My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 489

Although Xu Mo doesn't feel inferior, when so many girls have praised this stuff...probably okay?

But as to whether it can successfully attract Qiu Yuelong's attention, Xu Mo didn't dare to pack a ticket.

The active thing was exposed to the air, specifically, it should be not far in front of Qiu Yuelong, Xu Mo looked at her with a slightly embarrassed expression.

If she didn't respond at all in this way... wouldn't it be too shameful?The dignity of a man is gone in an instant!

She said in the message that 36CM can attract her attention and let her escape from such a state, so if she shows it to her and there is no movement, isn't it just being rejected?

A man must never be said to be small easily.

So Xu Mo is a little flustered now.

Staring closely at Qiu Yuelong’s expression, she repeated it over and over again in her heart: "Hurry...hurry up and react!"

As time passed, Xu Mo stood in front of a young girl with something strange, looking very embarrassed.

But the young girl still tremblingly held her paintbrush and continued to curl up there to paint, completely not interested in what was shown in front of her.

She didn't even look at it!

Xu Mo's mentality collapsed in an instant, and the most worrying thing happened!

To be honest, I also know that there are reasons for this result.Qiu Yuelong has always thought that he really has a length of 36cm, but in fact, it is not certain whether the African brother has 36cm or not, let alone Xu Mo, a pure Chinese man.

If the key to awaken her is 36cm in length, Xu Mo really doesn't have it...

It seems that this trick is useless... I should think of something else.

Xu Mo made a small move when he was about to take back the tall and tall thing.

I just played that thing like this. It was purely a habitual and unconscious action. I guess I was a little disappointed in it at that time. I was a little unwilling to lose to 36CM. Lost it?

Of course, it's just going up and down with your hands.

But... actually the effect is outstanding?

When Xu Mo raised his head again to lift his pants to find another way, he actually found that Qiu Yuelong's head had turned to his side!

Although the eyes are still so hollow, at least the attention has been slightly attracted!She has already seen it!


Even Xu Mo himself was shocked. He clearly mentioned half of his pants, with one hand resting on something.

Could it be...

Do not!Yes!Right!

I already felt that taking off my pants in front of my female students to show the original natural beauty of men is already a very abnormal thing.

Now it seems to have developed into a more perverted route!?

Xu Mo knew what she had done just now that made her turn her head—because she accidentally manipulated a certain place just now!

Do the child's eyes grow on his head?Why would she know?Could it be that this is really a natural instinct to this kind of thing, and thus was attracted?

If 36CM doesn't work, just stick it?

Xu Mo stayed where he was, not knowing what to do, let him do things like self-comfort in front of the female was a bit...

To be honest, a bit wretched.

While Xu Mo hesitated, Qiu Yuelong kept staring at him with empty eyes, as if she hadn't got what she wanted to see, so she closed her face back silently, and continued to look at the sketches in her hand.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Xu Mo put his hand on that place again, gently...well, only gently did a movement that boys often do.

As expected, Qiu Yuelong turned her head around again as before, watching Xu Mo's movements with empty eyes.

It seems that this is the case... Xu Mo seems to have found a way to successfully attract Qiu Yuelong's attention.

But it's too trivial!It's so awkward that Xu Mo, an old driver, almost can't stand it. What kind of idiot teacher will be able to comfort himself in front of female students who are demented and unconscious!This is not Lifan!

And even Lifan, this kind of character is not always a nasty-looking character, with a big belly and a shaggy beard, always with dirty saliva and a mouthful of rotten teeth... a bald head, a perfect image!

He is an excellent teacher of the people, and he looks like a gentleman, a talent!

Why should it be aligned with such a role setting!

Xu Mo was desperate, holding on to his forehead, a little bit to cry.

The inner suffering, the guilt of this abnormal thing, on the one hand, the student's precarious body is about to face collapse.

Xu Mo gritted his teeth and made a decision.

As a teacher, you should put students first. This is what I said in the summer. is true. If you don't do this, how will you face summer in the future? How can you tell her that you have become an excellent teacher under her influence?

Therefore, Xu Mo began to completely liberate himself, enter the state, without distracting thoughts... completely empty...

Efforts to forget all the scenes in front of him for a while, and some pictures that he needs now appeared in his mind... he piled up his desires to the highest level, and then released them with his hands.

At this time, Xu Mo was also very surprised. What he thought of was not the small movie scenes like doing things like this in college and high school, but his Nan Bing, elegy, lemon... and even the teacher Liu who just dated , Of course, there is also the dream girl summer.

Thinking of them, I quickly reached the state where I needed to release my desires.

In the next period of time, Xu Mo really...well, did a pervert.

In front of your own students, there may be only one arm's distance away, let yourself be free.

In this state, I have forgotten the situation in reality, and just vent all those things to achieve the purpose of physical pleasure.

Be reasonable, just forget it... it doesn't seem to matter.

However, always take something to follow, such as a paper towel trash can.

No way, pick it up...

Otherwise, it will fly out, which is particularly difficult to clean up. I believe everyone understands this suffering.


That's right, Xu Mo seemed to be too involved and forgot.

With a twitch of his body, the imagination in his mind suddenly became dull, so he also returned to reality.

He opened his eyes slightly tired...I'm done, Qiu Yuelong...How is it?

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