My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 518

After the incident was over, Xu Mo was relieved for a few days.

However, it seems that it is rare to have a rest these days. After all, there are really many things left for him to do, and the guilt of the confidantes for many days makes it difficult for him to relax alone.

I woke up early in the morning and wanted to make them a rare breakfast, but there was already a figure in a maid costume standing in the kitchen at this point.

I don’t know when Xu Mo even used his most proud cooking and housework skills. Thanks to the diligent and capable Xiao Jiu who came to the house, he really helped himself a lot, otherwise. For a family of children, it would be really hard to do it alone.

Since Xiao Jiu came back from home, she didn’t feel as innocent and flawless as before. How can I put it... After all, after receiving such special training, she is no longer an ignorant little girl. She also understands everything about sleeping in. It's normal to know that you are shy.

However, Xiao Jiu deliberately avoided Xu Mo, and Xu Mo could see it.There was some doubt at first, but after learning about Xu Yan's incident, Xu Mo realized that there was a reason for Xiao Jiu's reaction, and she also knew what happened that night.

Maybe you still dare not face yourself?

"Come on, I'll cut this one." Xu Mo walked straight to Xiao Jiu who was preparing breakfast, and directly took the onion she was about to cut.

When I took it, I happened to touch her hand. If it was before, Xiao Jiu might just smile and feel nothing, but Xiao Jiu’s reaction is now bigger...


Obviously there was nothing in the vegetable washing pool, Xiao Jiu stood there for a long time, so he had to pick up the vegetables that had just been washed...wash it again!

Seeing her absent-mindedly, Xu Mo was also a little embarrassed.

Can’t keep doing this...

Xu Mo also noticed that Xiao Jiu's fingers were tied with two band-aids, which should have been accidentally scratched during cooking recently.

It hurts a little... but it is true that she seems to be in a state of unconsciousness.

Last night, I just saw the rabbit Xiao Jiu feeds her before going to bed. Sitting there as if thinking about something, the leaves in his hand kept stuffing the rabbit's mouth.

If it weren't for Xu Mo's quick reminder, otherwise the poor little rabbit would be alive...and he would have to be sent to Lori to be resurrected again.

This is not like something the capable Xiao Jiu will do.

Are you still bothered by what happened that night?

It seems that I have to find a time to have a good chat with her, I can't keep doing this, hurting myself, but making myself more distressed.

The breakfast, which was a bit embarrassing, was finished, and Xiao Jiu only eased a little bit until everyone came over for breakfast one after another.

After breakfast, only Xu Mo and Xiaojiu were left in the kitchen.

Every time Xiao Jiu takes over all the work of washing dishes after everyone’s meal, although Nan Bing and the others will often say that they want to help her, Xiao Jiu cleverly said: "This is my job." , Leave it to me."

"I'll wash this bowl." Xu Mo said as he walked towards the sink.

Hearing the sound of Xu Mo walking slowly, Xiao Jiu trembled like a little rabbit who was disturbed by a beast, and looked very weak.

I can hardly hold the tableware in my hand.

Not dare to see Xu Mo hesitated and replied: "I...don't use the master, this is what I should do...I am a maid, and my job is to serve you and the can you do it... …"

In fact, after experiencing Xu Yan's affairs, Xu Mo has also grown up, or completely awakened.

Facing the feelings of women, he no longer has any hesitation and withdrawal. As long as it is acceptable, he can now face it and accept it boldly.

Because, I really don't want to have a second Xu Yan like that.

I am really sorry for her.

To be honest, Xu Mo knew very well in his heart that Xiao Jiu was Xu Yan's personal maid after all, and she had already undergone such special training for sleeping in bed...Sooner or later, she was her own.

Maybe after awakening like this, the whole person has become a little more manly?

Xu Mo directly took Xiao Jiu's right hand strongly and brought the band-aid-wrapped finger in front of him for a closer look.

The soft hands that were supposed to be young girls' young age are obviously much drier than their peers, and there is a tendency to grow calluses at any time, and there are some traces of wear in the past...not to mention fresh wounds on two fingers .

Xu Mo really feels distressed. It is one thing for a girl of this age to be hardworking and capable, but it is true that such labor will make her hands more and more worn out.

Which girl doesn't care about her appearance?

"Young Master..." After being touched by Xu Mo's body, holding hands tightly, Xiao Jiu's mind is full of the H plot of Wanhua Jing 4 just played last night.

If it really would you face the lady?

"Look, your hands are like this. Don't try to be aggressive. Recently, be careful when holding a knife. Don't play games all night. If you feel tired, take a rest. Nan Bing and I are also very willing to help you. Share housework."

Xu Mo did say this sentence seriously, and hoped to tell her seriously.

Listening to Xu Mo's words, Xiao Jiu clearly couldn't do it in a panic...but serious words felt gentle like water, enveloping her heart, and if he was very happy that Young Master could care about herself like this.

It was just a weird thought. She knew that her hands were not very good-looking right now, and she had resistance in her heart, and she didn't want to let Xu Mo see the bad things.

I couldn't help but feel a little red on his face: "I...I...thank you Master...I can."

Xiao Jiu liked it, but didn't dare to really like it. Although Xu Yan said yes... but she knew what she did that night, the young lady is now the young master's person... how can she be with the young master again...

The messy relationship made the girl a little dizzy.

Thinking she still didn't want to, Xu Mo had another idea.

I made a direct call and asked the nearby electrical mall to deliver two electrical appliances to the door within an hour.

Intellectually took the two pieces of goods to Xiaojiu and showed them to her, telling her: "Xiaojiu, this is the sweeping robot you just bought. You won't have to do it by yourself in the future. You don't have to do it by yourself when you open it. It will automatically sweep the floor and mopping the floor, which is very good. And this dishwasher, don’t wash it by hand in the future. Throw the bowl into the machine and it will be cleaned soon."

When Xu Mo did this, he actually wanted Xiao Jiu to reduce her workload a little, and to minimize the damage to her hands.

But Xiao Jiu's reaction...but tears were falling, she looked at Xu Mo if she was about to cry.

PS: There is one more late, everyone open the bookshelf and look at the cover of the first book. I'm doing something, hahaha.

Chapter 549 Give her nine tenths

Why... why are you crying?

Xu Mo was a little bit at a loss. He thought she would be happy to see these, but she didn't expect tears to come down her eyes, and the aggrieved appearance aroused distress.

"Eh eh eh! What's the matter? Xiao Jiu? Don't cry." Even if you can now face the girl's feelings bravely, Xu Mo will still be helpless if you make the girl cry. I don't know how to appease.

Besides, he really didn't understand why Xiao Jiu wanted to cry.

Xiao Jiu was extremely aggrieved and grabbed the skirt of her maid outfit, looking at the sweeping robot and fully automatic dishwasher Xu Mo piled on the floor.

The tears that were still rolling in the eye sockets could no longer be held back, and began to fall down.

"Master...I think I didn't clean enough...Is the dishes not clean enough?..."

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