My student is not a problem

My Student Is Not a Problem Girl Chapter 527

Huali is full. In her life, from birth to now, she has not eaten enough. Today is the first time that she has experienced this kind of'not hungry' feeling.

Even when I drank mother’s breast milk as a baby, I never drank enough.

She has always felt that she is a little different from others, is she having too much appetite?Because the whole family didn't call hungry, she felt hungry all day long. She just didn't want to tell the difference between herself and others, so she silently endured it. Over time, she became accustomed to being hungry.

The meal of green vegetable porridge every night is the happiest moment of her day.

She didn't know anything about what she ate just now, nor did she have eaten anything...but it was so delicious, the chopsticks couldn't stop at all, she just wanted to put them all in her belly.

It's good to have money, and such a sigh also appeared in my proud heart.

So envious, so jealous.

She really wants to eat this kind of food every day, and... how many meals a day can she eat?More than one meal?

Anything is fine, as long as you have enough food.

Sitting at the dinner table, Huali still forgot his current situation at this moment, and still lingered in the delicacy just now.

Chewing lightly with the tip of the tongue, and even recalling the feeling just now, is intoxicating.

Hmm... The white, sticky thing just now has a full taste, melts in the mouth, and has a long aftertaste...

"Why did she eat that big plate of salad dressing for the cutlet..." Xu Mo asked Ye Elegy beside him in a low voice.

Ye Diane shook her head, she also felt incredible.

The same Guwu family, the Ye family is still a little more modern, and the Huali family really seems to be isolated from the world. You can use three idioms to describe a salad sauce.

Huali recovered, watching Xu Mo and Ye Diele sitting across from her, looking at her with a strange look, only then did he realize that he was embarrassed just now and was a little at a loss.

Damn...what should I do now?Obviously it is a hostile relationship, but because of the short hand, I have to say that I was treated well.

There is no money to spend.

People of the rivers and lakes pay attention to the kindness of a dripping water when the spring is in return, and they value love and righteousness.

But how much can I pay for such a delicious meal?

If this kindness can't be repaid, how can this continue to rob Ye Elegy with the hateful...seems not so hateful?

This meal actually captured the girl's heart easily, but unfortunately it didn't mean that it was sublimated to the direction of men and women, but it only slightly increased the favorability.

After knowing that Xu Mo made all the delicious food on the table just now, Xu Mo looked like a tender and juicy human-shaped self-propelled steak in front of her.

Everyone seemed to be thinking about something, Huali was thinking about how she would take the elegy back logically. She hadn't given up yet, and she could not give up the future destiny of the whole family.

The elegy was thinking about how much Huali would spend on such a big meal.

"Have you eaten?" Xu Mo broke this calm.

"...Thank you for the hospitality, count me as a flower... Hua Batian owes you a favor, and he will surely repay you in the future. A gentleman is hard to follow, and this matter will never deceive you. But you must be principled in doing things Back to one size. Miss Ye, I must take it away today."

Huali turned over with a lightness of 180 degrees and stood directly on the chair, making a seemingly chic gesture to conceal her lack of self-confidence at this time. After saying this sentence, she looked at the elegy. I even wanted to tremble a little bit.

Xu Mo didn't care what she said, it was impossible to have an elegy in what she wanted to do.

But she is really curious, why she is so persistent in trying to bring the elegy back under such unfavorable conditions when facing someone who is impossible to challenge.Did she forget the scene in the yard just now?Unless she is a goldfish.

Could she be a fool?Probably not. After all, I am full of idioms. If I study Chinese, my grades should be pretty good.

"So, what is your purpose for taking her away?" Xu Mo asked.

"That's still useful, naturally I got married with Miss Ye!"

"I know, what do I mean after getting married?" Xu Mo had actually inadvertently put a little hypnotic suggestion on Huali in front of her. Her spirit had been defeated when she faced the elegy just now, so in When inquiring, she added a little hint to let her say the reason for the matter'naturally'.

Hua Li didn't know what was going on, how could this kind of thing be honestly said, it was related to the whole family, and this person was still a hostile opponent.

But... I just couldn't resist Xu Mo's inquiry, so I wanted to tell him everything.

There seemed to be a voice in my heart that kept hinting at her, telling Xu Mo it didn't matter, maybe it could help her.

Therefore, Hua Li obediently told the story.

"After we got married, we can rely on Ye's family to help us at least with regard to food issues. It turned out that everyone can eat at least one meal a day, but since my mother got sick, she needed to buy medicine, so the family I sold all the food reserves to buy medicine. Although my mother’s illness took the medicine and soon healed a lot, but the family couldn’t get rid of it, and everyone hadn’t eaten for two days. My mother’s illness was because everyone helped me, so , I also want to help everyone. In any case, I want to marry Miss Ye."

It's obviously such a sad thing that even Xu Mo and the elegy felt blocked when they heard it, but it was said from the person's Huali's mouth, but there was not much emotion.

Still strong, because Huali also knows that excess sadness and tears will not help her family.

Especially the elegy, Xu Mo also noticed that this incident was very similar to what she had experienced before, and she must have felt the same.

The mother of Elegy, because of the money problem... left.

Fortunately, Huali's mother recovered after taking the medicine.

"...A few years ago, the Hua family was also a prominent family. The ancestors must have left the money to use at a critical moment. Why didn't you take this money out?" This is an elegy, otherwise Xu Mo will not. Know that there is such a thing.

If this is the case, wouldn't the matter be solved?

"Yes, the ancestors left a silver ticket of one hundred taels of gold. When the mother had an accident, I used it. But I don’t know why. No one wants to collect it wherever I go. I was even made fun of and couldn’t exchange it. Money comes to alleviate the urgent need."

"Silver ticket!?" Xu Mo was stunned for ten seconds when he heard this word.

Silver ticket, which thing was used in Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty?

No wonder people don't accept it.

The ancestors of the Hua family were really far-sighted. They didn't leave real money, and helped the future generations to save the money, which became a silver ticket.

But...Hundreds of years have passed, and this banknote is a piece of waste paper.

PS: Well, reserve harem +1, Huali still has a big role, which will be announced in the next chapter.

The 558th chapter jade reappears

If this is the case, then it is not unreasonable for the other party to treat the flower family who took out the bank notes in exchange for money as mental patients. Everyone would think so.

I really want to know what the bank staff look like when they see the other party pull out a silver note that has been sealed for three or four hundred years.

Those who don't know thought that the other party came through.

Anyway, it's not uncommon to cross something now.

The elegy should be the softer part of my heart that was touched by this incident, and his expression was a bit trance.If it weren't for their Ye Clan's ability to accept some outside disciples, perhaps it would be as depressed today.

Those Guwu families who wanted to marry her were really pitiful.

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