My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 467

"My brother’s future life in the harem can’t be satisfied with everyone every day, so maybe even under unbearable loneliness, the little sisters in the harem can also help each other, so you have to learn how to comfort a woman like you. people."

And she really learned a little, Xu Yan taught her a little.

Xiao Jiu studied hard, she remembered it clearly.

Among them, like what Miss Elegy did to Miss Nan Bing at this time, use your fingers to...comfort?

Of course, the fingers of Elegy did not touch the important parts of Nan Bing.

Just sent a little stuff in.

She saw Xiao Jiu, but she didn't think it was weird to do so. She had always been helping Nan Bing with her dysmenorrhea.

"This is to use pure ice clearing technique to directly inject your uterus into your uterus to regulate your cramped blood vessels. This will not happen this month."

PS: Happy Children's Day. In the morning, I will leave for the Hangzhou editorial office.

Extra Story: Elegy X Nanbing (Part 2)

Elegy said this, she didn't care whether Xiao Jiu saw it or not, and even if Xiao Jiu had trouble in this aspect, she was very willing to send it to Xiao Jiu.

The original purpose was not to help Nan Bing.

But of course Nan Bing doesn’t think so. The feeling of ice-cooling is really too comfortable. Not only is there no pain, but it also becomes endlessly refreshing and refreshing, which makes people really linger, especially Nan. With a slut body like Bing, she fell in love with this feeling in her heart.

Suddenly those mysterious props such as jumping eggs and magic sticks became dull in front of Bing Qing Jue. It might be the second existence besides Xu Mo.

But Nan Bing couldn't be so calm in front of Xiao Jiu like Ye Elegy. Nan Bing knew how embarrassing the scene was at this time, Xiao Jiu would definitely want to get crooked.

If it was the former Xiao Jiu, it would be fine, but Nan Bing discovered that since Xiao Jiu returned from home practice, he has not been as innocent and flawless as before.Sometimes I often go in a daze, showing an expression that I don’t know if it’s flustered or shy. When helping Xu Mo wash clothes, he will subconsciously filter out personal items like underwear first, and then put it in the last person to entangle. It took a long time to start washing, and his expression was abnormally flustered.

Nan Bing, who is very sensitive to this aspect, has guessed it seven or seven eighty-eight, thinking that 80% is Xiao Jiu and he has also learned the contents of the sleeping-servicing he had learned back then. The matter in that aspect is already different from the obscurity at the beginning. .

Xiao Jiu will definitely want to be you have to explain clearly, otherwise what to do when Xiao Jiu reveals something strange to him when Xu Mo comes back...I won't do anything with Ye Elegy!Although that thing is very cool...Ah~Okay...It's amazing...I rushed up again.

Nan Bing is really amazing. Even with this kind of one after another impact on her sensitive parts, the sheets are all wet, she can still make a barely calm posture in the shortest time, but her voice seems trembling. : "This... Xiao Jiu, don't think about it."

"Yes...Yes, Miss Nan Bing, I will definitely not tell the young master." Xiao Jiu is still immersed in shock, afraid of what to do. Maybe she should take the initiative to get a tissue to help Nan. Wipe that place with ice?Or take the wet sheets out and wash them and help Miss Ye Diele change a new one?

She also thought a lot. If it is really like what the young lady said, Xu Mo's confidantes will form a huge harem group in the future, and Xu Mo alone will not be able to cope with it... and she will also be in mutual comfort. one of?Do you want to help everyone solve the precarious physiological problem with your fingers, or maybe you have the day when you need to be solved by the little sisters?

In an instant, Xiao Jiu's face turned red, and she lowered her head and dared not look at the scene in front of her.

"I didn't mean this! Ah... tell her by yourself with the surname Ye! And this... when did you stop? I don't hurt anymore!"

Nan Bing accepted this dreamlike pleasure wave after wave, and was almost unable to hold up the calmness of pretending.

Ye Elegy said calmly: "I only focused on the injection of Bing Qing Jue, so the feeling will last a little bit and finally dissipate in your womb. This feeling will gradually weaken, in order to ensure that it can be completely Control the blood vessels in the uterus that cause your dysmenorrhea and cramps."

