My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 516

It seemed that there was silence for a while, but Xu Yan still nodded in the same way: "Well... it doesn't matter if you forget, all can be restored to peace..."

But he also showed a look of regret: "It's a pity now... I think it was when I was happiest... I couldn't remember. Then... I'll take another look at Three Thousand, okay?" Xu Yan finished , But didn't dare to let Xu Mo look at her expression at this time, and quickly turned his head, wanting to walk beside San Qian.

How could Xu Mo bear such an answer.

Xu Mo already understood all of her suffering.

People who are against the sky have nothing to fear.

Xu Yan just turned around and wanted to leave, when Xu Mo behind him tightly pulled his arm.

Xu Mo pulled her closer and pressed a kiss on her forehead softly.

The warm touch made Xu Yan gradually calm down. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, not only the eyes, but also the heart that was trembling with the original chaos was completely clear and calm.

Seeing her lips that were so lustrous that they were about to drip, Xu Mo continued to kiss her softly after a little hesitation.

Xu Yan's mind was dumbfounded, and after reacting, a heart was already beating wildly, he closed his eyes tightly, and didn't dare to look at Xu Mo's face again.

Xu Mo's initiative when he was sober also represented an answer.

Perhaps, such forgetting happiness is only short-lived.

Or maybe, since I have to forget, then... even happier.

"I will do it." Xu Mo slowly left her lips, staring at her with deep black eyes, as if some indescribable light flashed, "Although forgotten, you and Sanqian will be more than now. happy."

"I will like you and fall in love with you, not between brothers and sisters, but between men and women. I will actively pursue you... We will be happier."

With Xu Mo's sincere words, Xu Yan's face was already soaked with tears...

When she wanted to cry, her warm lips were already covered.

Her lips are unusually shiny and sweet, and there is a special feeling. Xu Mo is not the first time kissing, but she has never felt this way before. Kissing her sweet lips, the tip of her nose floats over her body, sweet but not greasy. Xu Mo only felt that his self-control, as if he might lose control at any time.

Subconsciously hugged the person in her arms tighter, gently pried open her teeth, and kissed deeply...

For a long time, the lips are divided.

For the first time, Xu Yan was so overwhelmed by the gentleness of the person he loved, and now he was dizzy. He wanted to cry but didn't dare to look at his face.

I don't know what to do, his ears are burning with shame, so I can only put my head on his chest to calm my heartbeat.

After a long, long time, Xu Yan said, "In the future...will you kiss me actively like this?"


"I like...this feeling."

"Me too..."

"Xu Mo."


"I like you."

"me too."


As Xu Mo planned, as a man, he had to get rid of their pain and sadness and shoulder the responsibility alone.

It's the same with Xu Yan's promise.

Everyone forgot about this incident during this time, and life returned to peace.

Wu Ge Meng would perform such hypnosis for everyone except Xu Mo.

And at the end, Xu Yan was the only one who remained awake, but she was really calm when she was hypnotized, wiped away the tears on her face, and kept smiling.

Before falling asleep, those eyes stayed on Xu Mo's body, never moved away for more than half a second.

Xu Mo also took her hand and stayed with her throughout the process.

Until the hypnosis was completed, she fell asleep.

In fact... Xu Mo would feel regretful in his heart for such a result.

But for their good, this is the best result.

Next, Wu Ge Meng, according to Xu Mo's thought, made them forget what they should forget.

Bring them where they should be, and you're done.

When leaving the Lemon Lab, Xu Mo still did not forget to return the three thousand red velvet sewn into the crystal, and pulled out the velvet again, biting his hand and bleeding, again. After dyeing the red velvet, the color of the blood is a bit darker than before, but it is very cleverly integrated, and the color is more beautiful.



Whether it’s Xu Yan or three thousand daughters.

Xu Mo clenched his fists, he would be better, and future happiness would come.

Life has returned to peace, but it is not peaceful.

PS: This article is over, and the next chapter starts to return to the transitional daily chapters. If you like to hear and hear, there will be undeniable and old driver teaching time.Then I will respond to the explanation in this article. Anyway, I don't like depressed or bad endings when I write books, and I don't like feeding shit to readers. Don't worry.Do you think... Xu Yan really forgot everything?Don't forget her setting at the beginning, wow khaka.

Chapter 547 Follow-up Events

Just like the plot reset in the game, Wu Ge Meng easily achieved all this.

They have forgotten what they should have forgotten in their memories, or made some reasonable changes and adjustments. This professional Wu Ge Meng did it perfectly.

apart from……

That night, Lemon had a snack and was sitting in front of the computer doing research on the data. From time to time, he walked to the three thousand people who was learning to use the mobile phone next to Xu Yan and looked at the two of them with a very suspicious look.

I just remember that the feeling of waking up to work after a nap in the evening has always been weird, especially the memory of the past few days seems a bit strange, there is a chaotic feeling in my mind, I can clearly remember that I have been experimenting and Xu Yansanqian, mother and son, have a normal daily life together, but they always feel... very strange.

After all, it is Lemon. What is different from others is her powerful brain cells. Perhaps because of this reason, she still has such a residual feeling after being modified by Wu Ge Meng.

And I don't know why, I always want to see if Sanqian is in the laboratory well. Every time I go and see that she is all right, I feel relieved.

What's wrong with yourself?Isn't it too scared?Lemon himself finds it strange.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yan also noticed that Lemon was behaving a bit abnormally, and turned his head to ask.

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