My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 470

As long as she can take Sanqian back, can't she not stay here alone?

But I always feel uncomfortable in my heart, and there is no way to accept such a setting.

Three thousand must be naturalized in Japan...

If you really become a Japanese citizen, it will be very difficult to become a Chinese citizen in the future. When he thinks about this, Xu Mo feels very aggrieved in his heart, and he is very reluctant to happen.

It’s not about the country’s reasons. Xu Mo doesn’t hate Japan. To him, Japan is a foreign country just like other countries. In his heart, he still hopes that Sanqian will be of Chinese nationality, and he will just follow him. The plane went home.

"Um... you can consider it, but it's more convenient to be a Chinese citizen. I just remembered that I had a friend who was doing this in China, I'll call him and ask." After that, Xu Mo hesitated He got up, holding his mobile phone a little reluctantly, left San Qian and walked out of the room.

It was just such a brief separation, and they all began to look reluctant.

After hesitating again and again, Xu Mo called Xu Yan.

"Toot toot... Toot toot......Hello, your call is temporarily unanswered..."

After beating three times in a row, Xu Mo still had no way to contact Xu Yan.

He didn't know that Xu Yan was so busy at this time because of someone's disappearance that he was in the mood to answer the phone.

The one who hit lemon is still the same, still no one answered.

It was troublesome now. Right now Qiu Yuelong looked good, and he could go back in two or three days at most. It turned out that Xu Mo didn't have much time for this trip to persuade him to learn.

The identity of Three Thousand must be realized before then.

But Lemon and Xu Yan couldn't get in touch at all. There was one other person who was confident that he could handle this, but he didn't dare to make this call at all.

After flipping through the phone address book, he found a name, and with the mentality of giving it a try, Xu Mo called it.

"Zero One is waiting for your instructions, Master." The old friend of Nan Bing, who was tragically burned by the flames, saved her number after Xu Mo went back last time, in order to wait for Lemon to get his burn treatment. Let her know after the method.

After that, after her injury healed, she continued to return to her original post to serve the family.

Xu Mo didn't mean anything. After he informed the situation, of course, he also concealed some important content.

"If it's me, I still can't get the real identity... But if it's a temporary fake identity, it can still be done if it is just used to pass through customs. Security personnel often need to disguise their identity, so generally we If you go abroad, you won’t use your real identity to expose yourself. Master 01 will help you sort out your identity information if you need it."

In that incident, Xu Mo undoubtedly left a deep impression on Zero One. This young master's different behavior really made her remember. Now that she needs her help, she is naturally actively repaying this kindness.

PS: Full attendance, full attendance and full attendance.

Chapter 502 Qiu Yuelong's Doubts

After a simple communication with Zero One, Xiaosanqian's matter can be considered as a temporary solution.

Zero One was a very professional and loyal retainer. She would not even have any concerns about what Xu Mo asked her to do, nor would she ask who this girl named Sanqian was.

They work secretly for Xu Mo's family. Indeed, it is often inconvenient to use their real identities, so they often do things abroad with their false identities. Three thousand things are solved in this way. Although they are fake, they can be mixed until she follows smoothly. When Xu Mo returned to China, he didn't have to get an inconvenient Japanese household registration.

This temporary identity also had to have a big name. Xu Mo thought about it and let Sanqian follow his surname Xu. Xu Sanqian might not sound very good, but it was her temporary name.

Back in the room, Xu Mo tactfully and Qiu Yuelong expressed that she had solved the matter so that she didn't have to bother to ask the Japanese publishing house.

Although Qiu Yuelong only gave a slight expression on the surface, she was undoubtedly surprised in her heart.

As expected, Teacher Xu is different from other teachers. How much is there in him that he still doesn't know?

Is it really just as simple as an ordinary teacher?No, no... Aunt she must have thought about this when she sent Teacher Xu here?

You can easily get a domestic identity account with just one phone call, so that a slave bought abroad can return to China with his rightful words. That can be in China!

If Teacher Xu really called his friend, who is the boss who is responsible for managing household registration in the public security system?What level is necessary to promise so understatement?

What's more, today when they are fighting against the big tigers, how courageous people must dare to take high risks to help him?

This is too easy.

There are still three thousand.

It seems that when Xu Mo said her household registration status, the smile on her face was even brighter, but Xu Mo was really stuck in front of her too deeply and would not notice such trivial details. It is better to look at her more. A few glances.

A meal just passed.

Xu Mo also had a brief chat with Qiu Yuelong. She is still in the story creation stage, and the completion time is uncertain.

The main reason is that she now sees the case of Xu Mo and Sanqian in front of her, and wants to observe more deeply for a few days before finally choosing the story and inspiration she wants to present.

This is a living source of inspiration.

She wished that Mo, a beast of desire, would do something indescribable to San Qian, and normal people would do that?Acquiring such a beautiful little slave at once will definitely...

If Xu Mo really did this, Qiu Yuelong might even save the process of creating the story. Wouldn't it be beautiful to just paint the real people and things in front of you.

It's a pity that this meal stayed by Xu Mo's side and carefully observed him and Sanqian. In his eyes, there was fanaticism for Sanqian, but there was no taste of lust. It was purely a strong concern, nothing more.

If it weren’t for Xu Mo to be a fan of her, and to talk about those who hide the plot or something, Qiu Yuelong really wants to doubt whether Xu Mo is gay... No way, she used to test Xu Mo’s purpose. When he deliberately made things difficult, Mr. Xu, who was blindfolded, reflected that it was indeed very strong, that is, the feeling of restraining evil fire.

Perhaps because of some doubts in her heart, Qiu Yuelong also made a small gesture in front of Xu Mo to confirm her thoughts.

Qiu Yuelong deliberately threw the chopsticks in his hand near Xu Mo's feet, pretending to accidentally fall and bend over to pick it up.

The home clothes were originally very loose, and for the convenience of Qiu Yuelong, he would not choose a bra when painting, but would choose a lighter bra, so when he deliberately bent over in front of Xu Mo, everything was exposed. .

Qiu Yuelong is absolutely not slutty, she is always dirty.

She did this, not to say that she liked Xu Mo so she didn't mind what happened.

It's just pure and absolute in my heart. Even if it's Xu Mo's words, it doesn't matter if I see it, or in other words, I want to know his reaction after seeing it.

To prove your idea.

Of course, it was only Xu Mo, and only Xu Mo was fortunate enough to get her appreciation and trust.

Even if Sanqian has great attraction, Qiu Yuelong who suddenly bent down in front of him would still be noticed by Xu Mo. Originally, the chopsticks were relatively close to her, making her a girl who was one head shorter than herself. She didn't look like a teacher at all, so she wanted to reach out and help her first.

But in a blink of an eye, I just turned away from Sanqian's body... I saw a pair of white rabbits looming in the tender yellow bras that were completely unfit after bending down.

Xu Mo's hand naturally stopped. This was the most natural reaction of men when they encountered welfare.

If you stop now, won't you see such a beautiful moment?

The young girl's immature bunny can't get tired of seeing it many times.

Full of vitality and youthfulness, at first glance, you can see that it is full of elasticity and very sensitive. The little pink cherry blossoms are even more...

On the surface, Qiu Yuelong just bent down and spent some time picking up the chopsticks and then sat back, and when he sat back, Xu Mo had already made a very calm look, completely without the guilty conscience just now.

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