My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 502

Then immediately he continued to touch his unconscious three thousand chests, with a solemn expression, and whispered to himself: "This... this is strange. The'qi' on Teacher Mingming is because the day after tomorrow is under the valley. It's an adventure, if it's a brother and sister, why is she also..."

She couldn't help but mutter to herself, although her voice was very small, but Xu Mo could hear it clearly.

The words of the elegy make it hard for him not to care: "Elegy, what are you talking about!? There is an'qi' in Sanqian's body?"

This so-called “qi” is the golden finger that Ye Elegy gave to Xu Mo’s adventure under the valley during his trip to Japan. It seems to be an unknown magical power that exists in Xu Mo but cannot be used freely. I succeeded once when I escaped the valley, but never succeeded again.

It stands to reason that Xu Mo originally thought that he was the only one in the world for this kind of incredible thing.

Ye Elegy feels the same way. She and Xu Mo have experienced that adventure together, so she is very familiar with the feeling of "qi", and she is trying to use her power to enter the three thousand body to test her. When he was in a coma, he once again felt this familiar'qi', which was protecting San Qian's body and even unable to make Elegy successfully detect it.

Otherwise, Elegy would not try to put down his hand several times and raise his hand again, with a puzzled expression.

If it is a brother and sister, Xu Mo got it the day after tomorrow, how could it be possible...

Are all adventures the same as cabbage now?

"Yes, it's exactly the same as the teacher's body. I can't test her body, and'qi' rejected me." Ye Lange replied, and at the same time walked to Xu Mo's side and put his hand on Xu Mo's chest. Shang felt it silently: "Well, it is indeed the same."

Xu Mo was stunned, his doubts were the same as Ye Elegy.

How could San Qian have the same'qi' in his body?

The key is what to do now. Elegy can't enter the body of Three Thousand, so there can be no way to help.

Xu Mo couldn't help walking around the lab anxiously, while still dialing the phone numbers of Lemon and Xu Yan.

There is still no way to connect.

Suddenly I felt that I had accidentally bumped into something under my feet. I looked down. It turned out that it was Lori who had been studying modern'magic spells' for ten thousand years at home. Xu Mo hadn't provided her with so-called energy for a long time. Even though the body continued to shrink a lot, now it has become a five or six-year-old girl.

Since then, she has been staying in the house as an unknown tenant to study with great concentration. Xu Mo, who is quiet and quiet, feels at ease if she doesn't do things.

Xu Mo just remembered that he had instructed to let Elegy carry her over. Until now, although she is a very, very unreliable person, she always has abilities beyond ordinary people, and she might be able to help.

After Lori came here, she seemed to be lying on the ground with a copy of "He Changed the Center", so Xu Mo accidentally hit her.

Having said that, Xu Mo only remembered after seeing her again for a long time, it seems that the troubled girl knows about the valley!

She came from that world!It's called... what is it called vastness!

This guy brags all day that he is the savior of that world's destiny!

She said that the place where Xu Mo accidentally strayed into was the vast world, and the valley was the place where their strong men committed suicide... It was there that Xu Mo gained that kind of magical'qi', and by the way, to survive. After eating the soil (corpse) there, it tastes like chocolate, and now I think of it, I feel nauseous.

All in all, she knows that'gas', right?Let her try?

Xu Mo picked up Lori, who had become a young girl, from the ground, a little surprised her, her long red hair flicked: "Wow!? What are you doing, Xu Mo!? This book "He Has Changed Zhongyu" is the latest magic book I discovered. It seems to have a magical power... I can feel it. It is related to time. It must be time magic! I must study hard! Time magic , That's the secret technique in the secret technique!"

Already used to her radio waves, Xu Mo did not intend to pay attention to what she said, and directly took her to 3000 who was in a coma: "I'll talk about reading later. You can help me see her physical condition first. can heal?"

Loria (young girl state) glanced at Xu Mo with a beaming eyebrow: "So, you hope that I will use magic to help you save the girl in front of you? Then, I think you should say'please'. "

"Hurry up and don't waste time, I'll give you a hundred textbooks (for Lori a magic book) after it's done."

Such a sentence really had an effect. Lori immediately took all the words back. She didn't even ask Xu Mo to say'please', standing on the stool and preparing to approach 3000.

Originally thought it was a small problem, her healing technique was also magical, and it should be no problem to treat a person well, she was very confident.

But when I was standing on a stool close to 3000, I felt very bad.

The expression was the same as Ye Elegy just now, and he suddenly became solemn and serious.

"You...this...Xu Mo, who is she?"


Xu Mo had to explain as quickly as possible. He didn't know why. Everyone looked at Three Thousand's situation. In the end, Three Thousand... could there be hope.

There are so many mysteries on her that Xu Mo has no time to think about it.

I just want her to wake up well, and then ask her well.

"Xu Mo, she... she is probably not your sister. Strictly speaking, she is not a human at all."

PS: I am so helpless too!

Sorry, please give me 12 hours...

Sorry for the laziness these days, or for lack of faith, I am very sorry for everyone.

As a professional author, I have done too much, and I know that no explanation is useful... I am also ashamed.

Calvin cannot be used as a reason, but I am really uncomfortable with the card. I also said in the space that I have been under a lot of pressure recently and I am almost depressed... The reason is that Calvin is too uncomfortable. The reader is anxious and I am also anxious. I can only hold it out at home.

Although I may say nothing now is of no use.

But I am really sorry to everyone.

I am not an unbelievable character. I am really anxious. I don't want to let everyone down, so I just kept silent.

Whether you scold me or say anything, don't involve family members or friends, I will admit it, wrong is wrong.

Even if someone said that my ex-girlfriend was green because of such a personality, I think.


From now on, from 6:30 in the evening to 6:30 in the day.12 hours, uninterrupted codewords, I just sit in front of the computer, 12 hours, how much can I write, it is really stuck, I will not stop.

At least 5 more.

Hope this will calm your anger.

I don't deserve to be understood, but... if it is too poisonous, stop scolding, please.

Chapter 538 The Method of Elegy

"Not a human!?" Xu Mo and the Ye Elegy listening next to them both took a breath at the same time.

What Loria said is really creepy. It's not a person, is it Apiao?

However, Loria also quickly explained what she meant: "I mean, she shouldn't exist in this world, just like me, but a little different from me. Everything in the world , Both were created by the universe. Both you and I are like this. We are called the mother of life. But in this girl, I can't even feel the power of life, as if it appeared out of thin air The same in this world."

"The so-called healing technique is to restore the life force that has been depleted or damaged, but this girl has no basic vitality and is completely useless. And I am also very surprised why she has a vast energy in her body. In our place, every life has the vitality bestowed by the mother of life."

Seeing Loria change her normal state and speak solemnly, not as if she was joking, Xu Mo's heart was even more confused.

No matter who Sanqian is, is there anyone who can save her now?

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