My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 508

So Lemon... When teaching three thousand common sense every day, she'inadvertently' told her that she still had a'dad'.

Since then, Sanqian has been full of curiosity about this man named'Dad'.

Because she noticed that her mother Xu Yan would occasionally look at her with a strange look, and the feeling that she would soon cry. When she hung the red velvet crystal on her body, it still fell. A tear.

Are you thinking about the person called "Dad"?

After another two days, the information collected by the three thousand brains has almost made her a freshly enrolled elementary school student.

While playing in the back garden of the campus, I saw Xu Mo from a distance in the tree.

Lemon only told her that she had a father, but she didn't say anything about looks.

Sanqian noticed him, it was exactly the kind of blood-connected attraction that he was born with.

The vast crowd of people was attracted by him from a distance, and wanted to follow his trail.

Want to know more about him, want to talk to him, want to contact him, and see what kind of person he is.

There was such an impulse at that moment.

Therefore, that night--

She easily used her innate ability to escape...No, she left Lemon's laboratory.

How can I say that at that time, her thinking ability was at the level of a primary school student who just enrolled in school. Maybe she didn’t care too much, and she didn’t think too much. She just wanted to follow Xu Mo’s trace, and go to see this person next to Xu Mo. That's it.

If it was daytime, she felt that the two mothers would definitely not agree.

After secretly kissing Lemon and Xu Yan, San Qian also embarked on his own bizarre adventure——

PS: I've been waiting for a long time. The protagonist of the extra episode is Sanqian. It is about what happened during the 48 hours she found Xu Mo.

Three Thousand's Bizarre Adventure (2)

Because Three Thousand has such a talent, it is understandable to be able to do many surreal things.

That night, Xu Mo actually went to the sky a long time ago. When 3000 left the Lemon Lab, he had already arrived in Thailand by plane.

Three thousand’s mind at this time is not yet mature. It is a memory that is still absorbing information from the outside world. It is probably instinct that has the upper hand at this time. She does not know where to find Xu Mo but she can perceive which direction Xu Mo is in. , Anyway, just keep tracing the past in that direction.

That's right, but what Sanqian doesn't know seems to be too far away.

After all, it is a distance of a country.

And let alone three thousand is still used to run.

Although the running speed may be a little faster, anyway, the speed of catching up with the moving car is certain.

Three thousand might not know how her body moved and was able to move so fast, the qi in her body was naturally driven, urging her to move towards Xu with a technique similar to light work. Go in the direction of ink.

Although the speed is not comparable to that of an airplane, it is also extremely fast.

Late that night, it is said that many people cultivating immortals at home in the middle of the night saw a figure wearing a skirt floating by the window, thinking it was haunted and scared that they would never dare to cultivate immortals again.

One night, when it was dark, San Qian had already unconsciously followed Xu Mo's direction to the Huaxia border.

Unfortunately, I came to the most dangerous Golden Triangle area.

Probably when the body is automatically'navigated', it uses a theory similar to the shortest straight line between two points to plan the route. The border of the Golden Triangle is indeed the closest place to Thailand.

Just across the river.

The Golden Triangle is definitely the most dangerous area near China’s border and is also a world-famous dangerous zone. The Golden Triangle is a junction of three countries, which is the so-called “anarchy area” which does not belong to the jurisdiction of any government, and because of the land Fertile and suitable for planting, it suddenly became the best drug-growing area in the world. The area where drugs are grown is more than 1 million mu. This small triangular area accounts for 70% of the world's total drug production.

Various drug lord forces in the world have also been stationed here for a long time. There is no law here, and it is their best paradise for breaking the law.The big drug lords here are all of the world-famous level, and they are also fierce and vicious characters. Everyone who does this kind of business has an armed force no less than a small government, and some have even cooperated with other countries The government has a record of openly contending.

A small golden triangle is full of blood and fear, as well as greed and lewdness, of course...and the copper smell of Jinshan Yinshan is indispensable.

A certain drug lord was arrested in front of him, and from the cave under the cottage where he was stationed, how many treasures were dug up.

This is the power of drugs.

The small three thousand, just like this, it is very unlucky to enter here.

In order to find Xu Mo's trail, he didn't even know that he had stepped into the wolf's den.

After maintaining the high-speed movement all night, she felt exhausted even though her physical fitness was against the sky. After all, she was still only a teenage girl.

When I stopped, I saw that there was already a natural scenery that seemed to be harmonious and comfortable.

On the green hillside, looking down, there are a lot of fields. The fields are full of crops, but you can’t see half of the farmers. Everything is so quiet. I don’t even know why birds and birds. Can't hear the voice.

Of course, Three Thousand would not know so much, nor would he care so much.

She is so innocent now, she only knows that she is tired now, can't run, so sleepy and sleepy... I hope to find a comfortable place to sleep.

My beautiful eyes could hardly be opened, and I dragged my body to walk up the mountain. I actually saw rows of small bamboo houses, among which the tallest and most beautiful one attracted the most attention of 3000.

However, there are a lot of dark-skinned, ragged guys walking around with guns... There are totally countless three thousand of them, and I don’t know what trouble it will cause because she just wants to be well. Take a nap.

This house... has a bed.

She seemed to be flying, and jumped up gently, high and light, like an elegy.

Gently jumped into the window of the small bamboo building without being noticed by anyone.

Regardless of what was in the bamboo building, whether there were people or the environment, after seeing a soft and wide bed in the bamboo building...San Qian fell asleep on it.

She also dreamed of Xu Mo, and also of Xu Yan and lemons who had been parting all night.

When Sanqian woke up, it was because of the noisy surroundings.

There were so many adults who didn't know each other around her, she was a little dazed and didn't know what happened.

The skins of these people are wheat-colored in Southeast Asia, and each of them looks fierce and horrible. They are covered with guns and sharp weapons, but they are all a little nervous at this time watching before they just wake up dimly, they are very cute Oriental girl with eyes closed.

It's actually like this--

This is the cottage stronghold of Lin Liang, a famous drug lord in the Golden Triangle. His sphere of influence is not too small, and he controls this mountain and the fields below.

In other words, it is also a big drug lord who is wanted in various countries. Gan Linliang thinks he is also a very high profile person. He is highly placed there. The so-called nationality wanted is an honorable existence for him. The drug lord next door showed off a hundred bloody heads so high that they didn't know where they were.

But this is such a good-faced person who thinks that he is very arrogant. He just went for breakfast early this morning and went back to the room to see that there was an unknown girl on her bed. She slept very well!

What the FUCK!?

And Gan Lin Liang is a person who is careful not to touch women for his own safety. It is impossible that someone will send her a woman for no reason.

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