My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 506

It seems that I came here for this reason. I walked into the laboratory and entered the room inside.

The whole process went smoothly and it didn't take more than a minute.

Because if it takes too long, everyone here will probably be suffocated to death by Three Thousand.

She has long hair fluttering, wearing a long skirt, showing a faint smile, the iconic crescent bends and squinting eyes did not fall.

That's right, she is the long-lost dream of Wuge. Xu Mo's mentor during the university, a mysterious woman, first appeared in the lemon chapter, and finally Xu Mo invited her to the school as a psychology teacher but there was no news.

Wu Gemeng walked freely in the solidified space, until she walked to the room and saw the scene of everyone, and the floating three thousand did not stop.

She was not affected by San Qian at all, but she reached out and gently hugged her from the floating state, put it back on one side of the bed, and then swiped her index finger back and forth twice between San Qian's eyebrows-the entire space It turned out to be completely back to normal.

All of them fell to the ground in an instant, and the solidification had been restored, but they had all fallen into a hallucination just now and still couldn't wake up for a while.

Wu Ge Meng didn't make any extra moves. She walked straight to Xu Mo and lifted him from the ground. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, as if she was thinking of some tricky trick, she fiercely put her finger on Xu Mo's forehead. He knocked, and randomly pinched Xu Mo's waist again.

"Eh!" He woke up instantly, the effect was excellent.

However, it is not so easy for Xu Mo to recover. Wu Ge Meng is a woman with many secrets. What kind of skills she used is unknown.

Su wakes up and saw this scene at first sight. The long-lost Wu Ge Meng stood in front of him with squinting eyes and grinning. Xu Mo shouldn't start thinking about where to start.

He doesn't remember what happened just now. How could it be like this when he woke up?Except for himself and Wu Ge Meng, why are everyone on the ground?

correct!Three thousand!?How about three thousand!?

Thinking of this, Xu Mo felt sad again.

Xu Mo ignored the Wu Ge Meng that suddenly appeared in front of him, and first rushed to San Qian to check her condition... Fortunately... Fortunately, he was still breathing now, it was getting weaker and weaker...

Lemon, who was still trying to save 3000, also fell asleep on the ground, Xu Mo wanted to pull them all up...what is going on?

Wu Ge Meng was not as flustered as Xu Mo. She also came to San Qian and said to Xu Mo: "Don't worry, I have relieved her power leakage, and there is no life danger for the time being."

Xu Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief when Wu Ge Meng said this.

"Then... Then what are you?"

"En? I still want to ask you. Last time I was a minor Lori, this time it became like this? Little Mo Moyo, did I teach you this before? You are getting better and better." Wugo Meng quipped and squinted her eyes and said that she was not as solemn as the atmosphere at the scene, but rather relaxed and happy.

"Huh?" Xu Mo didn't understand what the tutor in front of him meant.

"Huh!? Don't you know anything?"

"What can I know? I still want to ask why you are here."

After Wu Gemeng heard it, she held her forehead in a hatred of iron and steel, and pointed to the three thousand who was lying there quietly: "Why should I be here, don't worry about it, you tell I don’t really know that the little girl lying there is your daughter, right?"

And Wu Ge Meng added: "It's still you and your sister's daughter!"

Wu Gemeng’s words were a shot through the heart. Before Lemon and Xu Yan had a series of dialogues and performances, Xu Mo really thought about this terrifying setting in his mind.But everything is too horrifying, and there is no logic at all. If it is true, how can many things be explained?

Is it...really...really?

Even Wu Ge Meng said so now.

"I... why would you say that!?"

"Hey! Don't you know who I am the most? I know everything about this kind of thing as soon as I come here! Even when you and your sister got pregnant, I know everything about her." Wu Ge Meng said it for granted, like'Are you kidding me?'

Only then did Xu Mo realize that Wu Ge Meng has a bad taste and likes to spy on other people's memories... It is not a problem to read other people's memories with her ability.

Is she really teasing herself?really?

This setting is too terrible, Xu Mo really can't accept it, he still wants to struggle.

"Then Sanqian... how do you explain this situation? If this is the case, is Sanqian born a teenage girl?"

PS: The fourth one, it is 3:52 in the middle of the night, and there are two and a half hours, which is still 1 more...

The 542nd chapter governs three thousand (fifth)

Wu Ge Meng continued to hold his forehead, still looking like a hatred of iron and steel, and flicked Xu Mo's forehead with his finger: "Idiot, there is no time in the box I gave you after the Mensa incident ended. Is the machine's record? Who told you to throw it to that little loli without reading it?"

For the next time, Xu Mo was completely confused.

His worldview may have completely collapsed.

Wu Gemeng didn't have so much scruples. Although she didn't know why she suddenly appeared, she still told Xu Mo all the memories she saw.

From how Xu Mo took the medicine and lost his sanity that night, to how he and Xu Yan had a relationship, and even detailed what kind of posture he used... Until Xu Yan found out that he was pregnant and was helpless to find lemon. Asked for help, and when Lemon made a time machine to create Three Thousand, Xu Mo knew all about it.

Even the origin of the name three thousand.

Wu Ge Meng said in detail, but Xu Mo's heart could not be calm.

How do you feel?

Five flavors are mixed... everything.

For a long time, Xu Mo felt that he was not a beast, but a good person.

But he did the most beastly thing to Xu Yan, and let her... let her have three thousand, let her suffer so much by herself during this time...

It turns out that the red velvet in the crystal...that's it.

Xu Yan had to go through what kind of torture before he decided to give birth to 3000.

Xu Mo felt that he was really a complete bastard, a beast.It was the first time that hurt my sister and took away my sister, and it also made her... She has three thousand... Ah!

He wanted to smash his chest with a punch, but was gently pulled by Wu Ge Meng, "Huh? What's wrong? It's not the time to self-mutilate. Actually, you don't have to react so much. Isn't that good?"

"Okay...what's so...not to mention anything else, three thousand's all like this." Everything seemed to fall into despair.

If Sanqian really has three longs and two shorts, when Xu Yan wakes up, Xu Mo really doesn't know how he will face his sister.

I feel that I have made a great sin, and I can't make up for it no matter what.


"Don't worry, what she said is also your child. Tsk tsk... I have to say, Xiao Momo, your genes are too good. Look at your offspring. It's really outrageous to be strong." Wu Ge Meng looked relaxed. Sit there and said.

Xu Mo looked sad, but silently raised his head, not knowing the meaning of Wu Ge's dream.

"This child is really okay. I was born in a daze. In fact, it is not only terrible with high physical fitness, but also inherited your abilities. Whether it is those from the adventures or the hypnosis I taught you, she was born. It can be used handily, and can even be combined to become more powerful, much more powerful than you. She is very smart, knows that her mother misses you and cares about you, deliberately pretends not to speak and runs away. Use this ability to cross the country and try to give yourself I set up a story and came to you to observe you. In the end, if the vitality is not exhausted, I am afraid that this good father will give you a five-star praise.

If this is the case, Xu Mo's doubts can be explained all at once.

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