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Xiao Jiu, who was so scared and surprised that he bowed his head, and told Xiao Jiu the whole story in an understatement.

After listening, Xiao Jiu's eyes widened and finally raised his head and stood there watching. Although there are still many things that are not easy to understand after listening to Ye Elegy's explanation... But if this is the case, at least she feels more comfortable!

The picture in front of you is no longer impossible to look directly at it, it seems... it doesn't feel so shy. To put it bluntly, isn't it just the girls' mutual help and mutual assistance?

Xiao Jiu still remembers one time when Hao Wenrou suddenly came to her aunt, and she would lend her the sanitary napkin that she carried in her bag. Then...Miss Ye Lange and Miss Nan Bing, is that how they feel?

Xiao Jiu really is still Xiao Jiu, believing that others are too simple for her, the elegy is to say the whole thing and she completely believes it.

Even the elegy used such a magical method to solve Nan Bing's dysmenorrhea problem without even thinking about doubts.

In her opinion, I vaguely felt that Miss Ye Elegy had a magical feeling in her body. When she watched Miss Elegy walking, she always felt that she wanted to fly lightly.

Miss Elegy likes to wear white clothes like ancient dresses at home. She likes to lie on the tree in the backyard when she is fine. Many times, she thinks Miss Elegy is a generation of chivalrous women in martial arts dramas on TV.

It's not that even a girl like Hao Wenrou is willing to bow down in front of her, struggling to be her apprentice all day.


Half an hour later, Nan Bing was panting and put on clean underwear.

That feeling finally disappeared, and it won't wet the pants somehow.

Xiao Jiu also helped to clean up the soaked sheets just now, and the atmosphere seemed a bit embarrassing now, especially Nan Bing, who had lost her adult in front of them today.

But... can't get angry, right?He even owes Ye Diele a favor. I don’t feel any pain at all, let’s not say, the whole body is very refreshing and full of vitality. If Xu Mo is here, Nan Bing is really confident to have a long march with him. In the battle of physical exertion, whoever can't bear it first will play the following one first.

"Until next month, you don't have to worry about dysmenorrhea, and menstruation will stop, and there will be no impact on normal life." The three are still in the room, Ye Diele added.

Nan Bing looked up at her. Thousands of thoughts gathered in my heart. I don’t know what to say. The Ye Elegy in front of me was really hard to make people angry. In my heart, Nan Bing had already regarded her as her own, but on the surface it was still not. Know how to express it.

After all, the two people had a relatively big conflict before.

"What would happen if you came? Do you do the same?" Nan Bing asked Ye Elegy a question.

The elegy shook his head: "For those who practice martial arts, especially women, if menstrual events are very troublesome and affect martial arts, generally speaking, there will be special methods to control the time of menstrual events or temporarily stop menstruation. Normal uterine physiology should be restored when it is necessary to give birth."

"how about you?"

"My uterine physiology is normal. In the case of menstruation, it is not secreted once a month in the uterus. I will use other methods to secrete those things, so it will not cause intrauterine effects, and will keep fertility Features."

What an enviable guy...

Nan Bing was envious, but actually heard that there was something wrong with the elegy.

Having said that, it would be more convenient if this guy can control and stop menstruation. Why use other methods to secrete things in the uterus every month?

The physiological state of the uterus?

She just wants to save her pregnancy ability!

Are you martial arts people so shameless?

People who practice martial arts, cheating!

Nan Bing was too envious, and she started to watch out for elegy that she aimed at pregnancy.

You know, she also has plans...

It is a wonderful thing to be able to create a new life for both of them.

If there really is a new life born, Xu Mo will definitely take good care of her, and even a girl would be envious of that feeling.


Xu Mo did consider a lot, because from Xu Mo's perspective, it wasn't that he didn't want children. There were many reasons.

For example, he is not ready yet, the current work situation is still unable to take good care of pregnant women, and how Nan Bing is still going to school to get pregnant, young girls giving birth too early seems to affect their health.

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