My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 514

"It seems that you saw something you shouldn't see...but it's okay...whoohoo... let me take a breath, come and take a look at me. That's right, good boy, forget you shouldn't see Things." Wu Ge Meng's ability is so domineering and so rascal, Xu Mo can let her delete things that she shouldn't remember at will.

All the images I saw just now were thrown into the recycle bin.

"Teacher Wu Ge...?" Xu Mo was a little confused, suddenly wondering what happened just now.

"She's okay...Remember what I just said to you, I'll take a break first." Wu Ge Meng is no longer in the state that Xu Mo saw just now. She is still young and beautiful now, and the royal sister is full of fan. , But his expression was a little tired, he lay down on the chair and buried his head.

"Thanks for your hard work..." Xu Mo thanked Wu Gemeng sincerely.

Although Wu Ge Meng bury his head on the back of the chair and didn't speak, he still reached out and made an'ok' gesture, which was regarded as answering Xu Mo.

I couldn't wait to come to San Qian, holding her hand, no longer cold, warm and warm, representing healthy vitality.

Although she was still asleep, she didn't have the painful expression on her face. On the contrary, she slept very peacefully and naturally. Even when Xu Mo ran to hold her hand, she smiled slightly.

Xu Mo just stayed beside San Qian, enjoying such a moment.

It's amazing... He never thought that the day he would have children.

Although I have never experienced this process from infant to growing up, flesh and blood are flesh and blood after all.

What is connected is not only identity, but also blood.

She was safe and sound, and Xu Mo's heart was mostly settled.

Xu Mo felt that this decision had no regrets for leaving her. Although it was said that it was also for Xu Yan, it was actually for himself.

A good daughter is in front of her. Since she has been born, why should she disappear.

Xu Mo couldn't bear it.

Maybe this is fatherly love?

Looking tenderly at her sound asleep, it really has a healing effect.

No wonder... No wonder she looks like Xu Yan, but I didn't expect... Um... yes.

Thinking of this, Xu Mo smiled bitterly.

"That, I said..." Wu Ge Meng is still lying on the chair, but now he can talk.

"Do you really want to continue to pretend to sleep? You are not going to tell him something? I'm tired and need a rest. I won't disturb you. Hurry up, or it will be too late."

Wu Gemeng's words made Xu Mo a little confused, who was she talking to?

When Xu Mo was puzzled, Xixi Suosuo's voice came from behind, and one of the unconscious people slowly got up.

It's Xu Yan.

She pursed her mouth and looked at Wu Ge Meng who was lying there with her heart, clutching the arm of her other hand, somehow she said the first sentence.

Did not dare to look at Xu Mo.

Wu Ge Meng did not disturb them. She knew that Xu Yan was awake and had been lying there pretending to be unconscious.

For Xu Mo's sake, she created a chance for them to communicate.

Otherwise, as she said, maybe there will be no chance after this.

why?The answer is written in Xu Mo's heart.

"Your sister's mental strength is not bad..." Wuge Meng finished speaking, and went to'rest' again.

PS: 2 more delivered, went to bed, hum!

Chapter 545 is no longer brother and sister

Xu Mo trembled and turned around. Xu Yan was indeed standing behind him, but he did not look up at him. He was holding the other arm with one hand, as if he was afraid of something.

Xu Mo was the same. Although he had thought about it in his heart, he was not ready to face Xu Yan.

He didn't know what to say or how to do.

Why is Xu Yan actually pretending to be asleep?He never noticed, if it weren't for Wu Ge Meng to say something like this, he didn't know when she was going to pretend to sleep.

Although both of them stood up, there was no movement, which seemed a little embarrassing.

Perhaps it was because the mental power was relatively good, or the fluctuations that he had just received were relatively small, Xu Yan actually woke up just now.

I wanted to get up, but found that everyone around him was lying down, except for Xu Mo, there was a strange woman.

She had met this person, had investigated during Xu Mo's college, she was the closest person to Xu Mo's college, a psychology tutor with a normal background.

After listening to the conversation between the two of them from beginning to end, the wise Xu Yan knew the general situation, but she didn’t care about it. She only cared about how her daughter’s situation was. Human dialogue is because she really doesn't know how to face Xu Mo.

After hearing Wu Ge Meng tell Xu Mo the truth, her heart was completely squeezed, and Xu Mo's silence and panic made her suffer extremely.

He knows, he still knows...

But hearing Xu Mo's reproach and regret for herself, she felt another feeling in her heart.

It was very complicated, and she dared not stand up to face it.

When Wu Gemeng gave Xu Mo two choices, Xu Yan's heart beat even faster than Xu Mo.

Xu Mo's choice is actually related to his views on Sanqian.

If he really can't accept this fact, and doesn't accept the existence of Sanqian... you can choose the first option, let Sanqian become a fertilized egg, and then pull yourself to an abortion~that's it.

But Xu Mo didn’t. As a man, he wanted to take all the responsibilities in the face of this fact... In fact, three thousand people originally wanted to be born, and had nothing to do with him. Xu Mo was great. It doesn't have to be this way.

Xu Yan was really moved by that choice.

If Xu Mo really chooses the first one, she really doesn't know what to do.

And it can be seen that Xu Mo's love for San Qian's daughter, although I don't know how San Qian went to Xu Mo and how they got along these days, isn't this exactly the same warm picture in her dream?A family of three, full of fun...

My eyes couldn't help but peek while pretending to be asleep, and when Wu Ge Meng performed hypnotism, she showed a nervous expression like Xu Mo. Although she was lying on the ground, she was already sweating behind her back.

When Wu Ge Meng said that San Qian was safe and sound, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But... the kiss that really hit her already riddled heart was the kiss after Xu Mo calmed down.

Three thousand, Xu Mo gently kissed her face, it was the most intimate way to express love to her daughter.

But the kiss that came in front of Xu Yan didn't hesitate... a deep kiss on his lips.

Maybe others don't know what this means, but Xu Yan can feel it physically, very clearly.

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