off to Pattaya, her condition seemed to be a little better, but she also seldom revealed what she had at first This kind of innocent smile, seems to be a little mature.

Xu Mo really felt that in such an atmosphere... there really was a feeling of opening the harem, and it was still a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere.

But now that others are not there, what will happen to everyone in the house?

The first day of Mizhi's holiday.

When Xu Mo was absent, Xiao Jiu naturally took charge of all the housework.

While making breakfast for everyone, I was thinking deeply about something.

In those evenings, Xu Yan took her to talk a lot and taught her a lot.

So in some sense, she has truly matured a lot, and is no longer as innocent as she used to be.

She understands that Miss Ye Diange and Miss Nan Bing are both Miss Xu’s confidantes. Of course, her Miss Xu Yan is also... just as Xu Yan told her, even people like herself can blend in with one another. Feet?

'Brother must like people who can maintain a balanced atmosphere in the harem'

This is how the young lady told her, but Xiao Jiu... still didn't know what she thought.

Every time she thinks of what the young lady told her, including Xu Mo, her heart beats.

After preparing a hot breakfast, Xiao Jiu is ready to call everyone to eat.

She is used to everyone's living habits.

But as soon as he reached the top of the stairs, he heard Nan Bing's voice in Ye Diane's room.

This is really rare. Generally speaking, Nan Bing would go to bed later on holidays, and she would never get up unless someone called her.(After all, if you have a holiday, you can make trouble the night before)

Although Xu Mo was not there the night before, Nan Bing still studied a lot of new tricks on his own in bed all night, such as new tricks—red ropes, etc., which require diligent study and hard practice.

So I was planning to sleep more this morning, but the sudden aunt would kill her.

If it's an ordinary aunt, it's okay, but the desperate thing is dysmenorrhea.

Dysmenorrhea, as the name suggests, is a painful aunt. Boys may not be able to experience that kind of pain. But for girls of this age, dysmenorrhea is very easy to occur, and once it occurs, it is a piercing pain. Boys It’s really hard to understand...Severe girls will really die in pain, resulting in a short-term shock, and are sent to the hospital for painkillers.

Nan Bing's pain is still very severe. If it were an ordinary girl, she might have been in shock long ago. She was able to sustain it with her physical fitness and willpower.

But it was already a very bad feeling, and the legs were trembling and soft, moving the pace very hard, under cold sweat.

I've been like this before, but generally taking "that doesn't hurt, Yueyue Easy" or ordinary painkillers can slow it down, but girls of this age have irregular menstrual events, so they are not ready this time.

She couldn't shout too loudly, and it wasn't too alarming to be too serious... The point was that Xu Mo was not there either.

Under the severe pain, Nan Bing subconsciously moved his body to Ye Elegy's room.

Pushing open the door, Elegy is cultivating immortals on the bed...Ah, that's not right, meditation on the bed.

Probably, if she were not going to sleep with Xu Mo, she would be in this kind of'sleeping' state to practice while resting.

According to the elegy, she still needs to cultivate a lot. The method of cultivating immortals seems to her to be more than that simple, it seems that there is something hidden behind, so she wants to try to study it.

Nan Bing's sudden intrusion interrupted her practice.

Elegy opened his eyes slightly, a white dress fluttered in front of Nan Bing lightly from the bed. Seeing that she was in a wrong condition, he didn't care to say anything else, and directly pointed out the green onion to Nan Bing's forehead. Center a bit.

A clear and slightly cool sensation instantly poured into Nan Bing's body from the point of her forehead, making her aching body that was troubled by dysmenorrhea relieved a lot.

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