My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 524

The meeting time was at noon, in the backyard of Xu Mo's house.

Nan Bing took Xiao Jiu out to buy new clothes. Lori and Wu Ge Meng were locked in the room and did not come out, only Elegy and Xu Mo were left.

Xu Mo prepared lunch, wearing an apron around his waist. While placing the dishes on the dinner table, he shouted at the elegy outside the glass door: "Elegy, the meal is ready, finish it quickly and eat."

Elegy smiled at Xu Mo and nodded.

The two obviously didn't take their opponents seriously, and this dish could end the battle if it was not cold.

When the agreed time came, a vigorous figure fell from the tree in the backyard, with a pigtail in an ancient style, wearing a black exercise suit, and falling in front of the elegy as light as a swallow.

A chic debut, very decent, not bad.

"In Xia Hua Batian, please enlighten me from Miss Ye Jia! If I win today, I will ask Miss Ye Jia and I to become a lifelong partner and support each other."

Xu Mo was relaxing watching the play while drinking the freshly made lemonade, and the water in his mouth spurted out as soon as the other party appeared.

Not because of the other person’s ridiculous name, but because of the other person’s appearance, state, and voice...

The charm of elegy is so great?Even women come to her for a kiss?

Yes, that’s right. Although the opposite guy deliberately tied up his hair to make it neutral, and seemed to wrap his chest in cloth, Xu Mo is not blind, he is a male or female, look at his face. You can see it by looking at the body skeleton, and it looks pretty!

Men do not have such a small body, estimated to be about 1.5 meters, and the voice is particularly slender, it is obvious that it is deliberately thick.

When I was a child, when I watched costume films, there were often female characters pretending to be men, and no one in the film could see that they were women, but the audience knew it at first glance!There are wood!It's really obvious, sometimes the character is shocked and said: "How do you see that I am disguised as a man?"

Wow, you can tell at a glance!

Although this'brother' has a fierce expression, his eyes seem to be looking straight ahead with two sharp swords, but... is it hot?His whole body was sweating profusely, and his snow-white skin was flushed red by the noon sun.

It seems miserable...Could it be that after sending the challenge book, you have been hiding in the backyard tree?Nowhere to go?

So miserable...

Obviously, the elegy was also seen, a little dazed, and he was planning to shoot the opponent flying with a palm.

"The Hua are the eldest granddaughter of the Hua family, Huali, you and I are both women, how to be a partner, don't be kidding, go back soon." Elegy thought for a while, pulling out such a person from memory .

In my impression, this ancient Wuhua family had no male heirs at all, just an eldest granddaughter named Huali, not Huabatian.

"I'm a man! Man! How about a man!? It's just that I'm naturally white, but I am a thorough man, don't underestimate me!"

Hua Batian (suspected Huali) was extremely emotional after hearing this.

Pass out brightly and hotly, really...

Xu Mo was full of black lines, watching the play a little speechlessly.

She seems to have a guilty conscience, and she feels uncomfortable facing the doubts of the elegy. She clearly dressed up and practiced for a long time when she went out. She carried the hope of the whole family on her back. The family members said that An could distinguish her. Are male and female!what happened!?

As she looked around, she saw Xu Mo watching the play.

PS: It turned out to be called Heihu Afu...I changed it later, 23333333.

Chapter 555 Elegy is very angry

The expression of her guilty conscience is to transfer the object of vent to Xu Mo's body.

Rumor has it that Miss Ye Family’s unmarried partner is a mortal person, not a member of the surviving Guwu family, and that is an ordinary person!?

Ye family is so depraved, so disgusting!

Huali was really angry. They were struggling to survive. Ye Jiaran left behind the spirit of the proud martial artist, succumbed to money, and was with a rich ordinary person.

Looking at the beautifully decorated big house in front of me, the freshly decorated courtyard, and the glass that I threw with all my strength in the morning, even though I couldn't move the knife... It must be expensive!

Growing up in such a strange environment, her concept of money was as distorted as Elegy at the beginning. She clearly needed money, but hated it.

He even hates the rich.

It was this man who made the Ye Family so depraved.

It was this man who prevented her from getting married with Miss Ye Family.

Obviously he didn't understand and communicate much, but Huali now hates Xu Mo to the extreme, and his expression is like she wants to take Xu Mo alive.

Xu Mo was obviously a melon-eating crowd beside him, but he was stared at him viciously as if he had been diverted from the firepower target. He was super fierce and felt very innocent.

What is this kid doing?

Not to mention that women pretending to be men are so obvious, they seem to be sixteen or seventeen years old...Is the Guwu family all mixed up so miserably?Even girls of this age have to come out for the family's livelihood... to snatch relatives?

Huali stared at Xu Mo fiercely, with a guilty conscience in her mouth, pointing to Xu Mo in order to divert the topic that she was a woman, and said, "Miss Ye Jia, I didn’t expect that you were born in a dignified Ye family and gave in to the money. For those who practice martial arts, is there only this kind of willpower? It seems that I really want to bring you back on the right path. I am so immersed in the paper, I believe that your martial arts must have regressed a lot, let you see today I, who study hard every day, have much more power than you!"

Originally, when she put the cruel words here, the elegy still seemed a little indifferent, and it didn’t matter at all. Anyway, she could solve the battle in a very short time, but the following words, the elegy...

"Wealthy people are wolves, tigers and leopards, snake-hearted, and money is never known from where they are exploited. Rich people should rob the rich and help the poor. They are all villains who are rich and unkind and admire vanity. Look, this man What's better except a bit of vulgar wealth? As a man, there is no mighty masculinity at all, his eyes are muddy, Qi is weak and sickly. He has a gray face, roe-headed rat eyes, three-pointers like people, and seven-pointers like ghosts. Ye The eldest lady should change her mind soon, stay away from this filthy person, and reconnect with me for life."


Xu Mo was really stunned by it. Let's not say that this child is pretty good-looking but it is really unreasonable to scold him, but is it true that people who want to complain about martial arts are all learning idioms solitaire?This curse idiom is really used one by one, without duplicates.

Although she didn’t agree with what Xu Mo said, she also felt that the scolding was totally unreasonable and had nothing to do with herself, so she didn’t feel angry at all, but she still admired the ability of this idiom. From the perspective of a teacher if.

Sometimes it’s good to be a little confident, and you won’t feel angry when you get scolded.

And I think her language score must be very good!

But Xu Mo clearly felt that the elegy not far away had changed drastically.

The scolding is obviously himself, but the elegy... seems very angry and angry.

Xu Mo could obviously feel the violent aura emanating from the silent elegy from the air around him.

Elegy has always been a very gentle and considerate character. When have you seen her angry like this?It was in time to face her grandpa who had a holiday with her, or to face her Nan Bing who was NTR in person at the beginning... She did not act as angry as she is now.

If a person is generally angry, it is manifested in appearance, which is easy to see.

But the elegy of this matter seems to have reached a certain critical point, becoming silent, invisible from the outside... but I can feel the horrible feeling, making my whole body tremble involuntarily.

She is very angry, so angry!

In a short sentence, the elegy turned into this...

Xu Mo thought about the reason.

Is it because Huali scolded herself?

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