My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 500

At this moment, Xu Mo's phone accidentally fell to the ground, the phone turned on, Xu Mo's attention was drawn to him, and he took a look.

This look is incredible. Just now, Xu Mo had been watching the monitors in Sanqian's room. Before half an hour, Sanqian had clearly fallen asleep on the bed. At this time, Sanqian...

Falling to the ground, a weak look is breathing...

PS: The screw powder is actually quite delicious.

Chapter 535: Three Thousand Crisis

In the dropped mobile phone, I saw 3000 lying on the floor of the room. Xu Mo felt as if he was facing the end of the world. A heart felt like it was about to explode at that moment. There are three thousand things left, the only thing I want... is to come to her right away.

The blood in Xu Mo's body was boiling and surging wildly, and his heart hurts and hurts... as if being held by someone fiercely, like the feeling of seeing Sanqian at first, Xu Mo always feels like himself The bloodline of Sanqian is closely connected, and there is an innate connection and attraction. This connection was thought to be brothers and sisters at first... But now it is clear that this connection is even better than brothers and sisters. It's much deeper.

But now there is no time for him to think about so much. Xu Mo abruptly stood up from the sofa in the box. Such a violent movement directly hit Qiu Yuelong, of course, referring to the two people who had been close to each other. The place, even though they are all wearing clothes, Qiu Yuelong was about to go there just now... Now Xu Mo suddenly stood up like this...

"Ah..." With a soft groan, Qiu Yuelong was wearing her dress intact, but at that moment she was emptied of strength, and everything was poured out... This was the first experience in her life. carefree.

She just felt that after reaching that feeling, she was lying on the soft sofa. When she slowly opened her eyes and looked around after a few seconds, she was the only one left in the box...

Xu... Where's the teacher?

There was no trace of Xu Mo in the room, just a few seconds. The only trace left in the room was probably the phone on the floor.


Xu Mo's body moved on his own, and the blood burst from all over his body urged his body to reach San Qian as quickly as possible.

He himself did not remember the middle process. Only later did he know that in Pattaya that night, there were countless old drivers who gave up their dream of becoming the god of autumn mountains and went home to sell tofu. When asked about the reason, they often would He lifted his head forty-five degrees to look up at the sky and cried silently, and then said: "Have you ever seen...people who drift with both feet?"


When Xu Mo came back to his senses, he was already in Qiu Yuelong's residence. He didn't care about the door of the room he had just kicked behind him, and opened the door of three thousand with the fastest speed.

The moment he opened the door, Xu Mo's heart was cold.

I thought about a glimmer of hope...Is there something wrong with the monitoring screen, or Sanqian just accidentally fell asleep on the ground and happened to let myself see it, not in a coma?

However, in fact, just like what you saw on the mobile phone monitoring screen, San Qian was indeed very weak and fainted on the floor of the room, and made a very painful groan. The situation was very critical.

He quickly picked her up from the ground and put her on the bed, trying to use Bing Qing Jue to alleviate her pain first... Xu Mo could only calm himself as much as possible to face the most critical situation now, otherwise he would panic now. Too much, even Bing Qing Jue can't be used.

A trace of Bing Qing Jue was transported from Xu Mo's fingertips to San Qian's whole body. Xu Mo looked at her carefully... but did not see the slightest change. Bing Qing Jue showed no signs of diminishing her pain.

Now Xu Mo wanted to try his best to calm herself down, but she couldn't do it. He wanted to hold 3000's hand and try to see if the special power in her body could test and see why she happened in just a few hours. This situation.

Xu Mo felt that Sanqian was not an ordinary illness, it was not the kind of cold and fever, it was not appendicitis... but it was probably the same as the scientifically inexplicable things that happened to him... similar.

It can only be said that it is a strong intuition. In this case, it would be a waste of time to send to the hospital, otherwise Xu Mo would have done so long ago and would not panic here.

When I wanted to hold her hand, I realized that Sanqian's hand was stuck tightly for some reason, and I didn't know what was being held. Xu Mo couldn't break her hand like this... I didn't dare to use too much. Her strength hurt her.

However, you can see clearly through the gaps in your fingers. What Sanqian holds in his hands is a red velvet enclosed in crystals. How do you look so familiar...

Xu Mo didn't think about so much free time. Seeing that there is no way to solve the urgent need, and he knows that the situation of three thousand is sent to the best hospital, it will definitely be impossible to find out, so there is only one way, and that is to return to China. !

Now, immediately, immediately!

Go home!

Back in China... Whether it's Ye Elegy or Lemon... Everyone is good, Xu Mo can only pin his hopes on them now.

They are a group of problem girls, and they are also a group of people with magical powers, Xu Mo trusts them.

At this time, they even wanted to put such a critical three thousand hopes of recovery on them.

There is hope when I go back.

Staying here, Xu Mo can't see any hope.

I have to go back matter what method is used.

Xu Mo was already sweating, no matter what, the blue veins on his head were already bulging...The situation of 3000 is now the most important.

Reached out for the phone... but couldn't find it.

By the way... The one who came back just now was too anxious. It seemed that Qiu Yuelong and her mobile phone were placed in the lovers coffee shop.

Xu Mo couldn't wait to slap himself to death, and now he was wasting time at this critical juncture.

When entangled whether to go back and get the phone right away, Qiu Yuelong's charcoal in the snow also came.

She also rushed into the house in a hurry, seeing Xu Mo and San Qian lying on the bed did not say much, took out the phone Xu Mo had just dropped and handed it to him.

Qiu Yuelong is a smart girl. After seeing Xu Mo's mobile phone monitoring screen, she understood something, and immediately greeted a car and returned home.

Although she has many doubts now, it is obviously not the time to ask questions.

"I have to take three thousand back home, you..."

"Don't talk about Teacher Xu, you can call first, I just take my notebook, and I will go back with you."

"Your painting..."

"My life is critical, my teacher has given me a lot of inspiration, here is the same as when I returned to my country to create works!" Qiu Yuelong's eyes were very firm, and after speaking, she hurried upstairs to get her notebook.

Xu Mo's mind was full of thoughts, unable to speak.

Everything, wait until this matter is over, then...

PS: Let’s continue to chapter, I’ll go to the gym first, and then I’ll continue to write another chapter. Don’t worry.

I am attaching a picture, you can feel it yourself.

I have been playing LOL for several years, and I spent one or two hundred to participate in every lottery. After so many years, the lobster finally came out...a ten rounds, one hundred dollars, and just like this.

Very happy, hehe.

Chapter 536: Three Thousand Crisis, Elegy Shot

On the plane flying to China——

This private jet was already flying at the fastest speed. In order to be able to send 3000 back to China at the fastest speed, Xu Mo really exhausted all means.

At the beginning, it was the contact lemon, but lemon's phone call was always unanswered, as if it had been like this since he arrived in Thailand, and I don't know if something happened.

In the end, he got in touch with Zero One, who happened to be carrying his team on missions near Southeast Asia, and arrived without delay after receiving a call from Xu Mo.

The plane was extremely quiet except for the speeding roar of the plane. Xu Mo hugged San Qian, who was still in a coma and pain, and bowed his head without saying a word.

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